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Notion/ spaces and exchanges

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Notion/ spaces and exchanges
Message de nightwing posté le 20-05-2018 à 11:51:51 (S | E | F)
quelqu'un peut m'aider à corriger ma notion car je pense avoir fait beaucoup de fautes et je passe à l'oral dans 1 semaine.
Merci de votre aide.

I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges
First of all I would like to give a definition of the two terms: all societies are defined by the geographical spaces they occupy and how they open up these spaces to what lies farther away. Through trade, conquest, emigration and communication, nations have always influenced others culturally, economically, politically or scientifically.
In class we spoke about the frontier in the American culture and tried to answer the question “What makes American people always be on the go?”
In a first part I’ll speak about the conquest of the American territory while, in a second part, I’ll talk about the expansion of the USA beyond the American territory

The conquest of the American territory is the first part of the American expansion. The pioneer had to conquer the whole territory by fighting the Indians and the danger witch existing in the desert
It is illustrated in the book “Danger Ahead” the scene takes place during the conquest where a group of pioneer have to end their conquest because of the seared and the Indians this history show the danger of the conquest
Moreover they speak about Indians they are seems like baddies in this history the relationships between them are conflictuel they are seems like enemies that's why they are at war
The movie “Dances with wolves” give an other point of view on the relationship between the pioneer and the Indians in this history a first lieutenant fraternizes with a tribe of Indians later he will finish to join this tribe, he even fell in love with an Indian.
With these two example we have seen the relationship between Indians and pioneer they are most of the time conflictual but we have seen an other example where Indians are seems like goodies not like enemies moreover we have seen the beginning of the American expansion

Once American conquered the whole territory they didn’t stop to be on the go, they pushed the limit of their expansion beyond the American frontier. For example after the WW2 they help lots of country to rebuild with the Marshall Plan they want the peace in the world according to Gordon Sinclair USA want to help and have a good relationship with other country “Champion of peace” he said, but other nation don't help USA don't really want to have a good relationship with them. Gordon Sinclair thinks that other land have to help USA and be proud of them moreover it's important to have a good relationship with USA to ensure the peace in the world
USA have an other goal, according to JFK they had to conquest the space for peace because with this conquest they were able to colaborate with other country for a really important goal for humanity moreover that showed the power of USA and allowed them to expand America
These two example shows the willigness of USA to create the peace in the world to expand their country beyond their frontier and the frontier of the earth

Thanks to these example we have seen that USA have expand their country first by conquering America and after by helping other contry moreover they expand their country beyond earth they have got bad relation with Indians but want the peace in the world after that

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2018 12:34

Réponse : Notion/ spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 20-05-2018 à 14:31:11 (S | E)
The conquest of the American territory is (passé) the first part of the American expansion.
- The pioneer had to conquer the whole territory by fighting (préposition) the Indians and the danger witch (orthographe)existing (temps?)in the desert
- this history show (faute de conjugaison)the danger of the conquest
-they are seems: mal conjugué.
- conflictuel: mot français.
- they are seems
- The movie “Dances with wolves” give (faute de conjugaison) an other point of view
- between the pioneer (pluriel)and the Indians
- he even fell in love with an Indian (woman).
- With these two example (pluriel)we have seen the relationship between Indians and pioneer (pluriel)
- Indians are seems like

- For example after the (pas de the)WW2 they help (passé) lots of country (pluriel) to rebuild
- they want (passé) the peace in the world according to Gordon Sinclair
- (article)USA want (passé)to help and have a good relationship with other country (pluriel)
- but other nation (pluriel) don't (passé)help (article)USA don't really want to have a good relationship with them.
- other land (pluriel) have to help USA
- with other country (plurel) for a really important goal for humanity
- These two example (pluriel) shows (faute de conjugaison) the willigness of (article)USA to

Thanks to these example (pluriel)we have seen that (article) USA have expand (participe passé) their country
- other contry: pluriel.
- moreover they expand (passé)their country beyond earth they have (passé)got bad relation (pluriel)with Indians but want (passé) the peace in the world after that

Réponse : Notion/ spaces and exchanges de nightwing, postée le 20-05-2018 à 15:00:56 (S | E)
Merci Laure


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