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Notion/places and forms of power

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Notion/places and forms of power
Message de ana4250 posté le 13-05-2018 à 21:38:17 (S | E | F)
mon oral est demain a 9h30 et c'est la seule notion que j'ai faite; j'aimerais au moins savoir si elle est correcte, et si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger mes fautes j’apprécierais beaucoup.
Aussi si vous avez des documents et des idées de problématiques a me proposer pour les autres ca me serait d'une grande aide, je ne sais pas quel document utiliser vu que je n’étais pas souvent en classe. Faut-il utiliser des documents uniquement vus en classe ?
Voilà ma notion :

The notion I am going to speak about is the notion of places and forms of power.
First of all I would like to define this notion : Power is the ability to influence people, control others and make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. Of course the society needs laws and rules so people can live together. This is going to create social harmony, social cohesion but sometimes people can disagree and you’ll find social tension. These tensions can lead to war. What we are going to talk about is social tension, especially the Cold war.

So in relation to the notion places and forms of power my presentation will deal with this question : How the government of United States of America used propaganda and repression to control their population during the cold war ?
To begin with, I will talk about children propaganda with the document « bubble gum card » and then I will talk about the repression during the cold war with the document « hollywood blacklist ».

During the Cold War propaganda was present everywhere, in films, cartoons and even in bubble gum packets. They contained « Children’s Crusade Against communism » cards in every pack. Instead of the picture of their favorite ballplayer children were greeted with the face of Josef Stalin or an interpretation of what New York would look like after a nuclear attack. On every card there was written « Fight the red menace », the red menace being the USSR. These cards were meant to indoctrinate children from an early age to make them fear the USSR and more implicitly fear the communism.

But that fear became real, not among children but in Hollywood and the movie industry. Since the begining of the red scare the senator Joseph McCarthy and his cohorts belived that Communist were trying to undermine and take over the United States through a conspiracy of Hollywood screenwriters, producers and directors. The Hollywood blacklist began, the Hollywood studios refused any job to artists who were suspected of sympathy with the American Communist Party. Some of them gave the names of their communist friends to be able to work again. Dave Chasen owned a famous restaurant beloved by Hollywood celebrities and because of that list less and less customers came to his place. Someone who had been a frequent guest suddenly stopped coming.

To conclude, thought this different documents, we can easily imagine the terror in US. It’s also quite ironic to notes that the United states, kingdom of democracy and equality used propaganda to obtain what they want, exactly like their enemies.

(PS : la conclusion n'est pas de moi)

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2018 21:43


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