Rapport de stage/aide
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Message de poulpouille posté le 30-05-2018 à 13:57:29 (S | E | F)
Est-il possible de m'aider à corriger l'introduction de mon rapport de stage s'il vous plait? Merci beaucoup; cela me serait très utile!!!! Si quelqu'un est intéressé pour m'aider à corriger le reste du travail, ce n'est pas de refus! Je peux aider en retour bien évidemment.
Merci pour vos réponses.
I am currently doing my last year of the European Studies degree. After one year of politic sciences and sociology during which I acquired a wide-range of knowledge, I decided to focus my studies on the improvement of English and on Europe. Indeed, this bachelor allowed me to have a wide set of knowledge about Europe while improving mainly my English level but also Spanish. Moreover, I had the opportunity to start to study Russian and translation. I was also interested by the fact that it was selective and that we could study in small groups. What made me choose this degree was the opportunity to do two semesters abroad, which would be a first experience abroad for me. This led me to do my first semester in Ireland where I continued to study Spanish, translation as well as European history.
Concerning the internship I decided to do, I wanted to explore a field that I have never had the opportunity to explore before. I wanted to do something that I have never done in order to acquire new skills. That is why I decided to do it in an adult school of languages. I wanted to learn how a school works, especially a school for adults and learn how to give classes, with all that this implies. I also decided to do it in Spain as I wanted to improve my Spanish level. I had the opportunity to see how much my Erasmus experience in Ireland taught me about me and about the others but also how it allowed me to speak English with more confidence that I was doing before. For this reason, I wanted to repeat the experience in Spain, hoping that it would be as good for me.
The proposed internship was to teach French through conversation workshops to Spanish adult learners in an official school of languages which teaches French, German and English. My main task was to prepare French conversation workshops in order to help them practice their orals skills. The secondary task I had was to help in the school library as well. What attracted me, was mainly the fact that it is an adult school. As I didn’t have any teaching experience and that I have never learned pedagogy or teacher training, I thought it would be better to start with adults, who are generally more mature, focused and attentive. I also thought that I could learn from them and that they could share their experience and their country through my teaching. That is why I believed it could be a good compromise and allow me to learn smoothly how to teach. Furthermore, I wanted to find an internship in which I could be useful and share something they could benefit from. Moreover, the fact that they were other tasks, such as helping at the school library was interesting, I figured it could allow me to improve my Spanish as I would be dealing with a Spanish audience and it would prevent me from always doing the same task as well as allowing me to teach me something new.
Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2018 14:37
Message de poulpouille posté le 30-05-2018 à 13:57:29 (S | E | F)
Est-il possible de m'aider à corriger l'introduction de mon rapport de stage s'il vous plait? Merci beaucoup; cela me serait très utile!!!! Si quelqu'un est intéressé pour m'aider à corriger le reste du travail, ce n'est pas de refus! Je peux aider en retour bien évidemment.
Merci pour vos réponses.
I am currently doing my last year of the European Studies degree. After one year of politic sciences and sociology during which I acquired a wide-range of knowledge, I decided to focus my studies on the improvement of English and on Europe. Indeed, this bachelor allowed me to have a wide set of knowledge about Europe while improving mainly my English level but also Spanish. Moreover, I had the opportunity to start to study Russian and translation. I was also interested by the fact that it was selective and that we could study in small groups. What made me choose this degree was the opportunity to do two semesters abroad, which would be a first experience abroad for me. This led me to do my first semester in Ireland where I continued to study Spanish, translation as well as European history.
Concerning the internship I decided to do, I wanted to explore a field that I have never had the opportunity to explore before. I wanted to do something that I have never done in order to acquire new skills. That is why I decided to do it in an adult school of languages. I wanted to learn how a school works, especially a school for adults and learn how to give classes, with all that this implies. I also decided to do it in Spain as I wanted to improve my Spanish level. I had the opportunity to see how much my Erasmus experience in Ireland taught me about me and about the others but also how it allowed me to speak English with more confidence that I was doing before. For this reason, I wanted to repeat the experience in Spain, hoping that it would be as good for me.
