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Butte Chaumont/specific words

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Butte Chaumont/specific words
Message de mattparis posté le 17-03-2021 à 10:17:44 (S | E | F)

Former history student, I am working on an app and a blog about Paris history and architecture. This is a personal project.
I would like to propose an English version of all that.

The paragraph below is about the Buttes Chaumont park, characterized by a particular land with many reliefs. I am not sure about some words (in green below) implied by this specific land. Of course, I am also able to make many other mistakes😀
Here is the paragraph :

There used to be a rather desolate place here, on the edge of town. There were quarries, but also vast dumps. When the limits of Paris were extended in 1860, the quarries ceased their activity, and left a land difficult to construct and very hilly. Adolphe Alphand, chief engineer under Haussmann, took up the challenge of this complicated land. He even took advantage of the drop-offs to create viewpoints and a mountainous landscape. The works were gigantic and required the assistance of a thousand workers over two years, in particular for the earthworks and hydraulic development.

Does this seem correct to you?
Thank you for your kind answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 17-03-2021 10:31

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2021 07:41
Changement de forum

Réponse : Butte Chaumont/specific words de jimmy56, postée le 23-03-2021 à 14:47:49 (S | E)
Hello Matt,
It was very good already but I made a few changes. Here you go:
There used to be a rather desolate place here, on the edge of town. There were quarries but also vast dumps. When the limits of Paris were extended in 1860 the quarries ceased their activity and left a land difficult to construct on which was very hilly. Adolphe Alphand, chief engineer under Haussmann, took up the challenge of this complicated land. He even took advantage of the drop-offs to create viewpoints and a mountainous landscape. The works were gigantic and required the assistance of a thousand workers over two years, in particular for the earthworks and hydraulic development.


Modifié par lucile83 le 23-03-2021 15:01

Réponse : Butte Chaumont/specific words de mattparis, postée le 26-03-2021 à 11:33:56 (S | E)
Thanks for this encouraging message and for the corrections.
That's very nice.
Best regards.

Modifié par mattparis le 26-03-2021 11:35


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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