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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de eperw46 posté le 22-04-2021 à 17:06:08 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger cette discussion entre deux immigrés ? Je dois passer à l'oral mardi.
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

A : How are you Stefan, not too tired ?

S: Hi ! Like every day I would say. But we get used to it. And you ? Are you getting used to the work ?

A: in fact, I’m used to working during such hours. You know, when I was working at my father’s farm in Sicilia, the time flew by without us noticing it. We had to work very hard if we wanted to earn a crust. I’m so relieved to have reached America ! Here, even the hardest work would be easy for me after what I have endured

S: I can't even imagine. It must have been really hard for you.

A: Don’t talk about the difficult past.
Do you want to join me ? I don’t drink often, but there was a lot of work to do today, and we have finished quite late…

S: Sure ! It's always a pleasure to share a drink with a friend. How things are going ?

A: For now, we are coping very well ! The owner was quite satisfied with our work !

S:That's pretty rare from him. I have heard that it's rather unusual because he tends to be quite fussy about the little things. While we are constantly running out of time.

A : Yes you’re right, even if we are a lot of employees, there is too much work to do. The boss must be very joyous to have such a good business! He doesn’t stop to hire more staff.

S: But when I see how you used to work, I think it must not be too hard for you. You are doing a very good job ! I am quite jealous of you !

A: Me too ! You are the youngest immigrant who has crossed the Atlantic Ocean on his own. You are getting on very well ! I don’t think I would have been able to go to America at that age.

S: I am very touched by what you say. For me, being in America is like a dream. . .

A : Yeah, I imagined that. Otherwise, I think you wouldn’t be here, don’t you ?
It’s a little bit intrusive but I was asking myself.. What is your accent ? Where do you come from ?

S : I am from Germany, I left my country and my parents when I was 13. I felt restricted, that there are too many traditions in Germany, I wanted something new. For me America, was the country where people brought about changes instead of resisting them. Every night I was dreaming about an odd and magnificent landscape inhabited by buffaloes and of buildings so tall they pierced the clouds. So I went for it. Who knows, I might make a fortune one day.

A: I admit that’s a good dream. But reality is different.

S: yes, you are right. So far I have only seen streets full of misery and immigrants like us looking for wealth.

A: Are you really sure to succeed in making a lot of money ? For my part, I just want to have enough money so that my family can eat.

S: It's a very noble cause. I respect you. I want to make money for my dream. Currently, I peel vegetables and wash dishes in someone else's restaurant, like you. But one day, I would like to open my own restaurant.

A : I hope my family will come to America in the future, even though the American don’t treat the Italian very well. I would like us to become American citizens. And I wish that my little brother will have the opportunity to study so that he can have a better job than ours.

S: You must really love them for having done all this way. I suppose your father's farm is not doing very well ?

A : In fact, it’s the whole country which is in deep poverty. We have saved a lot of money so I can immigrate to America and I can find a job with a better salary.

S: I'm sure you'll be able to help your family, you're a hard worker and you don't give up. Moreover, you know what you want and you have a realistic view of the world. Will you still remember me when you will be rich ? haha

A : Yes, of course ! I will still remember you as a dreamer with a determination we can’t imagine ! I’ve got the impression that you will be rich, don’t you ? You have a lot of future plans. And, actually, if you want to be the owner of your own restaurant, as you said earlier, you will be in competition with the boss !

S: You are absolutely right
We don't know what the future holds so I remain optimistic. We have to keep hope alive !

Réponse : Correction/oral de gerold, postée le 22-04-2021 à 19:50:11 (S | E)

Je ne vois pas beaucoup d'erreurs, c'est un bon travail.

A: in fact, I’m used to working during such hours. You know, when I was working at my father’s farm in Sicilia Sicily, ...

S:That's pretty rare from him. I have heard that it's rather unusual because he tends to be quite fussy about the little things.

S: Sure ! It's always a pleasure to share a drink with a friend. How are things are going ? (interrogation directe)

A : Yes you’re right, even if we are a lot of employees, there is too much work to do. The boss must be very joyous to have such a good business! He doesn’t stop to hirehiring more staff. (to stop + infinitif : s'arrêter pour faire quelque chose ; to stop + ing : arrêter de faire quelque chose)

S: But when I see how you used to work cela donne l'impression que ce n'est plus vrai maintenant, ...

It’s a little bit intrusive but I was asking myself se demander = to wonder

S : I am from Germany, I left my country and my parents when I was 13. I felt restricted, that because there are too many traditions in Germany, I wanted something new.

A : I hope my family will come to America in the future, even though the Americans (ou American people) don’t treat the Italians very well. ...

.... Will you still remember me when you will be pas de futur après when (sauf dans les questions : when will you ..? rich ? haha

A : Yes, of course ! I will still remember you as a dreamer with a determination we can’t imagine ! I’ve got the impression that you will be rich, don’t haven't you ? ...

Modifié par gerold le 22-04-2021 19:51

Réponse : Correction/oral de eperw46, postée le 23-04-2021 à 13:27:55 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup! Si je ne me trompe pas, cela donne, corrigé :

A: in fact, I’m used to working during such hours. You know, when I was working at my father’s farm in Sicily, ...

S:That's pretty rare from him. I have heard that it's rather unusual because he tends to be quite fussy about little things.

S: Sure ! It's always a pleasure to share a drink with a friend. How are things going ?

A : Yes you’re right, even if we are a lot of employees, there is too much work to do. The boss must be very joyous to have such a good business! He doesn’t stop hiring more staff.

S: But when I see how hard you work, ...

It’s a little bit intrusive but I was wondering...

S : I am from Germany, I left my country and my parents when I was 13. I felt restricted, because there are too many traditions in Germany, I wanted something new.

A : I hope my family will come to America in the future, even though the Americans don’t treat the Italians very well. ...

.... Will you still remember me when you are rich ? haha

A : Yes, of course ! I will still remember you as a dreamer with a determination we can’t imagine ! I’ve got the impression that you will be rich, haven't you ? ...

Réponse : Correction/oral de gerondif, postée le 23-04-2021 à 15:29:21 (S | E)
Sachant que during signifie pendant au sens de au cours de :
I was ill for a week during the holidays .
J'ai été malade pendant une semaine pendant les vacances.
J'ai été malade une semaine au cours des vacances.
La différence se voyant lorsque l'on pose la question :
When were you ill ? During the holidays. Complément de temps.
How long were you ill ? I was ill for a week. Complément de durée.

Votre : in fact, I’m used to working during such hours. signifie je suis habitué à travailler au cours de telles heures , la question étant : quand es-tu habitué à travailler ?
Si votre phrase : "je suis habitué à travailler pendant de telles heures." signifie "je suis habitué à travailler aussi longtemps,de si nombreuses heures", il vaudrait mieux dire : I am used to working (for) so many hours / I'm used to working so long / so much.

He doesn’t stop hiring more staff. On dit plutôt : He keeps hiring more staff. Ou encore : He hires more and more staff.

Par rapport à votre texte de présentation.
I play the viola, the violin. On met the devant les instruments de musique.
I will have to take an exam.
Pensez à l'examen comme au saut en hauteur.
To take an exam : passer un examen, se présenter, essayer de réussir, vous "prenez" la perche.
On dit aussi to sit for an exam et là, mon illustration du saut en hauteur en marche plus !
To pass an exam, c'est passer au dessus de la barre, donc, réussir.
To fail an exam, c'est le rater.
To sit for an exam again, to take an exam again, c'est le repasser.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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