The proposed internship was to teach French through conversation workshops to Spanish adult learners in an official school of languages which teaches French, German and English. My main task was to prepare French conversation workshops in order to help them practice their orals skills. The secondary task I had was to help in the school library as well. What attracted me, was mainly the fact that it is an adult school. As I didn’t have any teaching experience and that I have never learned pedagogy or teacher training, I thought it would be better to start with adults, who are generally more mature, focused and attentive. I also thought that I could learn from them and that they could share their experience and their country through my teaching. That is why I believed it could be a good compromise and allow me to learn smoothly how to teach. Furthermore, I wanted to find an internship in which I could be useful and share something they could benefit from. Moreover, the fact that they were other tasks, such as helping at the school library was interesting, I figured it could allow me to improve my Spanish as I would be dealing with a Spanish audience and it would prevent me from always doing the same task as well as allowing me to teach me something new.
Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2018 14:37
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 30-05-2018 à 23:45:58 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I am currently doing my last year of(bizarre après my) the European Studies degree (bizarre, on fait en général une dernière année d'études, pas une dernière année de diplôme). After one year of political sciences and sociology during which I acquired a wide-range (pourquoi ce tiret ?) of knowledge, I decided to focus my studies on the improvement of English and on Europe. Indeed, this bachelor (je connaissais "bachelor's degree" mais bachelor seul ...) allowed me to have a wide set (ce choix de mot me surprend) of knowledge about Europe while improving mainly my English level but also Spanish(rupture de construction avec my English level). Moreover, I had the opportunity to start to study Russian and translation. I was also interested by(in) the fact that it was selective and that we could study in small groups. What made me choose this degree was the opportunity to do two semesters abroad, which would be a first experience abroad for me. This led me to do my first semester in Ireland where I continued to study Spanish, translation as well as European history.
Concerning the internship I decided to do, I wanted to explore a field that I have(had) never had the opportunity to explore before. I wanted to do something that I have(had) never done in order to acquire new skills (répétition). That is why I decided to do it in an adult school of languages. I wanted to learn how a school works, especially a school for adults and learn how to give classes, with all that this implies. I also decided to do it in Spain as I wanted to improve my Spanish level. I had the opportunity to see how much my Erasmus experience in Ireland had taught me about me(sujet et objet étant la même personne, mettre myself) and about the others but also how it allowed me to speak English with more confidence that(erreur dans cette fin de comparatif !!) I was doing before. For this reason, I wanted to repeat the experience in Spain, hoping that it would be as good for me (terminez ce comparatif d'égalité).
The proposed internship was to teach French through conversation workshops to Spanish adult learners in an official school of languages which teaches French, German and English. My main task was to prepare French conversation workshops in order to help them practice(est un nom, practise est le verbe) their orals(adjectif invariable!!) skills. The secondary task I had (to do) was to help in the school library as well. What attracted me, was mainly the fact that it is(was)(vous ne semblez pas appliquer la concordance des temps) an adult school. As I didn’t have any teaching experience and that (non, c'est du français traduit, comme ... et que... mais that ne reprend pas as) I have(had) never learned pedagogy or teacher training, I thought it would be better to start with adults, who are generally more mature, focused and attentive. I also thought that I could learn from them and that they could share their experience and their country through my teaching. That is why I believed it could be a good compromise and allow me to learn smoothly how to teach. Furthermore, I wanted to find an internship in which I could be useful and share something they could benefit from. Moreover, the fact that they were(vous confondez ils sont et il y a) other tasks, such as helping at the school library was interesting, I figured it could allow me to improve my Spanish as I would be dealing with a Spanish audience and it would prevent me from always doing the same task as well as allowing me to teach me (to learn) something new.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de poulpouille, postée le 31-05-2018 à 11:00:14 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, c'est vrai qu'il y a des erreurs que je fais constamment (les temps) donc ça m'aide bien, merci!!!
