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Articles/ the-a-an

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Articles/ the-a-an
Message de jabc posté le 31-05-2018 à 18:01:02 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'indiquer si l'exercice est juste (il fallait soit mettre les articles a/an ou the ou rien (..)).
Merci d'avance pour votre attention et vos rectifications !

1) 85 percent of the population live in .. urban aras. Immigration is an important feature of the Australian society.
2) ..meat and .. wool are Australias's major exports.
3) About one third of the country lies in the tropics.
4) The Australians glue themselves to .. surfboards, .. kayaks and and stay in .. surf for hours. They also flee to the immense Barrier Reef and spend ..days under the water defending themselves from .. sharks and .. dolphins. Visit Australia if you like the wide open skies, the dramatic landscapes, the outdoor activities and the friendly locals.
5) .. Aboriginal people throughout most of .. Australia believe that in the beginning of time, in the dreaming, there were no visible landmarks; the world was flat. As time progressed, .. creatures emerged from the ground and have the power to change from their animal to their human form.

Merci encore pour vos messages (et désolé pour les nombreuses fautes de grammaire que j'ai dû réaliser, mais j'essaye de me perfectionner dans cette langue...)

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2018 23:31

Réponse : Articles/ the-a-an de gerondif, postée le 31-05-2018 à 18:27:42 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
85 percent of the population live in .. urban aerias. Immigration is an important feature of the Australian society.

2) ..meat and .. wool are Australias's major exports.

3) About one third of the country lies(lives?) in the tropics.

4) The Australians glue themselves to .. surfboards, .. kayaks and and stay in .. surf for hours. They also flee to the immense Barrier Reef and spend ..days under the water defending themselves from .. sharks and .. dolphins. Visit Australia if you like the wide open skies, the dramatic landscapes, the outdoor activities and the friendly locals.

5) .. Aboriginal people throughout most of .. Australia believe that in the beginning of time, in the dreaming, there were no visible landmarks; the world was flat. As time progressed, .. creatures emerged from the ground and have had the power to change from their animal to their human form.

Réponse : Articles/ the-a-an de jabc, postée le 31-05-2018 à 19:42:25 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos corrections !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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