Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basPsycho/correction
Message de eugge86 posté le 05-02-2020 à 13:41:01 (S | E | F)
Hello! 🙃
I have a work about the Hitchcock's film "psycho",
Could you help me for the correction?
Merci pour votre aide.
(Avertissement: Attention Spoil ⚠️)
Psycho is a black and white 60s thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the famous British filmmaker.
The action starts with the escape of Marion Crane who tries to join her lover, after she has stolen a suitcase containing 40 000 $ from his employer, during a moment of madness. On the road, bad weather forced her to stop at the “Bates Motel” for the night. There, she met Norman Bates, the owner, with whom she shares a meal. Then, Marion hears in annoter room, a conversation between Norman and, apparently, an old woman who did not appreciate this face to face between Norman and Marion. Norman apologised for Marion having heard the conversation and explains that her mother is sick and alone. Later that evening, Marion will be murdered by Norman, dressed up as an old woman. He kills her with a knife while she is taking a shower. Then, he will hide Marion’s body and her personnal affairs in her car, and casts it into a lake.
The victim's sister, Lila, is worried about her absence. At the same time, Marion’s employer hires a private detective to find his money named Arbogast. He questions Lila and Marion’s lover, then goes up the trail to Norman Bates’s motel. There, he will have strong suspicions against Norman, whose speech will seem to him sometimes incoherent. Despite the detective's insistence on questioning his mother, Norman obstinately refused, with the argument that she is sick. Arbogast will infiltrate the house and be stabbed to death by Norman, dressed up as an old woman, once again. He will hide the body near the lake where Marion's car was left.
Lila and Sam, getting worried since they hadn’t hear from the detective, decide to go to the Bates Motel together. Pretended to be a couple, they take a room under a false name. They search the room Marion had occupied, then, Sam distracting from a conversation with Norman, Lila enters the house. She discovers in the cellar the corpse of Norma, Norman's mother. Norman tries to kill her but Sam, coming from behind, prevents her. They discover that Norman disguises himself as his mother. He was then arrested and questioned by police and a psychiatrist, to whom he confessed his murders while he finally inhabiting the personnality of his mother.
And so that’s how the city discovered that Norma had not killed her lover before committing suicide as they had always believed, but that it was actually Norman who, insanely jealous, poisoned them.
Message de eugge86 posté le 05-02-2020 à 13:41:01 (S | E | F)
Hello! 🙃
I have a work about the Hitchcock's film "psycho",
Could you help me for the correction?
Merci pour votre aide.
(Avertissement: Attention Spoil ⚠️)
Psycho is a black and white 60s thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the famous British filmmaker.
The action starts with the escape of Marion Crane who tries to join her lover, after she has stolen a suitcase containing 40 000 $ from his employer, during a moment of madness. On the road, bad weather forced her to stop at the “Bates Motel” for the night. There, she met Norman Bates, the owner, with whom she shares a meal. Then, Marion hears in annoter room, a conversation between Norman and, apparently, an old woman who did not appreciate this face to face between Norman and Marion. Norman apologised for Marion having heard the conversation and explains that her mother is sick and alone. Later that evening, Marion will be murdered by Norman, dressed up as an old woman. He kills her with a knife while she is taking a shower. Then, he will hide Marion’s body and her personnal affairs in her car, and casts it into a lake.
The victim's sister, Lila, is worried about her absence. At the same time, Marion’s employer hires a private detective to find his money named Arbogast. He questions Lila and Marion’s lover, then goes up the trail to Norman Bates’s motel. There, he will have strong suspicions against Norman, whose speech will seem to him sometimes incoherent. Despite the detective's insistence on questioning his mother, Norman obstinately refused, with the argument that she is sick. Arbogast will infiltrate the house and be stabbed to death by Norman, dressed up as an old woman, once again. He will hide the body near the lake where Marion's car was left.
Lila and Sam, getting worried since they hadn’t hear from the detective, decide to go to the Bates Motel together. Pretended to be a couple, they take a room under a false name. They search the room Marion had occupied, then, Sam distracting from a conversation with Norman, Lila enters the house. She discovers in the cellar the corpse of Norma, Norman's mother. Norman tries to kill her but Sam, coming from behind, prevents her. They discover that Norman disguises himself as his mother. He was then arrested and questioned by police and a psychiatrist, to whom he confessed his murders while he finally inhabiting the personnality of his mother.
And so that’s how the city discovered that Norma had not killed her lover before committing suicide as they had always believed, but that it was actually Norman who, insanely jealous, poisoned them.