I am currently in the third year of European Studies degree. After one year of political sciences and sociology during which I acquired a wide range of knowledge, I decided to focus my studies on the improvement of English and on Europe. Indeed, this bachelor's degree allowed me to have a wide body of knowledge about Europe while improving mainly my English level but also my Spanish one. Moreover, I had the opportunity to start to study Russian and translation. I was also interested in the fact that it was selective and that we could study in small groups. What made me choose this degree was the opportunity to do two semesters abroad, which would be a first experience abroad for me. This led me to do my first semester in Ireland where I continued to study Spanish, translation as well as European history.
Concerning the internship I decided to do, I wanted to explore a field that I had never had the opportunity to explore before in order to acquire new skills. That is why I decided to do it in an adult school of languages. I wanted to learn how a school works, especially a school for adults and learn how to give classes, with all that this implies. I also decided to do it in Spain as I wanted to improve my Spanish level. I had the opportunity to see how much my Erasmus experience in Ireland had taught me about myself and about the others but also how it allowed me to speak English with more confidence than I was doing before. For this reason, I wanted to repeat the experience in Spain, hoping that it would be as enriching as my stay in Ireland has been.
The proposed internship was to teach French through conversation workshops to Spanish adult learners in an official school of languages which teaches French, German and English. My main task was to prepare French conversation workshops in order to help them practise their oral skills. The secondary task I had was to help in the school library as well. What attracted me, was mainly the fact that it was an adult school. As I didn’t have any teaching experience and as I had never learned pedagogy or teacher training, I thought it would be better to start with adults, who are generally more mature, focused and attentive. I also thought that I could learn from them and that they could share their experience and their country through my teaching. That is why I believed it could be a good compromise and allow me to learn smoothly how to teach. Furthermore, I wanted to find an internship in which I could be useful and share something they could benefit from. Moreover, the fact that they were other tasks, such as helping at the school library was interesting, I figured it could allow me to improve my Spanish as I would be dealing with a Spanish audience and it would prevent me from always doing the same task as well as allowing me to learn something new.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 31-05-2018 à 12:36:26 (S | E)
I am currently in the third year of European Studies degree.(encore une fois, on ne peut pas être en troisième année de diplôme)
it would be as enriching as my stay in Ireland had been.
the fact that they were other tasks,
they are : ils sont
there are : il y a
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de poulpouille, postée le 31-05-2018 à 14:14:18 (S | E)
Merci encore, c'est vrai je confonds toujours they et there je vais faire attention!!
J'ai essayé de reformuler est ce que c'est mieux?
"I am currently in my third year at the university, preparing for a European studies degree in Lyon."
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 31-05-2018 à 14:23:21 (S | E)
Oui, c'est mieux.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de poulpouille, postée le 07-06-2018 à 11:28:14 (S | E)
Bonjour, c'est encore moi!! Je voudrais vous montrer un paragraphe de mon rapport de stage puisque je n'arrive pas à savoir s'il est assez clair ou si ça ne sonne pas vraiment anglais. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide. J'explique le déroulement de l'examen de mes élèves.
