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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de yhellow posté le 11-12-2019 à 19:52:31 (S | E | F)
Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger mon texte s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance😘

hi Will,
I hope you are well and you had a good holidays. Today I will tell you about my holidays where I stayed in a house decorated in Feng Shui.
I went to NY.To go there I flew and the flight lasted 8 hours .From the airport a taxi came to pick us up to go home.Over there, we were in a fancy house. The house was on the water and had the shape of a ballon.
In the living room the sofas are placed in the center so as to have a general view of the room no matter where you sit. To avoid the negative effect of the TV a green plant is placed nearby .The decoration of the living room is made mainly of red and chestnuts to boost their 'ch'i' because the living room is oriented towards the north.
Upstairs, the rooms are located to the north.They qre in soft colors that are more relaxing.The beds are placed at least 20 centimer from the floor as it must be free to allow the 'ch'i' to circulate freely.In rooms there are no green plants and also mirror because it refers to the booly of harmful elements.
Then, the bathroom is separated from the rooms, the door of the bathroom must never leave open even for the toilet lid otherwise the positive energy escape.
The kitchen is located east of the house facing the sunrise.The fridge,sink and oven are not aligned and not in contact.
Finally, the dining room is set to east to create an invigorating pleasant atmosphere .The room is decorated with candles that brings warmth and friendliness to the meal.
And that's my wonderful story of my vocatrion in a house Feng Shui.
How were your holidays ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-12-2019 22:11

Réponse : Aide/correction de gerondif, postée le 11-12-2019 à 23:20:02 (S | E)
Hormis le premier paragraphe et la dernière ligne qui sont naturels, le reste ressemble à un copié-collé de prospectus, peu naturel et artificiel, comme si vous aviez un certain nombre de lignes à fournir.

erreurs en bleu
hi Will,
I hope you are well and you had a good holidays(singulier). Today I will tell you about my holidays where (plutôt when) I stayed in a house decorated in Feng Shui.
I went to NY.To go there I flew and the flight lasted 8 hours .From the airport(mettez ce complément derrière pick us up) a taxi came to pick us up to go home (ce n'est pas vraiment chez vous, votre foyer habituel).Over there, we were in a fancy house. The house was on the water and had the shape of a ballon(orthographe)(de plus balloon est un ballon qui flotte en l'air au bout d'une ficelle et ball est un ballon de jeu, de foot. Vous choisirez).

In the living room, the sofas are placed in the center so as to have a general view of the room no matter where you sit. To avoid the negative effect of the TV-set, a green plant is placed nearby .The decoration of the living room is made mainly of red and chestnuts(au pluriel, ce seront vraiment des marrons , des châtaignes) to boost their 'ch'i' because the living room is oriented towards the North.
Upstairs, the rooms are located to the north.They are in soft colors that are more relaxing. The beds are placed at least 20 centimer(orthographe et pluriel) from the floor as it(que représente ce it ?) must be free to allow the 'ch'i' to circulate freely.In rooms there are no green plants and also mirror(pluriel. Passez par pour exprimer cette négation) because it refers to the booly(sens de ce mot ?) of harmful elements.

Then, the bathroom is separated from the rooms, the door of the bathroom must never leave(infinitif passif, être laissée ouverte) open even for(là aussi, passez par the toilet lid otherwise the positive energy escape(le s du présent troisième personne).
The kitchen is located east of the house facing the sunrise.The fridge,sink and oven are not aligned and not in contact.
Finally, the dining room is set (to) east to create an invigorating pleasant atmosphere .The room is decorated with candles that brings(si that est un relatif, représentant candles, le verbe doit être au pluriel. Mais s'il y a un point devant that, alors brings est correct) warmth and friendliness to the meal.
And that's my wonderful story of my vacation in a house Feng Shui(inversez).
How were your holidays ?(à mettre au singulier)

Réponse : Aide/correction de yhellow, postée le 12-12-2019 à 14:29:28 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup.Voici le texte que j'ai essayé de corriger grâce à vos explications .

hi Will,
I hope you are well and you had a good holiday(singulier). Today I will tell you about my holidays when (plutôt when) I stayed in a house decorated in Feng Shui.
I went to NY.To go there I flew and the flight lasted 8 hours .(mettez ce complément derrière pick us up) a taxi came to pick us up from the airport to go guesthouse (ce n'est pas vraiment chez vous, votre foyer habituel).Over there, we were in a fancy house. The house was on the water and had the shape of a ballons(orthographe)(de plus balloon est un ballon qui flotte en l'air au bout d'une ficelle et ball est un ballon de jeu, de foot. Vous choisirez) par contre je n'ai pas compris ce que vous voulez dire avec 'balloons'
In the living room, the sofas are placed in the center so as to have a general view of the room no matter where you sit. To avoid the negative effect of the TV-set, a green plant is placed nearby .The decoration of the living room is made mainly of red and chestnut (au pluriel, ce seront vraiment des marrons , des châtaignes) to boost their 'ch'i' because the living room is oriented towards the North.
Upstairs, the rooms are located to the north.They are in soft colors that are more relaxing. The beds are placed at least 20 centimeters(orthographe et pluriel) from the floor as it je voulais dire le dessou du lit (que représente ce it ?) must be free to allow the 'ch'i' to circulate freely.In rooms there are any green plants and any mirror(pluriel. Passez par pour exprimer cette négation) because it refers to the booly je voulais dire body(sens de ce mot ?) of harmful elements.
Then, the bathroom is separated from the rooms, any the door of the bathroom must never left (infinitif passif, être laissée ouverte) open any for(là aussi, passez par the toilet lid otherwise the positive energy escapes (le s du présent troisième personne).
The kitchen is located east of the house facing the sunrise.The fridge,sink and oven are not aligned and not in contact.
Finally, the dining room is set (to) east to create an invigorating pleasant atmosphere .The room is decorated with candles that bring (si that est un relatif, représentant candles, le verbe doit être au pluriel. Mais s'il y a un point devant that, alors brings est correct) warmth and friendliness to the meal.
And that's my wonderful story of my vocatrion in a house Feng Shui.
How was your holiday ?(à mettre au singulier)