Réponse : Psycho/correction de gerondif, postée le 05-02-2020 à 14:41:54 (S | E)
Vous mélangez les temps, il vaudrait mieux raconter le film au présent, comme si vous le résumiez au sortir de la séance à quelqu'un qui ne l'aurait pas vu.
erreurs en bleu
* = à mettre au présent simple.
Psycho is a black and white 60s thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the famous British filmmaker.
The action starts with the escape of Marion Crane who tries to join her lover, after she has stolen a suitcase containing 40,000 $ from his(son employeur à elle) employer, during a moment of madness. On the road, bad weather forced* her to stop at the “Bates Motel” for the night. There, she met* Norman Bates, the owner, with whom she shares a meal. Then, Marion hears in annoter room, a conversation between Norman and, apparently, an old woman who did not appreciate this face to face (this meeting) between Norman and Marion. Norman apologised* for Marion having heard (ou hearing) the conversation and explains that her(sa mère à lui) mother is sick and alone (plutôt lonely). Later that evening, Marion will be murdered by Norman, dressed up as an old woman. He kills her with a knife while she is taking a shower. Then, he will hide Marion’s body and her personnal affairs in her car, and casts it into a lake.
The victim's sister, Lila, is worried about her absence. At the same time, Marion’s employer hires a private detective named Arbogast to find his money. He questions Lila and Marion’s lover, then goes up the trail to Norman Bates’s motel. There, he will have strong suspicions against Norman, whose speech will seem to him sometimes incoherent. Despite the detective's insistence on questioning his mother, Norman obstinately refused*, with the argument that she is sick. Arbogast will infiltrate the house and be stabbed to death by Norman, dressed up as an old woman, once again. He will hide the body near the lake where Marion's car was left.
Lila and Sam, getting worried since they hadn’t (un cran plus bas)hear(participe passé du present perfect) from the detective, decide to go to the Bates Motel together. Pretended(participe présent) to be a couple, they take a room under a false name. They search the room Marion had occupied, then, Sam distracting from a conversation with Norman,(mal ficelé, Sam distrait l'attention de Norman en lui parlant) Lila enters the house. She discovers in the cellar the corpse of Norma (mettez un cas possessif), Norman's mother. Norman tries to kill her but Sam, coming from behind, prevents her(il l'empêche lui, pas elle, de tuer). They discover that Norman disguises himself as his mother. He was* then arrested and questioned by the police and a psychiatrist, to whom he confessed* his murders while he finally inhabiting (mal ficelé, he est en trop . Utilsez le verbe to impersonate)the personnality of his mother.
And so that’s how the city discovered* that Norma had not killed her lover before committing suicide as they had always believed, but that it was actually Norman who, insanely jealous, had poisoned them.
Réponse : Psycho/correction de eugge86, postée le 25-02-2020 à 09:15:19 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

Voici, selon votre correction:
Psycho is a black and white 60s thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the famous British filmmaker.
The action starts with the escape of Marion Crane who tries to join her lover, after she has stolen a suitcase containing 40,000 $ from her employer, during a moment of madness. On the road, bad weather forces her to stop at the “Bates Motel” for the night. There, she meets Norman Bates, the owner, with whom she shares a meal. Then, Marion hears in the next room, a conversation between Norman and, apparently, an old woman who did not appreciate this this meeting between Norman and Marion. Norman apologizes for Marion hearing the conversation and explains that his mother is sick and lonely. Later that evening, Marion will be murdered by Norman, dressed up as an old woman. He kills her with a knife while she is taking a shower. Then, he will hide Marion’s body and her belongings in her car, and casts it into a lake.
The victim's sister, Lila, is worried about her absence. At the same time, Marion’s employer hires a private detective named Arbogast to find his money. He questions Lila and Marion’s lover, then goes up the trail to Norman Bates’s motel. There, he will have strong suspicions against Norman, whose speech will seem to him sometimes incoherent. Despite the detective's insistence on questioning his mother, Norman obstinately refuses, with the argument that she is sick. Arbogast will infiltrate the house and be stabbed to death by Norman, dressed up as an old woman, once again. He will hide the body near the lake where Marion's car was left.
Lila and Sam, getting worried since they have not heard from the detective, decide to go to the Bates Motel together. Pretending to be a couple, they take a room under a false name. They search the room Marion had occupied, then,
Sam distracts Norman's attention by talking to him, Lila enters the house. She discovers in the cellar the Norma’s corpse, Norman's mother. Norman tries to kill her but Sam, coming from behind, prevents him. They discover that Norman disguises himself as his mother. He is then arrested and questioned by the police and a psychiatrist, to whom he confesses his murders while finally impersonating the personality of his mother.
And so that’s how the city discovers that Norma had not killed her lover before committing suicide as they had always believed, but that it was actually Norman who, insanely jealous, had poisoned them.
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