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Thème littéraire/Souris

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Thème littéraire/Souris
Message de loulou75 posté le 01-02-2020 à 17:55:32 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce thème, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance

« Philippe, avez-vous déjà apprivoisé un animal sauvage ?
– Pensez-vous qu’une souris blanche soit un animal sauvage ?
– Sans doute, si elle n’a pas eu ou n’a eu que très peu de contacts avec l’homme.
– Dans ce cas, j’en ai apprivoisé un.
– Racontez.
– Je dois vous avouer que, lorsque j’étais enfant, j’avais hérité, à la suite de je ne sais plus quel échange avec un petit voisin,
d’une souris entièrement sauvage. Elle ne savait rien, sauf ronger une feuille de salade ou une croûte de pain,
ce que sait naturellement toute souris à peine sevrée.Pour les conquérir, elle devait grimper le long d’une cordelette,
puis se rétablir sur une planchette. Elle accomplissait sa tâche à merveille, ainsi que d’autres exercices,
comme se tenir immobile sur le guidon de ma bicyclette lorsque, le soir, on me permettait de circuler sur les trottoirs du quai des Grands-Augustins.
Elle pouvait aussi s’endormir dans n’importe laquelle de mes poches, ou passer la nuit au fond de mon lit.
C’est ce qui l’a perdue.

"Philippe, have you already tame a savage animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a savage animal ?
-Of course, if she has not or has few contact with man.
-In this case, I already wean one.
-I have to admit that when I was a child, I had gained, after I don't know what exchange with a little neighboor, a mouse totaly savage.
She knew nothing except eat a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what know usually every mouse who has just weaned. To conquier them, she had to climb along a string,
then get back its equilibrium on the planchette. She did its task wonderfully , in addition of other exercises, like don't move on the handlebar of my bike when,
at evening, I was authorized to run in the sidewalk of the quay of Grands-Augustins.She also could go to sleep on any of my pockets, or spend the night deep in my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de gerondif, postée le 01-02-2020 à 18:32:39 (S | E)
j'ai traduit ce thème qu'en pensez vous ?
Que vous avez du courage de vous attaquer à des thèmes "littéraires" tout en traduisant sur par in, dans par on, en pensant que has est un present perfect à lui-seul, don't move un infinitif négatif, tame un participe passé dans have you already tame, que a mouse totaly savage est l'ordre normal des mots en anglais,...
Serrez un peu les boulons en grammaire.
Erreurs en bleu

« Philippe, avez-vous déjà apprivoisé un animal sauvage ?
– Pensez-vous qu’une souris blanche soit un animal sauvage ?
– Sans doute, si elle n’a pas eu ou n’a eu que très peu de contacts avec l’homme.
– Dans ce cas, j’en ai apprivoisé un.
– Racontez.
– Je dois vous avouer que, lorsque j’étais enfant, j’avais hérité, à la suite de je ne sais plus quel échange avec un petit voisin,
d’une souris entièrement sauvage. Elle ne savait rien, sauf ronger une feuille de salade ou une croûte de pain,
ce que sait naturellement toute souris à peine sevrée.Pour les conquérir, elle devait grimper le long d’une cordelette,
puis se rétablir sur une planchette. Elle accomplissait sa tâche à merveille, ainsi que d’autres exercices,
comme se tenir immobile sur le guidon de ma bicyclette lorsque, le soir, on me permettait de circuler sur les trottoirs du quai des Grands-Augustins.
Elle pouvait aussi s’endormir dans n’importe laquelle de mes poches, ou passer la nuit au fond de mon lit.
C’est ce qui l’a perdue.

"Philippe, have you already tame a savage animal ? (l'anglais dit a wild animal)
-Do you think that a white mouse is a savage animal ? (
-Of course, if she has not(manque le participe passé, "n'a pas eu") or has(ou a eu) few contact(few est suivi d'un pluriel) with man.
-In this case, I already wean one.(to wean = sevrer)
-I have to admit that when I was a child, I had gained, after I don't know what exchange with a little neighboor, a mouse totaly savage.(ordre des mots et choix de l'adjectif)(deux l à totally)
She knew nothing (le français aurait dû écrire elle ne savait rien faire et vous traduire cela en passant par could do) except eat(signifie manger, pas ronger) a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what know usually every mouse(ordre des mots à la française) who(erreur de relatif, une souris n'est pas un humain) has just weaned.(une nouris ne sèvre personne, elle est sevrée) To conquier(orthographe + choix du verbe) them, she had to climb along (ou up) a string,
then get back its equilibrium(maladroit) on the planchette(le mot est resté en français). She did its task(traduction trop littérale) wonderfully , in addition of other exercises, like don't move(n'est pas un infinitif négatif, de toutes façons, il faut un gérondif)(de plus ce n'est pas tant ne pas bouger que rester immobile en s'agrippant, l'image) on the handlebar of my bike when,
at evening, I was authorized(trop français) to run in the sidewalk of the quay of Grands-Augustins(faites un nom composé).She also could go to sleep on any of my pockets, or spend the night deep (at the bottom of irait très bien) in my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de loulou75, postée le 02-02-2020 à 14:45:42 (S | E)

