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Aide/ notion Bac

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/ notion Bac
Message de palomalchy posté le 14-03-2020 à 20:03:34 (S | E | F)
j'ai besoin de vous pour ma notion de Bac que je passe à la fin de l'année; je ne suis pas très doué ...
pouvez-vous m'apporter votre aide ?
je vous remercie vraiment

So I’m going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. Fist places can be defined like important buildings or institutions. And power can denotes the ability to control others, events or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, opposition. At all times, power has been in the hands of politicians or military chiefs. But power also implies counter-power, that is to say opposition and resistance. In order to illustrate this notion I will try to answer the question:
Identity can be a form of power?
Identity can be defined by different thing in our life and identity can change from one person to another. Identity can be our name, our origins, and the different things that make our personality. We have different forms of identity and that why we can put it on places and forms of power. The power in identity is possible too because when we evoked a name this name can be associated at a forms of power.
So fist, we can associate identity to our nationality we have seen an interview between to man Stephen Fry and Craig Ferguson and this two men debate about the differences between America and England. And ire we can see in this video the personality of the two country with American who are very optimistic and British on the contrary are un happy the only common point are the fact that when we are British or Irish or American we feel at home. Ire the power of America in against present because we can interpret this interview like a forms of power of the American because there are very remarkable and took risk on the contrary British people doesn’t took risk so if you are of this nationality you are seen as a person who has more power that one other the dream American is represent in this video.
Our nationality can disadvantage you because with the text “I’m teacher” this teacher can’t work in England because she isn’t born in England she lives in Jamaica so she doesn’t talk enough English to practice this job in this country. So with this text we cans see that our identity can be a forms of power because if you are born and live in country and you want to practice one work elsewhere you can’t.
Finally, our identity can be associated to our link with money. Money is a form of power, when you have lot of money you can support yourself and reach a place in society and ire it’s a form of power. We have study on text “a bone of contention” who illustrates another way of link with form of power: family with a woman who has a lot of money and who ends up losing her family, here the power of money plays a different role than that of success
To conclude we can see that identity can be a form of power because according to people it can lead to success in a form of economic, political, social power.. This power can be reached in different ways all related to our identity: name, money, nationality, stereotypes

Réponse : Aide/ notion Bac de gerold, postée le 14-03-2020 à 21:31:41 (S | E)
Bonjour palomalchy

En bleu, les erreurs, en vert les commentaires ou suggestions
xx : il manque un mot
Il y a beaucoup de fautes de frappes ou d'inattention.

So I’m going to talkspeak about the notion places and forms of power. Fist places can be defined like as important buildings or institutions. And power can denotes the ability to control others, events or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, opposition. At all times, power has been in the hands of politicians or military chiefs. But power also implies counter-power, that is to say opposition and resistance. In order to illustrate this notion I will try to answer the question:
Identity can beforme interrogative a form of power?
Identity can be defined by different thing in our life and identity can change from one person to another. Identity can be our name, our origins, and the different things that make our personality. We have different forms of identity and that xx why we can put it on places and forms of power. The power in identity mal dit is possible too because when we evoked présent a name this name can be associated at autre préposition a forms of power.
So fist, we can associate identity to our nationality. We have seen an interview between to man pluriel Stephen Fry and Craig Ferguson and this two men debate about the differences between America and England. And ire ? we can see in this video the personality of the two country with American who are very optimistic and xx British on the contrary xx are un happy. The only common point are the fact that when we are British or Irish or American we feel at home. Ire the power of America in against present? because we can interpret this interview like a forms of power of the American because there are very remarkable and took présent risk. On the contrary British people doesn’t took double erreur de conjugaison risk so if you are of this nationality laquelle ? you are seen as a person who has more power that one other. The dream American ordre des mots is represent in this video.
Our nationality can disadvantage you because with the text mal dit “I’m a teacher” this teacher can’t work in England because she isn’t temps born in England, she lives in Jamaica so she doesn’t talk speak enough English to practice this job in this country ambigu. So with this text we cans see that our identity can be a forms of power because if you are born and live in xx country and you want to practice one = un seul work autre mot elsewhere you can’t.
Finally, our identity can be associated to our link with money. Money is a form of power, when you have lot of money you can support yourself and reach a place in society and ire ? it’s a form of power. We have study on text “a bone of contention” who l'antécédent n'est pas une personne illustrates another way sort of link with form of power: family with a woman who has a lot of money and who ends up losing her family, here the power of money plays a different role than that of success tout cela n'est pas très clair, voulez-vous dire que l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur ?
To conclude we can see that identity can be a form of power because according to people it can lead to success in a form of economic, political, social power.. This power can be reached in different ways all related to our identity: name, money, nationality, stereotypes.

Réponse : Aide/ notion Bac de palomalchy, postée le 14-03-2020 à 22:28:17 (S | E)
bonsoir merci pour vos corrections !
pour la fin du texte je voulais évoquer le fait que parfois le pouvoir de l'argent n’était pas forcément que bénéfique et qu'il pouvait amener à des conflits et donc la puissance de l'argent n'est pas que positive au sein de la société

Réponse : Aide/ notion Bac de gerold, postée le 15-03-2020 à 17:54:38 (S | E)
Bonjour palomalchy

En effet, c'est plus clair maintenant, dites-le en anglais : "Ce texte montre que parfois le pouvoir de l'argent etc ..."


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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