I had between three and four classes per day which I had to be prepared for. For doing so, I had certification sets of the past years in order to make the students practicing on them. My tutor and I have chosen around 50 sets, taken before 2014 as it was forbidden to take the ones after. In the recto of them, there is a monologue and on the other side, a dialogue. For the monologue, the students have to talk alone about one specific subject from two minutes for the A2 students and up to four minutes for the C1 students. For the dialogue, they are by two or three and they have to discuss one topic, each one having a different opinion on it, already established on the set, the goal being to reach to an agreement at the end of the dialogue. They have a total of ten minutes of preparation for the two parts of the exam. For this part of the test, the basic students (A2) have to talk between three and four minutes while the advanced students (B2) have to talk between five and six minutes and the C1 students can talk up to seven minutes. It has to last longer if it is a dialogue with three people, it can last nine minutes. On both of these two tasks, they have some guidelines and ideas to help them talking about the given topic, they must use at least three of the suggested ideas and there is also a picture to help them understand the topic. For the C1 students the test is almost the same but a bit more complicated. Indeed, there are a lot of information to talk about and the link between the title, the picture and the guidelines is less clear. As a second part, they do a sort of dialogue as well but instead of having two different opinions on one topic, they can have the same guidelines. In that case the goal is not to reach an agreement but to have the same opinion and to find arguments if favour of it. What is important here is to go one further but it can be difficult, especially for the second student to talk as the first could have already given many arguments. Indeed, the students have to builds up and avoid short answers, show interest and be involved in the conversation. The topics are often very wide and become more or less specific depending on the level. For the basic level, the topic is more personal. It is often asked to talk about their everyday lives, their tastes or something they know and they can talk about quite easily. The dialogue is about a simple situation, for example a dialogue in an hotel or in a restaurant. For the level B1, the topics become more specific and require more imagination as a fictive situation that would not happen very often in everyday life, for example a fictive decision of the gouvernment or the organisation of a trip. They also have to give their opinions about more serious topics such as environment, internet, solidarity or education. What is asked for in the B2 level is similar concerning the topics, but the situations given in the dialogue are even more precised and with less freedom. They also include more details and a more specific and technical vocabulary. Sometimes, the topics can be very specific for instance, there was a dialogue about tattoos or a monologue about indebted households. More than that the difficulty of the topics, the teachers are more demanding for the advanced levels, they ask for more fluency, a more precise vocabulary and less grammar mistakes. That is why, even if one topic is a bit easier, the same language level is required.
Apart from that, I also used a book called Dis moi un peu, addressing different topics with, for each one, texts, questions, quotations, drawings and a list of vocabulary. I found it very interesting as there were many different type of documents to illustrate the topics so it was more ludic than always doing a monologur or a dialogue.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 07-06-2018 à 23:34:11 (S | E)
attention aux 3 "pour"
1) for + nom = attribution: This lesson is for you.
2) for + ing = une cause: he was arrested for speeding , pour excèsde vitesse.
3) to + base verbale, in order to + base verbale, pour afin de, notion de but.
I am here to help you. (In order) to progress, you must learn.
I had between three and four classes per day (a day) which I had to be prepared for. For doing so, I had certification sets of(from) the past years in order to make the students practicing(base verbale, practice est un NOM, to practise est un VERBE) on them. My tutor and I have chosen(prétérit) around (about) 50 sets, taken before 2014 as it was forbidden to take the ones after(more recent ones). In the recto of them(fait français), there is a monologue and on the other side, a dialogue. For the monologue, the students have to talk alone about one specific subject from (starting for two minutes)two minutes for the A2 students and up to four minutes for the C1 students. For the dialogue, they are by two or three and they have to discuss one topic, each one (on m'avait appris que each one of them représentatit l'un des deux et every one of them, l'un de plus de deux) having a different opinion on (about) it, already established on the set, the goal being to reach to an agreement at the end of the dialogue. They have a total of ten minutes of preparation for the two parts of the exam. For this part of the test, the basic students (A2) have to talk between three and four minutes while the advanced students (B2) have to talk between five and six minutes and the C1 students can talk up to seven minutes. It has to last longer if it is a dialogue with three people, it can last nine minutes. On both of these two tasks, they have some guidelines and ideas to help them talking about the given topic, they must use at least three of the suggested ideas and there is also a picture to help them understand the topic. For the C1 students the