"Philippe, have you already tame a wild animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a wild animal ?
-Of course, if she has not had or has had few contacts with man.
-In this case, I already tame one.
-I have to admit that when I was a child, I had gained, after I don't know what exchange with a little neighboor, a totally wild mouse.
She could not do anything, except gnaw on a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what every mouse usually know which has been just weaned.To win them over, she had to climb up a string,
then recover on the board. She did a great job, in addition to other exercises, like be motionless on the handlebar of my bike when,in the evening, I was allowed to run on the sidewalk of Grands-Augustins' quay.She also could go to sleep in any of my pockets, or spend the night at the bottom of my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de gerondif, postée le 02-02-2020 à 18:04:06 (S | E)
Philippe, have you already tame a wild animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a wild animal ?
-Of course, if she has not had or has had few contacts with man.
-In this case, I already tame(present perfect!!) one.
-I have to admit that when I was a child, I had gained, after I don't know what exchange with a little neighboor, a totally wild mouse.
She could not do anything, except gnaw(nibble irait mieux) on a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what every mouse usually know(sait faire) (remettre la relative derrière son antécédent)which has been just(inverser) weaned.To win them over, she had to climb up a string,
then recover on the board. She did a great job, in addition to other exercises, like be(gérondif) motionless on the handlebar of my bike when,in the evening, I was allowed to run on the sidewalk of Grands-Augustins' quay.She also could go to sleep in any of my pockets, or spend the night at the bottom of my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de loulou75, postée le 02-02-2020 à 19:37:15 (S | E)
Philippe, have you already tamed a wild animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a wild animal ?
-Of course, if she has not had or has had few contacts with man.
-In this case, I have already tamed one.
-I have to admit that when I was a child, I had gained, after I don't know what exchange with a little neighboor, a totally wild mouse.
She could not do anything, except nibble on a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what usually know how to do every mouse which has just been weaned.To win them over, she had to climb up a string,
then regain balance on the board. She did a great job, in addition to other exercises, like being motionless on the handlebar of my bike when,in the evening, I was allowed to run on the sidewalk of Grands-Augustins' quay.She also could go to sleep in any of my pockets, or spend the night at the bottom of my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de gerondif, postée le 02-02-2020 à 19:54:42 (S | E)
Un oubli de ma part, to nibble at sth

Philippe, have you already tamed a wild animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a wild animal ?
-Of course, if she has not had or has had few contacts with man.
-In this case, I have already tamed one.
-I have to (must) admit that when I was a child, I had gained, after I don't know what exchange with a little neighboor, a totally wild mouse.
-I have to (must) admit that when I was a child, I had, after I don't know what sort of exchange with a young neighbour, got hold of a totally wild mouse.
She could not do anything, except nibble on at a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what usually know how to do every mouse (à mettre dans l'ordre sujet + verbe conjugué au présent avec un s + le complément à l'infinitif) (remettez cette relative derrière mouse)which has just been weaned.To win them over, she had to climb up a string,
then regain balance (ou get back on her feet) on the board. She did a great job, in addition to other exercises, like being motionless on the handlebar of my bike when,in the evening, I was allowed to run (plutôt to cycle, puisque vous êtes à bicyclette) on the sidewalk of Grands-Augustins quay.She also could go to sleep in any of my pockets, or spend the night at the bottom of my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de loulou75, postée le 03-02-2020 à 19:40:39 (S | E)

Philippe, have you already tamed a wild animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a wild animal ?
-Of course, if she has not had or has had few contacts with man.
-In this case, I have already tamed one.
-I must admit that when I was a child, I had, after I don't know what sort of exchange with a young neighbour, got hold of a totally wild mouse.
She could not do anything, except nibble at a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what every mouse usually knows how to do which has just been weaned.To win them over, she had to climb up a string,
then get back on her feet on the board. She did a great job, in addition to other exercises, like being motionless on the handlebar of my bike when,in the evening, I was allowed to cycle on the sidewalk of Grands-Augustins quay.She also could go to sleep in any of my pockets, or spend the night at the bottom of my bed.
That is what lost her.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/Souris de gerondif, postée le 03-02-2020 à 19:50:08 (S | E)
Philippe, have you already tamed a wild animal ?
-Do you think that a white mouse is a wild animal ?
-Of course, if she has not had or has had few contacts with man.
maladroit en fait, mieux vaut dire:
-Of course, if she has not had any contacts with man or very few.
-In this case, I have already tamed one.
-I must admit that when I was a child, I had, after I don't know what sort of exchange with a young neighbour, got hold of a totally wild mouse.
She could not do anything, except nibble at a leaf of lettuce or a crust of bread, what every mouse which has just been weaned usually knows how to do .To win them over, she had to climb up a string,then get back on her feet on the board. She did a great job, in addition to other exercises, like being motionless on the handlebar of my bike when,in the evening, I was allowed to cycle on the sidewalk of Grands-Augustins quay. She also could go to sleep in any of my pockets, or spend the night at the bottom of my bed.
That is what lost her.


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