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Notion/The Idea of Progress

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Notion/The Idea of Progress
Message de lucille posté le 04-05-2018 à 15:48:22 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai tapé le script de la notion The idea of progress pour mon bac, mais je n'ai pas pu me la faire corriger.
Si quelqu'un a un peu de temps pour me répondre, pour donner son avis... cela m'aiderait énormément.
Merci d'avance !


First of all, I’d like to give a definition of the idea of progress. So, the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. This advance, which contributes to making the world a better place, can be technological, like technologies to slow down climate change such as hybrid cars, and advances in communications such as the internet and mobile phones. But it can also be a scientific improvement, medical advances, cloning and genetically modified organisms for example, and finally a social change, as improvements in the quality of life such as education, freedom and minority rights. I’ll present this notion by focusing on the topic of the coming of sound in Hollywood. Filmmaking isn’t only an artistic enterprise, it’s also a technological enterprise. The cinema is an industrial art because the art itself evolves as the machines change.
Concerning this theme, the main question can be the following : Was the coming of sound a new artistic tool or a new challenge for actors and filmmakers ? I will take several extracts from Singin’in the rain, a film studied in class and Charlie Chaplin's films to illustrate my arguments.

We cannot deny that sound was a new challenge for actors and filmmakers. So, firstly, not all silent stars became sound stars because of their voices. In Singin’in the rain, the extract in which the diction coach teaches the leading lady to articulate and improve her diction perfectly illustrates the difficulties experienced by some silent stars to ajust to talkies. Moreover, as the cameras made noise, they shouldn’t be picked by the mikes and they were also stuck in one place without much ability to move. So film directors were more restricted from an artistic point of view. Besides, through the filming scene of The Duelling Cavalier, we can see the technological difficulties faced by actors and filmmakers. The microphone, which had to be hidden in the set, was one of them. Furthermore the scene of the premiere of The Duelling Cavalier reminds us that the industry badly needed good screenwriters, because some lines of the screenplay are unimaginative and grotesque. At the time, sound was revolutionizing the industry but it was still an imperfect technology.

New technologies present new challenges to artists but also new tools. Originally reluctant to sound, Charlie Chaplin admitted that « it makes the character more present » in his autobiography. Sound also reinforces the illusion on which the cinema is based. A good example of this argument is the Charlie Chaplin’s movie named Modern Times. The sound allows us to be immersed in the world of film. This is especially effective for action and gangster movies, which have become increasingly popular since the coming of sound in the cinema. Moreover, the sound helps to convey a stronger message. In the Great Dictator’s speech, Charlie Chaplin denounces and warns us against the Nazi totalitarianism and the sound reinforces his humanist message. It touches us more than if it were just written. He seems to speak directly to us and the message becomes stronger.

Since these technological advances, others have allowed new ways of expression through movies, such as the arrival of color and 3D. Progress isn’t always good, as we have seen with the example of cinema : sound allows new tools but involves technological problems and forced some actors to stop their careers. To my mind, I think that progress isn’t fundamentally bad, even if it creates many constraints. But I sincerely believe that some downward slides of these advances don’t make the world better. Finally, I think there are pros and cons for every type of progress. We must not be involved in a race for progress at the expense of nature. But as Bergson says, man cannot say "enough, I am satisfied".

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2018 16:01

Réponse : Notion/The Idea of Progress de laure95, postée le 04-05-2018 à 17:14:43 (S | E)
BONSOIR Lucille,
- Moreover, as the (pas de the) cameras made noise

- A good example of this argument is the (pas de the) Charlie Chaplin’s movie named Modern Times.
- The sound allows us to be immersed in the world of (article)film.
- Moreover, the (pas de the)sound helps to convey a stronger message.

- We must not be involved in a race: ?

Où commence la conclusion?

Réponse : Notion/The Idea of Progress de lucille, postée le 04-05-2018 à 18:11:28 (S | E)
Bonjour Laure,

Merci pour votre correction ...
Je voudrais juste comprendre pourquoi à certains moments il faut mettre un article et à dautre non ...
- Moreover, as the (pas de the) cameras made noise (car général ?)
- A good example of this argument is the (pas de the) Charlie Chaplin’s movie named Modern Times. (ce n'est clairement défini dans la tête de l'interlocuteur ?)
- The sound allows us to be immersed in the world of (article)film. (ce n'est pas un cas général ?)
- Moreover, the (pas de the)sound helps to convey a stronger message. (car général ?)

- We must not be involved in a race for progress at the expense of nature. -> We must not embark on a race for progress at the expense of nature. Est-ce mieux dit ?

La conclusion commence au dernier paragraphe : Since these technological advances, others have allowed new ways of expression through movies, such as the arrival of color and 3D. Progress isn’t always good, as we have seen with the example of cinema : sound allows new tools but involves technological problems and forced some actors to stop their careers. To my mind, I think that progress isn’t fundamentally bad, even if it creates many constraints. But I sincerely believe that some downward slides of these advances don’t make the world better. Finally, I think there are pros and cons for every type of progress. We must not be involved in a race for progress at the expense of nature. But as Bergson says, man cannot say "enough, I am satisfied".

Réponse : Notion/The Idea of Progress de laure95, postée le 05-05-2018 à 14:13:13 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucille,
Je voudrais juste comprendre pourquoi à certains moments il faut mettre un article et à dautre non ...
- Moreover, as the (pas de the) cameras made noise (car général ?): généralité.

- A good example of this argument is the (pas de the) Charlie Chaplin’s movie named Modern Times. (ce n'est clairement défini dans la tête de l'interlocuteur ?): pas de the devant le nom d'une personne.

- The sound allows us to be immersed in the world of (article)film. (ce n'est pas un cas général ?): un nom dénombrable singulier doit toujours être précédé d'un article.

- Moreover, the (pas de the)sound helps to convey a stronger message. (car général ?): généralité.

- We must not be involved in a race for progress at the expense of nature. -> We must not embark on a race for progress at the expense of nature. Est-ce mieux dit ?: qu'as-tu voulu dire?

La conclusion commence au dernier paragraphe : mettre un mot de liaison pour le signifier.

Réponse : Notion/The Idea of Progress de lucille, postée le 05-05-2018 à 14:53:27 (S | E)
Bonjour Laure,

Merci pour toutes ces précisions, j'ai pu mieux comprendre vos corrections.

We must not be involved in a race for progress at the expense of nature. -> We must not embark on a race for progress at the expense of nature. Est-ce mieux dit ?: qu'as-tu voulu dire? -> J'ai voulu dire "Nous ne devons pas nous embarquer dans une course au progrès au détriment de la nature." ... Mais peut-être que le sens n'est pas clair en anglais...


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