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The/ Nothing

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


The/ Nothing
Message de jabc posté le 11-05-2018 à 21:58:07 (S | E | F)
souhaitant m'exercer à peaufiner la règle du "The", j'ai réalisé l'exercice suivant: Pouvez-vous me dire si "the" ou "rien" convient à la place où il est indiqué?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

1) The Ayers Rock is British name of the biggest monolith on Earth. The Aboriginals name of the rock is Uluru.
2) Aborigines acquired the right to vote in 1967.
3) Australia was colonized by British and Queen Elizabeth II is now the Head of State because Australia is still part of the Commonwealth. The head of governement is the Prime Minister.
4) Aboriginal flag is divided horizontally into halves. The top half is black ant the lower half red. There is a yellow disk in centre of the flag. What do
three colours in the flag symbolize? The black represents Aboriginal people of Australia. The red represents red earth, the red ochre used in ceremonies, and Aboriginal people's spiritual relationship with land. The yellow disk represents Sun, the giver of life.

Merci encore, et veuillez m’excusez des fautes de grammaire que j'ai dû réaliser...

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2018 22:07

Réponse : The/ Nothing de laure95, postée le 12-05-2018 à 11:03:50 (S | E)
1) The (rien: nom propre)Ayers Rock is (the)British name of the biggest monolith on Earth. The Aboriginals name of the rock is Uluru.
2)(the) Aborigines acquired the right to vote in 1967.
3) Australia was colonized by British and Queen Elizabeth II is now the Head of State because Australia is still part of the Commonwealth. The head of governement is the Prime Minister.
4) (the)Aboriginal flag is divided horizontally into halves. The top half is black ant the lower half red. There is a yellow disk in (the) centre of the flag. What do (the)
three colours in the flag symbolize? The black represents Aboriginal people of Australia. The red represents (the)red earth, the red ochre used in ceremonies, and Aboriginal people's spiritual relationship with land. The yellow disk represents Sun, the giver of life.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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