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Road safety/help

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Road safety/help
Message de martinm posté le 10-06-2018 à 20:41:41 (S | E | F)
Je dois écrire un petit texte par rapport à comment la façon dont on peut améliorer la sécurité dans les routes.
Pourriez-vous me dire si j’ai fait des fautes s’il vous plaît ?
Merci d’avance pour vos réponses.

Nowadays, there are many accidents on roads. Several times it happens because people don’t pay attention to the roads when they are driving. So, it’s essential to improve road safety.

To improve road safety, it’s vital drivers know what accidents they could have if they don’t pay attention to the roads. For example, there are many drivers who drive so fast while they are listening to music or talking on theirs cell phones. From my point of view if they know what might happen if they don’t pay attention to the roads they may stop to do it.

Another way to improve road safety is rising the payment amount when drivers commit an infraction. Drivers might become more responsible if they know that driving so fast will cost a lot of money.

Taking everything into account, it’s vital drivers pay attention to the roads when they are driving. They must remember they are responsible of their life and the life of the other people around.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-06-2018 20:50

Réponse : Road safety/help de laure95, postée le 12-06-2018 à 14:32:27 (S | E)
- it’s vital drivers know what accidents (mal dit) they could have
- or talking on theirs (vous avez mis le pronom possessif pas l'adjectif possessif)cell phones.
- if they know (passé)what might happen
- they may stop to do it: stop + verbe +ing.
- Drivers might become more responsible if they know (passé) that driving so fast will (conditionnel) cost a lot of money.

- Taking everything into account, it’s vital (répéptition) drivers pay attention to the roads (répétition)when they are driving.
- they are responsible of (pas la bonne préposition)their life and the life of the other people around (them).

Réponse : Road safety/help de martinm, postée le 13-06-2018 à 22:10:22 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse
J’ai essayé de corriger grâce à vos remarques. Pourriez-vous me dire si c’est bien ?

Nowadays, there are many accidents on roads. Several times it happens because people don’t pay attention to the roads when they are driving. So, it’s essential to improve road safety.
To improve road safety, it’s vital drivers know the accidents that they could have if they don’t pay attention to the roads. For example, there are many drivers who drive so fast while they are listening to music or talking on their cell phones. From my point of view if they knew what might happen if they don’t pay attention to the roads they may stop doing it.
Another way to improve road safety is rising the payment amount when drivers commit an infraction. Drivers might become more responsible if they knew that driving so fast would cost a lot of money.
In conclusion, it’s essential drivers pay attention to the roads when they are driving. They must remember they are responsible for their life and the life of the other people around them.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-06-2018 22:20

Réponse : Road safety/help de laure95, postée le 14-06-2018 à 10:29:38 (S | E)
-Several times it happens: it often happens.
- drivers know (j'utiliserai un verbe plus précis: prendre conscience de) the accidents that they could have (provoquer aussi) if they don’t pay attention to the roads (répétitif).
- if they knew what might happen if they don’t (passé) pay attention to the roads they may (might pas may)stop doing it.
- In conclusion, it’s essential drivers pay attention (varier avec to be careful)to the roads when they are driving.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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