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-12-2019 16:20

Réponse : Aide/correction de gerondif, postée le 12-12-2019 à 15:19:07 (S | E)
Hi Will,

I hope you are well and (you) had a good holiday(singulier). Today I will tell you about my holiday (singulier) when I stayed in a house decorated in Feng Shui.

I went to NY.To go there I flew and the flight lasted 8 hours .A taxi came to pick us up from the airport to our guesthouse .Over there, we were in a fancy house. The house was on the water and had the shape of a balloon(a baloon est gonflé à l'helium et flotte en l'air au bout d'une ficelle tenue par un enfant...)

In the living room, the sofas are placed in the center so as to have a general view of the room no matter where you sit. To avoid the negative effect of the TV-set, a green plant is placed nearby .The decoration of the living room is (made mainly of) in red and chestnut to boost their 'ch'i' because the living room is oriented towards the North.(the living-room faces north est plus courant)

Upstairs, the rooms are located to the north (face north fait moins français traduit).They are in soft colors that are more relaxing. The beds are placed at least 20 centimeters from the floor as it must be free to allow the 'ch'i' to circulate freely under them.In rooms there are any green plants and any mirrors (ni... ni, c'est neither ...nor) because it refers to the body(cela fait référence au corps des éléments nocifs ne veut pas dire grand chose. Vouliez-vous dire ? They belong to the list of harmful elements ?) of harmful elements.

Then, the bathroom is separated from the rooms, any the door of the bathroom must never left open any the toilet lid otherwise the positive energy escapes ( Mettez neither...nor sur les deux sujets : ni la porte, ni le couvercle des toilette ne doit rester ouvert)

The kitchen is located east of the house facing the sunrise.The fridge,sink and oven are not aligned and not in contact.

Finally, the dining room is set (to)(faces) east to create an invigorating and pleasant atmosphere .The room is decorated with candles that bring warmth and friendliness to the meal.

And that's my wonderful story of my vacation in a house Feng Shui.(inversez)

How was your holiday ?

Réponse : Aide/correction de yhellow, postée le 15-12-2019 à 18:29:49 (S | E)

Bonjour,Voici le texte corrigé avec votre correction. Est-il bien corrigé?

Hi Will,

I hope you are well and you had a good holiday. Today I will tell you about my holiday when I stayed in a house decorated in Feng Shui.

I went to NY.To go there I flew and the flight lasted 8 hours .A taxi came to pick us up from the airport to our guesthouse .Over there, we were in a fancy house. The house was on the water and had the shape of a balloon

In the living room, the sofas are placed in the center so as to have a general view of the room no matter where you sit. To avoid the negative effect of the TV-set, a green plant is placed nearby .The decoration of the living room is in red and chestnut to boost their 'ch'i' because the living-room faces north .

Upstairs, the rooms are located face north.They are in soft colors that are more relaxing. The beds are placed at least 20 centimeters from the floor as it must be free to allow the 'ch'i' to circulate freely under them.In rooms there are neither green plants and nor mirrors because They belong to the list of harmful elements

Then, the bathroom is separated from the rooms, neither the door of the bathroom nor the toilet lid must never left open otherwise the positive energy escapes

The kitchen is located east of the house facing the sunrise.The fridge,sink and oven are not aligned and not in contact.

Finally, the dining room is set to east to create an invigorating and pleasant atmosphere .The room is decorated with candles that bring warmth and friendliness to the meal.

And that's my wonderful story of my vacation in a feng shui house.

How was your holiday ?

Réponse : Aide/correction de gerondif, postée le 15-12-2019 à 18:41:21 (S | E)
Hi Will,

I hope you are well and you had a good holiday. Today I will tell you about my holiday when I stayed in a house decorated in Feng Shui.

I went to NY.To go there I flew and the flight lasted 8 hours .A taxi came to pick us up from the airport to our guesthouse .Over there, we were in a fancy house. The house was on the water and had the shape of a balloon

In the living room, the sofas are placed in the center so as to have a general view of the room no matter where you sit. To avoid the negative effect of the TV-set, a green plant is placed nearby .The decoration of the living room is in red and chestnut to boost their 'ch'i' because the living-room faces north .

Upstairs, the rooms are located face north.They are in soft colors that are more relaxing. The beds are placed at least 20 centimeters from the floor as it must be free(you need freedom of space) to allow the 'ch'i' to circulate freely under them.In the rooms there are neither green plants and nor mirrors because they belong to the list of harmful elements

Then, the bathroom is separated from the rooms, neither the door of the bathroom nor the toilet lid must never be left open otherwise the positive energy escapes

The kitchen is located east of the house facing the sunrise.The fridge,sink and oven are not aligned and not in contact.

Finally, the dining-room is set to the east to create an invigorating and pleasant atmosphere .The room is decorated with candles that bring warmth and friendliness to the meal.

And that's my wonderful story of my vacation in a feng shui house.

How was your holiday ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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