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Utiliser/temps correct

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Utiliser/temps correct
Message de frenchgirl8 posté le 14-11-2019 à 21:44:24 (S | E | F)
J'ai un devoir à faire, les verbes sont donnés à infinitif, entre parenthèses et je dois choisir le temps adéquat à la phrase; c'est ce que j'ai mis sur les pointillés.
Je ne suis pas très forte en anglais.
Pourriez- vous m'aider en me corrigeant mes fautes s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Put the following verbs in the right tenses.
If we succeed in (reduce) …………reducing…………………….. our carbon footprint, then our future (seem) ………will seem………………… brighter than ever .
Though, this ecological stance involves (change) …changing …………………….our lifestyle, not everybody is aware that we can make small steps everyday in the good direction .
I remember (watch) …………watched…………………the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh . Of course, we can blame the High street brands for not (ensure) ………ensures…………..the safety of the employees.
If policymakers had done their job properly, some disasters (be avoided ) …………… will be avoided……………………….. But it (not make ) ……… don't make …………………….. any sense today to try to identify a culprit, we all bear a part of responsibility. Production (increase) ………………increases…………………..year on year but now a slowdown must be decided .
Outsourcing (take ) ……… had take ……………………place in the 1980s and reshoring back to the UK (happen ) ………happen……………… today , that doesn’t solve any problems, we are just moving the issue from one side of the earth to another side. Recently , regulators (come up) ………came up…………………with new rules , new restrictions, new fines but we (become ) ……………become……………..sceptical , we wonder whether firms will comply or not .

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-11-2019 22:53

Réponse : Utiliser/temps correct de frenchgirl8, postée le 15-11-2019 à 08:24:17 (S | E)
Personne pour m'aider ? 😇

Réponse : Utiliser/temps correct de gerondif, postée le 15-11-2019 à 13:54:42 (S | E)

Put the following verbs in the right tenses.
If we succeed in (reduce) …………reducing…………………….. our carbon footprint, then our future (seem) ………will seem………………… brighter than ever .OK.
Though this ecological stance involves (change) …changing …………………….our lifestyle, not everybody is aware that we can make small steps everyday in the good direction .OK
I remember (watch) …………watched faux…………the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh . Of course, we can blame the High street brands for not (ensure) ………ensures faux……..the safety of the employees.
If policymakers had done their job properly, some disasters (be avoided ) …………… will be avoided faux auraient été évités……………….. But it (not make ) ……… don't make faux, le s du présent simple. ………….. any sense today to try to identify a culprit, we all bear a part of responsibility. Production (increase) ………………increases plutôt un present perfect…………..year on year but now a slowdown must be decided .
Outsourcing (take ) ……… had take erreur de temps, prétérit ……………………place in the 1980s and reshoring back to the UK (happen ) ………happen le s du présent simple ……… today , that doesn’t solve any problems, we are just moving the issue from one side of the earth to another side. Recently , regulators (come up) ………came up OK …………with new rules , new restrictions, new fines but we (become ) ……………become present perfect …..sceptical , we wonder whether firms will comply or not .

Réponse : Utiliser/temps correct de frenchgirl8, postée le 15-11-2019 à 17:30:25 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour cette réponse, c'est vraiment gentil.

J'ai pu retravailler dessus grâce à vos conseils.

C'est sûrement mieux comme ça ?

If we succeed in (reduce) …………reducing…………………….. our carbon footprint, then our future (seem) ………will seem………………… brighter than ever ..

Though this ecological stance involves (change) …changing …………………….our lifestyle, not everybody is aware that we can make small steps everyday in the good direction .

I remember (watch) …………watch…………the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh .

Of course, we can blame the High street brands for not (ensure) ………ensured ……..the safety of the employees.

If policymakers had done their job properly, some disasters (be avoided ) …………… would have been avoided ………………..

But it (not make ) ……… doesn't make ………….. any sense today to try to identify a culprit, we all bear a part of responsibility.

Production (increase) ……………has increase ………..year on year but now a slowdown must be decided .

Outsourcing (take ) ……took………………place in the 1980s and reshoring back to the UK (happen ) ………happens ……… today ,

that doesn’t solve any problems, we are just moving the issue from one side of the earth to another side.

Recently , regulators (come up) ………came up …………with new rules , new restrictions, new fines but we (become ) …………has…become …..sceptical , we wonder whether firms will comply or not .

Réponse : Utiliser/temps correct de gerondif, postée le 15-11-2019 à 21:09:18 (S | E)
If we succeed in (reduce) …………reducing…………………….. our carbon footprint, then our future (seem) ………will seem………………… brighter than ever ..ok

Though this ecological stance involves (change) …changing …………………….our lifestyle, not everybody is aware that we can make small steps everyday in the good direction .ok

I remember (watch) …………watch faux, ing ………the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh .

Of course, we can blame the High street brands for not (ensure) ………ensured faux, ing……..the safety of the employees.

If policymakers had done their job properly, some disasters (be avoided ) …………… would have been avoided ……OK …………..

But it (not make ) ……… doesn't make ………….. any sense today to try to identify a culprit, we all bear a part of responsibility. OK

Production (increase) ……………has increase erreur de conjugaison..year on year but now a slowdown must be decided .

Outsourcing (take ) ……took………………place in the 1980s and reshoring back to the UK (happen ) ………happens ……… today , OK

that doesn’t solve any problems, we are just moving the issue from one side of the earth to another side.

Recently , regulators (come up) ………came up …………with new rules , new restrictions, new fines but we (become ) ……we has! Vous êtes sûre ? ……has…become …..sceptical , we wonder whether firms will comply or not .


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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