test is almost the same but a bit more complicated. Indeed, there are (information est singulier à sens pluriel)a lot of information to talk about and the link between the title, the picture and the guidelines is less clear. As a second part, they do a sort of dialogue as well but instead of having two different opinions on one topic, they can have the same guidelines. In that case the goal is not to reach an agreement but to have the same opinion and to find arguments if favour of it. What is important here is to go one step further but it can be difficult, especially for the second student to talk as the first one could have already given many arguments. Indeed, the students have to builds(infinitif) up and avoid short answers, show interest and be involved in the conversation. The topics are often very wide and become more or less specific depending on the level. For the basic level, the topic is more personal. It is(they are irait lmieux) often asked to talk about their everyday lives, their tastes or something they know and they can talk about quite easily. The dialogue is about a simple situation, for example a dialogue in an hotel or in a restaurant. For the level B1, the topics become more specific and require more imagination as(si c'est un exemple, une comparaison, c'est like , pas as) a fictive situation that would not happen very often in everyday life, for example a fictive decision of the gouvernment or the organisation of a trip. They also have to give their opinions about more serious topics such as the environment, the internet, solidarity or education. What is asked for in the B2 level is similar concerning the topics, but the situations given in the dialogue are even more precised and with less freedom. They also include more details and a more specific and technical vocabulary. Sometimes, the topics can be very specific for instance, there was a dialogue about tattoos or a monologue about indebted households. More than that(construction pau compréhensible) the difficulty of the topics, the teachers are more demanding for the advanced levels, they ask for more fluency, a more precise vocabulary and less (dommage, avec un nom pluriel comptable, moins se dit fewer, pas less)grammar mistakes. That is why, even if one topic is a bit easier, the same language level is required.
Apart from that, I also used a book called Dis moi un peu, addressing different topics with, for each one, texts, questions, quotations, drawings and a list of vocabulary. I found it very interesting as there were many different type(pluriel !) of documents to illustrate the topics so it was more ludic than always doing a monologue or a dialogue.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de poulpouille, postée le 08-06-2018 à 12:56:53 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci encore!!! J'ai quelques questions que j'ai mis en rouge, si jamais vous voulez y répondre, merciii!!!
I had between three and four classes a day which I had to be prepared for. To do so, I had certification sets from the past years in order to make the students practising on them. Sylvie, my tutor, and I, chose about 50 sets, taken before 2014 as it was forbidden to take the more recent ones. On the front of them, there is a monologue and on the other side, a dialogue. For the monologue, the students have to talk alone about one specific subject starting for two minutes From ne marche pas ici? for the A2 students and up to four minutes for the C1 students. For the dialogue, they are two or three and they have to discuss one topic, each one having a different opinion about it, already established on the set, the goal being to reach an agreement at the end of the dialogue. They have a total of ten minutes of preparation for the two parts of the exam. For this part of the test, the basic students (A2) have to talk between three and four minutes while the advanced students (B2) have to talk between five and six minutes and the C1 students can talk up to seven minutes. It has to last longer if it is a dialogue with three people, it can last nine minutes. On both of these two tasks, they have some guidelines and ideas to help them talk about the given topic, they must use at least three of the suggested ideas and there is also a picture to help them understand the topic. For the C1 students the test is almost the same but a bit more complicated. Indeed, there is a lot of information to talk about and the link between the title, the picture and the guidelines is less clear. As a second part, they do a sort of dialogue as well but instead of having two different opinions on one topic, they can have the same guidelines. In that case the goal is not to reach an agreement but to have the same opinion and to find arguments if favour of it. What is important here is to go one further Je voulais dire par là qu'ils devaient renchérir, dans le sens ajouter des arguments but it can be difficult, especially for the second student to talk as the first one could have already given many arguments. Indeed, the students have to build up and avoid short answers, show interest and be involved in the conversation. The topics are often very wide and become more or less specific depending on the level. For the basic level, the topic is more personal. They are often asked to talk about their everyday lives, their tastes or something they know and they can talk about quite easily. The dialogue is about a simple situation, for example a dialogue in an hotel or in a restaurant. For level B1 Pourquoi il ne faut pas le the?, the topics become more specific and require more imagination as J'ai toujours appris que "as" at like étaient interchangeables mais que like s'utilisait avec un nom après uniquement. Dès que c'était une proposition ou un verbe il fallait mettre as a