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ListenToMyStory/ #3

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


ListenToMyStory/ #3
Message de kevin posté le 05-07-2020 à 11:30:28 (S | E | F)
Good morning everyone !

I’m reading a new book in English dealing with plant ecology. I learnt some vocabulary again. There are numerous scientific words so I’ll try not to use them all or this supposed short text will turn into a class of ecology haha ! I put new points in italics and points of wondering underlined.

I’m trying to keep reading steadily for a more thorough learning. I read yesterday about the lithosphere and the soil. The soil may seem to be inert, it is constantly changing. One small example, a physical one, is that alternating swelling and shrinking caused by the warm and humid climates of the tropics induce a partial weathering of it. However, on average, soils are mostly altered by microbial activity.
A surprising fact of life is that even on a land bare of soil (for instance after a volcanic eruption), organisms such as cyanobacteria, aerial algae, lichens or mosses are capable of thriving. By the way, did you know that lichens are a symbiotic association between a Fungi and either a chlorophyll algae or a cyanobacteria ? Two totally different species which live together and help one another, isn’t that amazing ? Life will always amaze me.

1. Is "for instance" a real synonym of "for example" or is there a difference between them ?
2. I chose the verb "amaze" but I wonder if I could have used the verb "delight" ?

Thank you for reading me. Wish Hope to read you soon !

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-07-2020 11:47

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de gerondif, postée le 05-07-2020 à 12:01:57 (S | E)
Ayant fait du latin, fungi est le pluriel de fungus, le champignon, alors "a fungi", ça grince.
Delight signifie réjouir, amaze, étonner surprendre, stupéfier.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 05-07-2020 à 12:18:40 (S | E)
Thank you gerondif. I take note of that.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de traviskidd, postée le 05-07-2020 à 21:51:06 (S | E)
Hello, if I'm not mistaken, a "champignon" is a mushroom, a particular type of fungus that goes well on pizza.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 06-07-2020 à 07:06:10 (S | E)
Good morning traviskidd !

You're right. But if I'm correct in English, a mushroom is the common name whereas a fungus is the scientific name.
When we usually talk about mushrooms, we think, as you mentioned it, of this good food we put in our plates. Actually, it is only a part of the development cycle of some categories of fungi : this structure allows the Basidiomycota to protect and to spread their spores. Most of fungi don't even have this state in their development cycle and remain microscopic the whole time. ^^

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de gerondif, postée le 06-07-2020 à 09:18:01 (S | E)
Most fungi....
Most of the fungi described...
Most of them...
allows the basidiomycota to be protected / to protect themselves and to spread....

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-07-2020 23:12
Hi ...

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de traviskidd, postée le 06-07-2020 à 10:52:46 (S | E)
Hello Kevin!

"Basidiomycota" ... in English, please!

I always thought there were many types of fungi (just as there are many types of plants or animals) and that mushrooms are just one species (or maybe several, but not all) of fungus. But I'm no biologist.

See you.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 06-07-2020 à 10:59:43 (S | E)
Thank you gerondif.

I'm practising on this website for I have many weaknesses on basic points. I started with the intermediary level of "Guide de travail", I hope it'll be enough.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 06-07-2020 à 11:08:56 (S | E)
Hello traviskidd !

Haha ! Honestly, I used the latine word of the classification because I don't know how it is translated in English. In French, we say "les Basidiomycètes".

There is indeed an incredible diversity of fungi, the ones we eat are a minor part of them. I'm not biologist yet, but I hope that day will come ! I just wanted to share with you a part of my knowledge, I don't mean to be pretentious or disrespectful.

See you ! :D

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de gerondif, postée le 06-07-2020 à 12:59:55 (S | E)
a devant les noms de métiers.I am a biologist.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 06-07-2020 à 13:44:15 (S | E)
Ok, I got it. Thank you !

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de traviskidd, postée le 09-07-2020 à 03:25:41 (S | E)
Hello; I should mention that "bacteria" and "algae" are also Latin plurals. The singular forms are "bacterium" and (I think) "alga".

See you.

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 09-07-2020 à 09:28:23 (S | E)
Good morning traviskidd !

I found exactly what you wrote as singular forms of "bacteria" and "algae", i.e. "bacterium" and "alga". Thank you for teaching me ! :D

I'm feeling like each message that I'm writing is bringing questions to me : should I use "the" before "singular forms". I have always had difficulties with that. I found an article on this website saying :

L'article THE est utilisé devant les noms au singulier ou au pluriel, lorsque l'on parle de choses que les interlocuteurs connaissent.
THE n'est pas utilisé devant les noms pluriels et indénombrables lorsque l'on parle de personnes, d'idées abstraites ou de choses en général.

But I'm wondering in which case this sentence is. :s

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de gerondif, postée le 09-07-2020 à 12:01:32 (S | E)
Dites-vous bien que the est une forme atténuée de this employé quand on montre un objet près de soi.
Pass me the salt, bon, on sait de quoi on parle, le sel est sur la table, on le voit.
On ne met pas the quand on parle en général :
I like cakes, j'aime les gâteaux.
Si l'objet est précisé, défini par un of, alors on met the.
The handle of the door is sticky.

I found exactly what you wrote as singular forms of "bacteria" and "algae" signifie "des formes singulier"
I found exactly what you wrote as the singular forms of "bacteria" and "algae" signifiera bien "les formes singulier de"

Réponse : ListenToMyStory/ #3 de kevin, postée le 09-07-2020 à 14:29:32 (S | E)
Good afternoon gerondif.

I should have used "the singular forms of" then. I'll remember it.

Thank you for your answer ! :D


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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