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Correction/ climate

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Correction/ climate
Message de eperw46 posté le 15-03-2021 à 21:11:42 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous corriger cet email svp s'il vous plait ?
Merci beaucoup

Hi Joe,
Here’s some information about the climate in France.

First of all, the climate isn’t very extreme : it’s a meditarean one. However, on the Atlantic Coast, the sky is often scattered with grey clouds and the wind is really strong and freezy all the year. That’s why, you can’t get outside without wearing a sweater.
But in the centre of the country, the weather is more variable. Indeed, summers are very hot and winters cold and snowy. That’s mean the temperatures can rise above 40°C in August, whereas they can fell below -10°C in January.
In addition, we have lots of showers, especially during the autumn. I quite dislike the fact i have to carry my raincoat with me all year round.
Nevertheless, on the other hand, as we have important mountainous areas, we can enjoy our winter doing some winter sports. For my part, I really appreciate the possibility of skiing.

I hope that tells you what you need to know. Good luck with the project !

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-03-2021 10:49

Réponse : Correction/ climate de gerold, postée le 16-03-2021 à 10:11:21 (S | E)
Hi Joe,
Here’s some information about the climate in France.

First of all, the climate isn’t very extreme : it’s a meditarean one. orthographe (et vous dites plutôt le contraire dans la suite de votre texte) one. However, on the Atlantic Coast, the sky is often scattered with grey clouds and the wind is really strong and freezy all the year round. That’s why, you can’t get outside without wearing a sweater.
But in the centre of the country, the weather is more variable. Indeed, summers are very hot and winters cold and snowy. That’s mean That means (that's mean = c'est méchant) the temperatures can rise above 40°C in August, whereas they can fell below -10°C in January.
In addition, we have lots of showers, especially during the autumn. I quite dislike the fact i toujours en majuscule have to carry my raincoat with me all year round.
Nevertheless, on the other hand, as we have important mountainous areas, we can enjoy our winter doing some winter sports. For my part, I really appreciate the possibility of skiing.

I hope that tells you what you need to know. Good luck with the project !

Le but est de dissuader Joe de venir ?

Réponse : Correction/ climate de here4u, postée le 16-03-2021 à 10:33:23 (S | E)

Un petit oubli :

-"they can fell below: "base verbale" derrière un modal - (can ici) -// confusion entre : to fall, fell, fallen et to feel, felt, felt ?

- De plus, vous semblez être dans la généralité : "we can enjoy our winter", donc, je "sens" mieux "winters" au pluriel !

Réponse : Correction/ climate de eperw46, postée le 19-03-2021 à 16:14:46 (S | E)
Merci ! J'ai corrigé mes erreurs.
C'est un exercice Cambridge pour s'entraîner sur le lexique du climat... Il faut également trouver des points positifs et négatifs

Hi Joe,
Here’s some information about the climate in France.

First of all, the climate isn’t very extreme : it’s a mediterranean one. However, on the Atlantic Coast, the sky is often scattered with grey clouds and the wind is really strong and freezy all year long. That’s why, you can’t get outside without wearing a sweater.
But in the centre of the country, the weather is more variable. Indeed, summers are very hot and winters cold and snowy. That means the temperatures can rise above 40°C in August, whereas they can fall below -10°C in January.
In addition, we have lots of showers, especially during the autumn. I quite dislike the fact I have to carry my raincoat with me all year round/throughout the entire year.
Nevertheless, on the other hand, as we have important mountainous areas, we can enjoy our winters doing some winter sports. For my part, I really appreciate the possibility of skiing.

I hope that tells you what you need to know. Good luck with the project !

Réponse : Correction/ climate de gerold, postée le 20-03-2021 à 18:11:45 (S | E)
Bonjour eperw46

A mon avis, "very extreme" n'est pas vraiment correct, car "extreme" est déjà un superlatif. Plutôt "quite extreme".
Sinon, je ne vois rien d'autre à changer.


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