fictive situation that would not happen very often in everyday life, for example a fictive decision of the government or the organisation of a trip. They also have to give their opinions about more serious topics such as the environment,Est-ce une exception? Parce qu'en général lorsque c'est un nom général il ne faut pas mettre le "the" mais ici oui? the internet, solidarity or education. What is asked for in the B2 level is similar concerning the topics, but the situations given in the dialogue are even more precised and with less freedom. They also include more details and a more specific and technical vocabulary. Sometimes, the topics can be very specific for instance, there was a dialogue about tattoos or a monologue about indebted households. More than the difficulty of the topics, the teachers are more demanding for the advanced levels, they ask for more fluency, a more precise vocabulary and fewer grammar mistakes. That is why, even if one topic is a bit easier, the same language level is required. Apart from that, I also used a book called Dis moi un peu, addressing different topics with, for each one, texts, questions, quotations, drawings and a list of vocabulary. I found it very interesting as there were many different types of documents to illustrate the topics so it was more ludic than always doing a monologue or a dialogue.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 08-06-2018 à 16:25:48 (S | E)
I had between three and four classes a day which I had to be prepared for. To do so, I had certification sets from the past years in order to make the students practising(base verbale = infinitif sans to) on them. Sylvie, my tutor, and I, chose about 50 sets, taken before 2014 as it was forbidden to take the more recent ones. On the front of them, there is a monologue and on the other side, a dialogue. For the monologue, the A2 students have to talk alone about one specific subject for two minutes for a start and up to four minutes for the C1 students. For the dialogue, they are two or three and they have to discuss one topic, each one having a different opinion about it, already established on the set, the goal being to reach an agreement at the end of the dialogue. They have a total of ten minutes of preparation for the two parts of the exam. For this part of the test, the basic students (A2) have to talk between three and four minutes while the advanced students (B2) have to talk between five and six minutes and the C1 students can talk up to seven minutes. It has to last longer if it is a dialogue with three people, it can last nine minutes. On both of these two tasks, they have some guidelines and ideas to help them talk about the given topic, they must use at least three of the suggested ideas and there is also a picture to help them understand the topic. For the C1 students the test is almost the same but a bit more complicated. Indeed, there is a lot of information to talk about and the link between the title, the picture and the guidelines is less clear. As a second part, they do a sort of dialogue as well but instead of having two different opinions on one topic, they can have the same guidelines. In that case the goal is not to reach an agreement but to have the same opinion and to find arguments if favour of it. What is important here is to go one step further but it can be difficult, especially for the second student to talk as the first one could have already given many arguments. Indeed, the students have to build up and avoid short answers, show interest and be involved in the conversation. The topics are often very wide and become more or less specific depending on the level. For the basic level, the topic is more personal. They are often asked to talk about their everyday lives, their tastes or something they know and they can talk about quite easily. The dialogue is about a simple situation, for example a dialogue in an hotel or in a restaurant. For level B1 Pourquoi il ne faut pas le the? parce que B1 remplace the, comme quand the queen devient Queen Elizabeth ou que the room devient room 22), the topics become more specific and require more imagination as (signifie en tant que alors que like signifie comme en comparaison ou en citation d'exemple, donc soit like, soit such as) fictive situations that would not happen very often in everyday life, for example a fictive decision of the government or the organisation of a trip. They also have to give their opinions about more serious topics such as the environment,Est-ce une exception? The environment, marche avec the, comme the countryside, the country...)the internet, solidarity or education. What is asked for in the B2 level is similar concerning the topics, but the situations given in the dialogue are even more precised(precise) and with less freedom. They also include more details and a more specific and technical vocabulary. Sometimes, the topics can be very specific for instance, there was a dialogue about tattoos or a monologue about indebted households. More than the difficulty of the topics, the teachers are more demanding for the advanced levels, they ask for more fluency, a more precise vocabulary and fewer grammar mistakes. That is why, even if one topic is a bit easier, the same (high)language level is required. Apart from that, I also used a book called Dis moi un peu, addressing different topics with, for each one, texts, questions, quotations, drawings and a list of vocabulary. I found it very interesting as there were many different types of documents to illustrate the topics so it was more ludic than always doing a monologue or a dialogue.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de poulpouille, postée le 09-06-2018 à 13:31:15 (S | E)
Merci encore! J'ai quelques dernière phrases que j'aimerais corriger si possible.
