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Cultural appropriation/ correction 3

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Cultural appropriation/ correction 3
Message de bvert posté le 11-01-2021 à 20:53:21 (S | E | F)
pourriez vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes d'anglais s'il vous plait?.
C'est long mais normalement il y a peu d'erreurs.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

First of all, it’s important to know that it’s not always wrong to engage with a different culture. It’s necessary for us to try something from a different culture. For example, we can be invited to an Arabian wedding where the hosts are cool with you wearing traditional clothing. In this context, we can talk about sharing culture and not cultural appropriation because we are invited to take part by people from that culture. Wearing a colourful saree to a Indian wedding is a sign of appreciation, because it shows an appreciation for the host’s culture. Learning about the context of cultural appropriation is a form of appreciation and it’s important for our comprehension. We can talk about cultural appreciation when someone wants to learn and understand about another culture to expand their knowledge and connect with an interest in sharing ideas and diversifying oneself. The question now is, how to avoid cultural appropriation. For expressing appreciation rather than appropriation we must understand the culture that someone is borrowing from, including its history of oppression and marginalization.
Now, what can we do? How to avoid cultural appropriation? Self-reflexion is necessary. We have to ask ourselves, for examples: do I know what the practice is for? Am I honouring this culture, or simply imitating it? Did I learn its history and meaning for that certain culture? do I have permission to use it? Is what I am doing the result of a stereotype? Am I using something sacred to another culture —a dress, a hairstyle, a religious symbol — in a harmful or "fun" way? Am I engaging with a piece of ancient culture as if it's new? Am I forgetting to credit the source of my inspiration? If we can safely answer "no" to those questions, we will probably be able to avoid cultural appropriation. We must be thoughtful before acting. Moreover, communication is very important because if someone is being appropriative, communication is necessary to exchange and understand the mistake. We can for example, directly buy a creation from a creator. In other words, if we purchase a traditional Indian dress, we have to credit the Indian creator. Additionally, we can learn about the traditional dress, the history, and the significance of the colours for example or the significance of the tissue used, the form of the dress. We can also share this dress in order to help others learn more about that culture’s clothing. Another example would include eating Asian food at an authentic Asian restaurant or learning English dance from an instructor with an understanding of the practice from a cultural perspective.
We live in a multiculturalist society where different cultures coexist. We can appreciate others by recognizing the religious days (such as Yom Kippur for Jewish people or Eid for Muslim people), and traditions that are important to them. For example, we can honour our Muslim neighbours during Ramadan. It permits us to learn about the other and show solidarity with your neighbours. We can question them about the meaning and their beliefs. Learning and being cultivated can help the human being to educate themselves.

To conclude, cultural appropriation is usually a sensitive topic for many people. It’s a practice considered disrespectful of other races or cultures, that’s why we should be mindful. There are many examples of cultural appropriation, easily present in pop culture, music, the arts, and even the fashion industry. But it isn’t just celebrities that get stuck. All of us are susceptible to this. The solution is to avoid appropriation.
In contrast of appropriation, appreciation involves a desire for knowledge and deeper understanding of a culture. Appreciation wants to Show respect for other cultures and provides an opportunity to share ideas and cultural awareness. It’s OK to make mistakes, but it isn’t OK to keep doing something offensive once you know it’s problematic.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-01-2021 08:26

Réponse : Cultural appropriation/ correction 3 de laure95, postée le 12-01-2021 à 11:45:57 (S | E)
- to try (chercher un autre verbe)something from a different culture.
- we can talk about sharing culture: we can share another culture.
- we are invited to take part (in)by people
- a Indian: a + mot commençant par une consonne.
- to help others (préposition) learn more about
- that culture’s clothing.
- It permits us to learn about the other(s) and show
- It’s a practice considered (as)disrespectful of other races or cultures,
- the arts: pas de the.

Réponse : Cultural appropriation/ correction 3 de bvert, postée le 12-01-2021 à 17:11:50 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !


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