If only she could/ would
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Message de learntotalk posté le 10-04-2020 à 23:04:34 (S | E | F)
it's a song about someone.
She has sold a house with a beautiful garden of flowers.She's old...sad now,and think about it.I want to say,I know she will never see it again,I know she's gonna die.Should I say "if only she could find the same after"... I mean after death,or "if only she would find the same after"....I sing it in a sad way.
"I wish..." sounds bad in the context of the song...and it's not what I want to say,because it's not really a wish,you know...I say "if only" but I know she's not gonna find it!
Edited by lucile83 on 11-04-2020 10:30
On écrit toujours I, jamais i ...J'ai corrigé cette faute.
Message de learntotalk posté le 10-04-2020 à 23:04:34 (S | E | F)
it's a song about someone.
She has sold a house with a beautiful garden of flowers.She's old...sad now,and think about it.I want to say,I know she will never see it again,I know she's gonna die.Should I say "if only she could find the same after"... I mean after death,or "if only she would find the same after"....I sing it in a sad way.
"I wish..." sounds bad in the context of the song...and it's not what I want to say,because it's not really a wish,you know...I say "if only" but I know she's not gonna find it!
Edited by lucile83 on 11-04-2020 10:30
On écrit toujours I, jamais i ...J'ai corrigé cette faute.
Réponse : If only she could/ would de gerondif, postée le 10-04-2020 à 23:15:07 (S | E)
I is always written I even in the middle of a sentence.
Did you mean ? "if only she would find the same garden after" ?
If it is a hope or a wish :
I wish she would find such a nice garden .
If only she could find such a nice garden.
Let's hope she finds another beautiful garden like this.
If it is hopeless :
She'll probably never find such a nice place again.
She's not likely to find such a lovely place again.
She hasn't got a chance to find such a lovely place again.
Chances are she'll never find such a lovely place again.
Réponse : If only she could/ would de here4u, postée le 11-04-2020 à 06:06:02 (S | E)
Yes, I see what you mean...

I think I would write «I wish she could find » ... making it a real wish... ( « in the beyond » would be more explicit, but perhaps less poetic than « after » which is a little enigmatic and sounding French - «beyond » could be clear enough...)
As a mother, I’m sure she’d want you to believe in your sentence... and put a little hope in your song...

May the FORCE be with all of us...

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