Déjà je ne sais jamais écrire la date donc voilà ce que j'ai écrit : From the 1st of April 2018 to the 10th of June
Ensuite ce sont mes annexes auxquelles j'ai rajouté une courte description et je voudrais savoir si c'est juste. J'ai mis entre parenthèse plus de précision car des fois je ne sais pas si j'ai utilisé le bon vocabulaire. Merci!!!
Chaque phrase est accompagnée d'une photo ou d'une illustration:
Appendix 1: This is the library, also shared with the high school. In the picture, only the white shelves are used by the Oficial school of language.
This is where I worked when I was in the library. We can see a Spanish and an English intern with who I worked.
This is the part with all the French books. The top section includes novels and the bottom part are more educative books, often short classified by levels.
Appendix 2: This is the presentation and information brochure of the school (c'est un tryptique qui présente les services de l'école)
Appendix 3: This is the organisation chart of the school (c'est un organigramme qui présente la répartition du nombre d'élèves et de professeurs)
Appendix 4: Leaflet for the open day in which I will take part. (c'est commme un tract qui annonce la date et l'heure de la journée porte ouverte)
Appendix 5: These are examples of sets I was working with. I chose one dialogue and one monologue for each level, “Básico” being A2, “Intermedio” B1 and “Avanzado” or “FR_NA_EO” B2, in order to compare the difficulty. The duration written on the sets can change from the exam as it is old ones.
Appendix 6: The dialogue for the C1 level were a bit different. The students had exactly the same sheets for the dialogue, so they had to debate by themselves and give their own opinion. The conversation is guided but there is no defined opinion for each candidate. Concerning the monologues, they were different from the one they would have for the examination but the ones here are just exercices to make them talk.
Appendix 7: Here are some pages from the book Dites-moi un peu. I selected two topics to show how the book approach different topics with different types of documents. Here, the topics are happiness ans superstitions but there were many other topics such as love or money.
Appendix 8: Examples of lists I prepared before the class in order to make them talk and give them vocabulary. The first list was prepared for my first class. I prepared a general topic which could fit for each group, in order to know them and to explain at the same time where I am from and to talk about my Erasmus experience
Appendix 9: I prepared these tables in order to compare the positive and negative points, based on topic proposed in the sets.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 10-06-2018 à 00:00:11 (S | E)
From the 1st of April(virgule) 2018 to the 10th of June
Appendix 1: This is the library, also shared with the high school. In the picture, only the white shelves are used by the Oficial school of language.
This is where I worked when I was in the library. We can see a Spanish and an English intern with whom I worked.(who I worked with)
This is the part with all the French books. The top section includes(houses au sens de loger, recevoir)) novels and the bottom part
Appendix 2: This is the presentation and information brochure of the school (c'est un tryptique qui présente les services de l'école)
Appendix 3: This is the organisation chart of the school (c'est un organigramme qui présente la répartition du nombre d'élèves et de professeurs)
Appendix 4: Leaflet for the open day in which I will take part. (c'est commme un tract qui annonce la date et l'heure de la journée porte ouverte)
Appendix 5: These are examples of sets I was working with. I chose one dialogue and one monologue for each level, “Básico” being A2, “Intermedio” B1 and “Avanzado” or “FR_NA_EO” B2, in order to compare the difficulty. The duration written on the sets can change from the exam(can be different from the one for the exam) as it is old ones.(it is est singulier, et ones pluriel, ça fait moche !)
Appendix 6: The dialogue for the C1 level were a bit different. The students had exactly the same sheets for the dialogue, so they had to debate by themselves and give their own opinion. The conversation is (pourquoi repasser au présent ?) guided but there is no defined opinion for each candidate. Concerning the monologues, they were different from the one they would have for the examination but the ones here are just exercices to make them talk.
