Introduction/ Labour Party
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Message de vic2000 posté le 04-03-2020 à 22:29:28 (S | E | F)
je dois écrire une introduction sur le Manifeste du Labour Party en Angleterre publié en 1945 pour les élections générales.
J'ai dû faire des erreurs qui m'ont échappé, seriez-vous susceptible de me les signaler s'il vous plait ?
Merci par avance et bonne soirée !
The labour party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after the Word War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wants a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression the and pre-war Conservative governments are very disappointing. The Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain is Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill is his successor from 1940 to 45 during a national unity government. These two governments are based on foreign policy because of the war so they do not take care about social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in the coalition government of Churchill. Both are accused to have not well prepared the nation to the war and to have neglected the working classes. Therefore, the Labour Party wants to lead the change expected by the nation. In the last part of the war, the Labour Party gave institutional form to the radical impulses of 1940-1941.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It is written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the 1945 United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors is to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They are trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour government is trying to convince people of the need for change?
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party, after we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seems turned towards the future.
Message de vic2000 posté le 04-03-2020 à 22:29:28 (S | E | F)
je dois écrire une introduction sur le Manifeste du Labour Party en Angleterre publié en 1945 pour les élections générales.
J'ai dû faire des erreurs qui m'ont échappé, seriez-vous susceptible de me les signaler s'il vous plait ?
Merci par avance et bonne soirée !

The labour party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after the Word War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wants a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression the and pre-war Conservative governments are very disappointing. The Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain is Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill is his successor from 1940 to 45 during a national unity government. These two governments are based on foreign policy because of the war so they do not take care about social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in the coalition government of Churchill. Both are accused to have not well prepared the nation to the war and to have neglected the working classes. Therefore, the Labour Party wants to lead the change expected by the nation. In the last part of the war, the Labour Party gave institutional form to the radical impulses of 1940-1941.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It is written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the 1945 United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors is to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They are trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour government is trying to convince people of the need for change?
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party, after we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seems turned towards the future.
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de gerondif, postée le 04-03-2020 à 23:45:47 (S | E)
Avez-vous traduit un article de type wikipédia ? Le présent de narration historique ne passe pas en anglais. Racontez les faits passés au prétérit (deuxième paragraphe wants etc)
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de vic2000, postée le 05-03-2020 à 12:22:49 (S | E)
Bonjour, non je l'ai écrit par moi-même. Merci pour votre remarque, voici le texte au prétérit :
The labour party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after the Word War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression the and pre-war Conservative governments were very disappointing. The Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill was his successor from 1940 to 45 during a national unity government. These two governments were based on foreign policy because of the war so they did not take care about social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in the coalition government of Churchill. Both were accused to have not well prepared the nation to the war and to have neglected the working classes. Therefore, the Labour Party wanted to lead the change expected by the nation. In the last part of the war, the Labour Party gave institutional form to the radical impulses of 1940-1941.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It was written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the 1945 United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors is to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They are trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour government is trying to convince people of the need for change?
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party, after we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seems turned towards the future.
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de here4u, postée le 05-03-2020 à 13:29:32 (S | E)

- the Word War I,
- did not take care about
- accused to have not well prepared

- the labour government is trying to convince + c'est une interrogative indirecte (introduite par "we may wonder") => pas de ? final.)
- Party is considering
- party, after we will study
- on XXX optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seems turned

Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de vic2000, postée le 05-03-2020 à 14:30:20 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci pour ton aide ! voici mon texte corrigé :
The labour party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after the World War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression the and pre-war Conservative governments were very disappointing. The Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill was his successor from 1940 to 45 during a national unity government. These two governments were based on foreign policy because of the war so they did not care about social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in the coalition government of Churchill. Both were accused to have not well prepared (ici je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut changer ? je voulais dire "ne pas avoir bien préparé" donc l'utilisation de have + participe passé me paraissait bonne) the nation to the war and to have neglected the working classes. Therefore, the Labour Party wanted to lead the change expected by the nation. In the last part of the war, the Labour Party gave institutional form to the radical impulses of 1940-1941.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It was written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the 1945 United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors is to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They are trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour governments are trying to convince people of the need for change.
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party after we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on an optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seems (est-ce que je dois enlever le "s" final ? Car pourtant il s'agit d'une 3ème personne du singulier) turned towards the future.
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de gerondif, postée le 05-03-2020 à 16:28:03 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
The Labour Party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression the and(inversez) pre-war Conservative governments were very disappointing. The Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill was his successor from 1940 to 1945 during a national unity government. These two governments were based on foreign policy (point) because of the war so they did not care about (ils se moquaient de ou they didn't take care of, ils ne se sont pas occupés de ?) social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in the coalition government of Churchill(à mettre au cas possessif, 's). Both were accused of not preparing well
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It was written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour governments are trying to convince people of the need for change.
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party. after(jamais de after tout seul ! After that, ou mieux, then) we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on an the optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seems turned towards the future. (peut-être que Here4u voyait ce passage au prétérit quant aux phrases relatives au parti.)
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de vic2000, postée le 05-03-2020 à 21:33:26 (S | E)
Bonsoir, merci une fois encore pour vos précieuses corrections !
The Labour Party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after World War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression and the pre-war Conservative governments were very disappointing. The Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill was his successor from 1940 to 45 during a national unity government. These two governments were based on foreign policy. Because of the war so they did not take care of social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in the Churchill's coalition government. Both were accused of not preparing well the nation to the war and of neglecting the working classes. Therefore, the Labour Party wanted to lead the change expected by the nation. In the last part of the war, the Labour Party gave institutional form to the radical impulses of 1940-1941.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It was written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors was to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They were trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour governments are trying to convince people of the need for change.
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party. Then, we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on the optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seemed turned towards the future.
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de gerondif, postée le 06-03-2020 à 11:11:10 (S | E)
Vous avez recopié mes corrections sans vous rendre compte que l'une d'elle était fausse :
These two governments were based on foreign policy. Because of the war so they did not take care of social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in
N'ayant pas vu le so, je pensais à : These two governments were based on foreign policy. Because of the war, they did not take care of social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in
Mais on peut garder la phrase originale en y mettant une virgule :
These two governments were based on foreign policy because of the war,(virgule) so they did not take care of social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in
The Labour Party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after World War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country. The Great Depression and the pre-war Conservative governments were very disappointing.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the Labour Party. It was written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors was to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They were trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how ,by this Manifesto, the labour governments are trying to convince people of the need for change.
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party. Then, we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on the optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seemed turned towards the future.
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de gerold, postée le 06-03-2020 à 16:42:12 (S | E)
...the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies in their country.
Je trouve ce "in their country" un peu étrange, le Royaume-Uni est un pays, il ne possède pas un pays, et la phrase est suffisamment claire sans cette précision.
Réponse : Introduction/ Labour Party de vic2000, postée le 07-03-2020 à 12:27:53 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour vos 2 messages. Voici les corrections :
The Labour Party was established in 1900 to represent the working class. It became the second party of the United Kingdom after World War I, when the liberals were about to decline. The first party of the country was still the Conservative Party. The first Labour Government was elected in 1924 and was led by Ramsay MacDonald.
After the Second World War, the United Kingdom wanted a deep modification of the social and economic policies. The Great Depression and the pre-war Conservative governments were very disappointing. Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940 and Winston Churchill was his successor from 1940 to 45 during a national unity government. These two governments were based on foreign policy because of the war, so they did not take care of social reforms even if some Labour ministers were in Churchill's coalition government. Both were accused of not preparing the nation well for the war and of neglecting the working classes. Therefore, the Labour Party wanted to lead the change expected by the nation. In the last part of the war, the Labour Party gave institutional form to the radical impulses of 1940-1941.
The document is a declaration of policy issued on the authority of the national executive committee of the labour party. It was written by the Labour Party and published in April 1945, as a program before the United Kingdom general election of July 1945. The aim of the authors was to convince people to vote for the Labour Party instead of the Conservative Party. They were trying to enhance the need to have a Labour Prime minister and government.
We have in this document, the first and the second part of the Manifesto. We may wonder how by this Manifesto, the labour governments are trying to convince people of the need for change.
First, we will see how the Labour Party is considering itself as a socialist party. Then, we will study how this Manifesto is an attack expressed towards the Conservative Party. To finish, we will insist on the optimistic mood of the Manifesto which seemed turned towards the future.
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