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Message de magique1110 posté le 05-05-2018 à 15:03:45 (S | E | F)
Hello !
pouvez-vous me corriger s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.
I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges To illustrate this notion I chose to speak about the Asian community in Britain. First of all, I’m going to give a definition about a community. It’s a group of people sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived as distinct from the larger society where they live. Moreover, the term « Bristish Asian »refers to British citizens of South Asian origin : Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis. How does the British asian community live its double cultural identity ? First, I will talk about, difficult integration of British Asian, moreover it’s not accepted by everyone. And finaly some people who are integrated and become happy.
I ) difficult integration
The condition of integration was difficult . For Instance In the Co « You don’t have to be a Coconut », thirty eight of Asians declared in a survey that they had to be « coconuts » to live in Britain that is someone who is brown on the outside and white on the inside . The oother percent are don't belong to the group of British Asians who declare you have to be a coconut to get on in Britain. They don't agree with this idea maybe because they are integrated and educated. Moreover, the Indians are not integrated in the same way as the Bangladeshi and Pakistani. In fact, in the text « British Asians « the British ruled India for a century and sent indians to work in the different parts of their Empire. Asians also fought to defend the Empire, especially in the two World Wars. After WW2, Indian workers helped to rebuild Britain. Intended labourers were employed to work for a fixed period of time in exchange for transportation, food, clothes, lodging... British of Indian origin work as doctors, nurses or in the commercial and industrial sectors, whereas those of Bangladeshi and pakistani origins are sel-employed and work as taxi drivers or in shops taht are run by members of their family.The indians are wealthy and richer than the British of Pakistani and Blangadeshi origins who are the poorest citizens in the country because they are unskilled.
II) but not accepted by everybody.
On the other hand, people who don’t whant to go to the USA because we are happy with their origin culture despite the USA is the most developed. For instance in the text « Why should I go to America ? », the girl is a manager at the multinational call center but decided not to go to the USA to study and work because it was too expensive and she prefered to stay in India and live in Indian culture.
We find also in the text « An Unspoilt Girl from the village » elements that are typical of Bangladeshi society : their arranged mariage , Nazneen serves her husband , She doesn’t go out work, she’s a housewife, she does the housework and the cooking. All that give a nagative image of Bangladeshi society. Moreover according to her husband she is not beautiful but not so ugly either and she sticks to their traditional lifestyle and values. The biggest obastacle Nazneen will meet in her new life is that she doesn’t speak English.
It can also create tensions and divide some families. This is the case in « it’s our tragedy » The girl she lives in the Bristish way and she is well integrated. This parents think the girl betrays her culture and identity. They react that way because they are very traditional, they stick to their community. Chanu think they should preserve their own culture, identity rather than accept to be assimilated. Mrs Azad doesn’t agree. She thinks that Bangladeshi should adapt to British life, learn the language and live like British people. But it doesn’t mean that she look down on her home country and its customs. She believes immigrants should accept thelifestyle of the country where they life.
The tragedy of some Bangladeshi women is to live in a sort of prison that of their clothes (" covered from heir to toe") and of the lenguage because they can't speak English they feel scared when someone addresses them.
III) And finaly person are happy
To start with, the British Asian Community has had an influence in Britain. In fact in the CO « South Asians Shaping Britain » The person we saids of this differents influences : comer shops, restaurants, fashion, the arts and eating habits such as the curry. In Britain there are ten thousand curry restaurants. Then its all the same difficult to integrate a new countrie whith a new culture. There are people who prefer to live with two culture. In the CO « You don’t have to be a Coconut » The British Asian in Britain are glad to be British-Asian beacause they feel they are lucky to have two cultures for example Fatima and Satin who feel both British and Asian
in conclusion we can say the double cultural identity of the British asian community is difficult to accept for this person. In fact, it can create tension or even keep people away. But in the end someone comes to find his place between these 2 different cultures.
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2018 18:49
Message de magique1110 posté le 05-05-2018 à 15:03:45 (S | E | F)
Hello !
pouvez-vous me corriger s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.
I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges To illustrate this notion I chose to speak about the Asian community in Britain. First of all, I’m going to give a definition about a community. It’s a group of people sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived as distinct from the larger society where they live. Moreover, the term « Bristish Asian »refers to British citizens of South Asian origin : Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis. How does the British asian community live its double cultural identity ? First, I will talk about, difficult integration of British Asian, moreover it’s not accepted by everyone. And finaly some people who are integrated and become happy.
I ) difficult integration