Appendix 7: Here are some pages from the book Dites-moi un peu. I selected two topics to show how the book approach (conjugaison) different topics with different types of documents. Here, the topics are happiness ans superstitions but there were many other topics such as love or money.
Appendix 8: Examples of lists I prepared before the class in order to make them talk and give them vocabulary. The first list was prepared for my first class. I prepared a general topic which could fit for each group, in order to know them and to explain at the same time where I am from and to talk about my Erasmus experience
Appendix 9: I prepared these tables in order to compare the positive and negative points, based on topics proposed in the sets.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de poulpouille, postée le 10-06-2018 à 17:33:39 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!!!
Appendix 1: This is the library, also shared with the high school. In the picture, only the white shelves are used by the Oficial school of language.
This is where I worked when I was in the library. We can see a Spanish and an English intern with whom I worked. This is the part with all the French books. The top section houses novels and the bottom part more educative books, often shorter and classified by level.
Appendix 5
These are examples of sets I was working with. I chose one dialogue and one monologue for each level, “Básico” being A2, “Intermedio” B1 and “Avanzado” or “FR_NA_EO” B2, in order to compare the difficulty. The duration written on the sets can be different from one for the exam as they are old ones.
Appendix 6
The dialogue for the C1 level were a bit different. The students had exactly the same sheets for the dialogue, so they had to debate by themselves and give their own opinion. The conversation was guided but there was no defined opinion for each candidate. Concerning the monologues, they were different from the one they would have for the examination but the ones here are just exercises to make them talk.
Appendix 7: Here are some pages from the book Dites-moi un peu. I selected two topics to show how the book approaches different topics with different types of documents. Here, the topics are happiness and superstitions but there were many other topics such as love or money.
Appendix 8
Examples of lists I prepared before the class in order to make them talk and give them vocabulary. The first list was prepared for my first class. I prepared a general topic which could fit for each group, in order to know them and to explain at the same time where I am from and to talk about my Erasmus experience.
For these two, I was based on the sets and I added some questions or arguments that could be interesting as a possible answer.
Appendix 9
I prepared these tables in order to compare the positive and negative points, based on topics proposed in the sets.
Réponse : Rapport de stage/aide de gerondif, postée le 10-06-2018 à 23:08:38 (S | E)
Appendix 1: This is the library, also shared with the high school. In the picture, only the white shelves are used by the Oficial school of language.
This is where I worked when I was in the library. We can see a Spanish and an English intern with whom I worked. This is the part with all the French books. The top section houses novels and the bottom part more educative books, often shorter and classified by level.
Appendix 5
These are examples of sets I was working with. I chose one dialogue and one monologue for each level, “Básico” being A2, “Intermedio” B1 and “Avanzado” or “FR_NA_EO” B2, in order to compare the difficulty. The duration written on the sets can be different from the one for the exam as they are old ones.
Appendix 6
The dialogues for the C1 level were a bit different. The students had exactly the same sheets for the dialogue, so they had to debate by themselves and give their own opinion. The conversation was guided but there was no defined opinion for each candidate. Concerning the monologues, they were different from the one they would have for the examination but the ones here are just exercises to make them talk.
Appendix 7: Here are some pages from the book Dites-moi un peu. I selected two topics to show how the book approaches different topics with different types of documents. Here, the topics are happiness and superstitions but there were many other topics such as love or money.
Appendix 8
Examples of lists I prepared before the class in order to make them talk and give them vocabulary. The first list was prepared for my first class. I prepared a general topic which could fit for each group, in order to know them and to explain at the same time where I am(was) from and to talk about my Erasmus experience.
For these two, I was based on(me semble faux) the sets and I added some questions or arguments that could be interesting as a possible answer.
Appendix 9
I prepared these tables in order to compare the positive and negative points, based on topics proposed in the sets.
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