The condition of integration was difficult . For Instance In the Co « You don’t have to be a Coconut », thirty eight of Asians declared in a survey that they had to be « coconuts » to live in Britain that is someone who is brown on the outside and white on the inside . The oother percent are don't belong to the group of British Asians who declare you have to be a coconut to get on in Britain. They don't agree with this idea maybe because they are integrated and educated. Moreover, the Indians are not integrated in the same way as the Bangladeshi and Pakistani. In fact, in the text « British Asians « the British ruled India for a century and sent indians to work in the different parts of their Empire. Asians also fought to defend the Empire, especially in the two World Wars. After WW2, Indian workers helped to rebuild Britain. Intended labourers were employed to work for a fixed period of time in exchange for transportation, food, clothes, lodging... British of Indian origin work as doctors, nurses or in the commercial and industrial sectors, whereas those of Bangladeshi and pakistani origins are sel-employed and work as taxi drivers or in shops taht are run by members of their family.The indians are wealthy and richer than the British of Pakistani and Blangadeshi origins who are the poorest citizens in the country because they are unskilled.
II) but not accepted by everybody.
On the other hand, people who don’t whant to go to the USA because we are happy with their origin culture despite the USA is the most developed. For instance in the text « Why should I go to America ? », the girl is a manager at the multinational call center but decided not to go to the USA to study and work because it was too expensive and she prefered to stay in India and live in Indian culture.
We find also in the text « An Unspoilt Girl from the village » elements that are typical of Bangladeshi society : their arranged mariage , Nazneen serves her husband , She doesn’t go out work, she’s a housewife, she does the housework and the cooking. All that give a nagative image of Bangladeshi society. Moreover according to her husband she is not beautiful but not so ugly either and she sticks to their traditional lifestyle and values. The biggest obastacle Nazneen will meet in her new life is that she doesn’t speak English.
It can also create tensions and divide some families. This is the case in « it’s our tragedy » The girl she lives in the Bristish way and she is well integrated. This parents think the girl betrays her culture and identity. They react that way because they are very traditional, they stick to their community. Chanu think they should preserve their own culture, identity rather than accept to be assimilated. Mrs Azad doesn’t agree. She thinks that Bangladeshi should adapt to British life, learn the language and live like British people. But it doesn’t mean that she look down on her home country and its customs. She believes immigrants should accept thelifestyle of the country where they life.
The tragedy of some Bangladeshi women is to live in a sort of prison that of their clothes (" covered from heir to toe") and of the lenguage because they can't speak English they feel scared when someone addresses them.
III) And finaly person are happy
To start with, the British Asian Community has had an influence in Britain. In fact in the CO « South Asians Shaping Britain » The person we saids of this differents influences : comer shops, restaurants, fashion, the arts and eating habits such as the curry. In Britain there are ten thousand curry restaurants. Then its all the same difficult to integrate a new countrie whith a new culture. There are people who prefer to live with two culture. In the CO « You don’t have to be a Coconut » The British Asian in Britain are glad to be British-Asian beacause they feel they are lucky to have two cultures for example Fatima and Satin who feel both British and Asian
in conclusion we can say the double cultural identity of the British asian community is difficult to accept for this person. In fact, it can create tension or even keep people away. But in the end someone comes to find his place between these 2 different cultures.
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2018 18:49
Réponse : Espaces et échanges/Oral de laure95, postée le 06-05-2018 à 08:54:23 (S | E)
Tu ne définis pas les termes de la notion.
- First of all, I’m going to give a definition about (pas la bonne préposition) a community.
- How does the British asian (majuscule) community live its double cultural identity ?
- First, I will talk about, (pas de virgule, article)difficult integration of British Asian,
- And finaly (orthgraphe)some people who are integrated and become happy: il manque le verbe de la principale.
I ) difficult integration
The condition of integration (rappel de qui)was difficult .
- The oother percent are don't belong to: mal construit.
- (article)British of Indian origin work as doctors, nurses or in the commercial and industrial sectors,
- whereas those of Bangladeshi and pakistani (majuscule) origins are sel (?,)-employed and work as taxi drivers
- taht

II) but not accepted by everybody.
- On the other hand, people who don’t whant to go to the USA because we

- the girl is a manager at (pas la bonne préposition) the multinational call center
- We find also (pas à la bonne place)in the text
- She doesn’t go out work: ?
- All that give (singulier)a nagative image of Bangladeshi society.
- The girl she lives: mal construit.
- This

- Chanu think (faute de conjugaison)they should preserve their own culture,
- she look down on: faute de conjugaison.
- where they life: life est un nom.
- lenguage: faute d'orthographe.
III) And finaly person (pluriel)are happy
- the person we saids of this differents influences
- Then its all the same difficult: mal construit.
- countrie: orthographe.
- whith: orthographe.
- two culture: pluriel.
- difficult to accept for this person: quelle personne?
- In fact, it can create tension (pluriel)or even keep people away.
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