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Correction/ résumé
Message de ganoute27 posté le 23-04-2021 à 23:31:09 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,

j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait me corriger mon résumé d'anglais svp s'il vous plait.
Je ne suis pas une pro de cette langue et elle me parait tellement difficile....
Merci d'avance à celui ou celle qui prendra du temps pour m'aiguiller.

1) Introduction

By march 2020, the whole of France was confined for the first time. This large-scale health crisis has resulted the closure of educational institutions and the changeover of distance learning.
Young people anxious, but they seem motivated, answered a survey and an interview, transparently on their feelings and the experience of the health crisis on their studies.
I felt it was important to me to choose the new bachelor because leaving a supervised school setting, I found interesting to see how they managed their distance learnings.
Their educational continuity was introduced quickly their university. Nevertheless, the difficulties of distance learning have been felt.
So, How did they manage this first confinement? How did they live their distance learning with the closing of the university?
I wondered what repercussions this unprecedented event had on their way of working.
The main theme being “success school and confinement”, I chose this problem: “How the march 2020’s confinement, impacted the way students’ work of first year of the University of Rouen?”
Two hypotheses emerged from this problem:
- First hypothesis : The distance learning has caused problems in the organization and the management of students’ work
- Second hypothesis : The psychological dimension was a consequence on the way students worked during the confinement.

2) methodologies employed

- The survey
The survey is a series of questions, designed to be asked of an individual or a larger panel of individuals, to investigate a particular situation. Its goal is to collect information, of a sometimes different nature, and which must be exploitable during the analysis.
My survey was for 25 students, from different streams, to give each student the opportunity to give their opinion and their feelings.
Documentation found by digital tools, has enabled the development of a survey as adapted as to the problem.
Questions were developed through weeks of research and reflection.
Finally, for the survey distribution, the use of the google form tool, seemed interesting to me, as a whole, in terms of its sharpness and clarity in the visual of the questions. Moreover, the survey could be distributed via social network. My subscription on this Facebook group for students, allowed it to be broadcast.

- The interview
The interview is a situation of essentially verbal communication between two or more persons in direct contact with a previously set objective. There’re verbal interactions that can provide important information for the subject.
An interview guide was determined before the interview and provided information on the selected topics.
The hypotheses, determined the development of the interview guide and to focus on two mains themes, that is: the organization et the management of their work and the whole psychological dimension and effects of the confinement in relation with the isolation and the feelings engendered.
After collecting responses from 25 students, for my survey, I found that many more female students took the time to respond to me (21 girls VS 4 boys).
For this reason, the opinion of a male student and his feelings about the confinement seemed to me important and judicious, to provide maybe a response a broader response to my hypotheses and allow for greater diversity.

Réponse : Correction/ résumé de ganoute27, postée le 23-04-2021 à 23:33:12 (S | E)
Voici la suite du résumé....

3) Reporting and analyses of results

- The survey
Firstly, the sample of people was respected. In fact, the 25 students’ answers came back. However, it must be noted that the gender diversity isn’t respected, because 21 answers are female students vs. 4 answers are male students.
So, I can to ask myself whether the answers are really representatives of each others’ feelings, because the male students’ answers seem to show that they have lived better the confinement that the female students, who seem to have lived with more stress.
 The first hypothesis, I see that the answers are clear. In fact, according to the students interviewed, although they aren’t for a continuation of their distance education beyond the crisis (for recall 36% do not want), 76% seem to have found an organization of their working time and 56% worked 4 hours or more every day. So, I can say that the distance learning was fairly well lived for a majority.
 The second hypothesis, it gives more mixed results. I can to see that 12 students out of 25 didn’t have well managed learning distance, representing almost half of the students interviewed. Besides, the feelings observed are for the majority negative. But, nevertheless, 56% students stated not to have been anxious to work alone and 44% students believe that their distance learning have risen their chances of success. Overall, the students have more or less managed their emotions to get a better way of working.

- The interview
Firstly, the interview was successful despite government restrictions related to the health crisis. We’re able to meet in good conditions and we’re able to do the interview without major problems. This interview will allow to answer the hypotheses.
For my first hypothesis, it appears that the student has found a balance, to develop a better organization and management of the learning distance of this courses. Likewise, he focused more on his learnings, giving them more time than before. The confinement, motivated the student again. The confinement will have allowed the student to become aware of the importance of the work and the success of his learning. He says to have developed his working capacity in autonomy and the auto management of his planning which allowed him to succeed in his year.
For the second hypothesis, the student seems to have been very motivated during the confinement. Helping each other with a group of friends has given his motivation. The teachers’ presence, their reactivity and their understanding kept them focused. During exams, the student felt good. It seems that the confinement was beneficial for him. The confinement has increased his capacities for success.
Even so, obviously, the lack of social relationship was difficult to live although he lived with his parents.

4) The general finding
The majority of students managed to find a balance in their management of learning distance.
Besides, they learned to make planning for a better organization of their work, showing a strong commitment to success and motivation.
The psychological dimension hasn’t been positive in the way to work for almost half students.
Overall, they felt stress and loneliness at work. The lack of information about their future and the lack of educational support from their teachers have been sources of anxiety.
Be that as it may, more than half of the students believe that containment has increased their abilities and their chance to succeed.
They seem to have approached them rather serenely, whereas, seemed to them difficult at the beginning of the health crisis.

Réponse : Correction/ résumé de gerondif, postée le 24-04-2021 à 16:04:31 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu, ajouts en vert

1) Introduction

By March 2020, the whole of France was confined for the first time. This large-scale health crisis has resulted in (action datée, prétérit) the closure of educational institutions and the changeover of distance learning.
Young people, anxious but apparently motivated, answered a survey and an interview, transparently, on their feelings and the experience of the health crisis on their studies.
I felt it was important to for me to choose the new bachelor (choisir le nouveau bachelier ? le nouveau célibataire ?) because leaving a supervised school setting, I found it interesting to see how they managed their distance learnings.
Their educational continuity was introduced quickly their university. Nevertheless, the difficulties of distance learning have been felt.
So, How did they manage this first confinement? How did they live their distance learning with the closing of the university?
I wondered what repercussions this unprecedented event had on their way of working.
The main theme being “success school and confinement”, I chose this problem: “How did the March 2020 confinement impact the way students’ work ofin their first year of at the University of Rouen?”
Two hypotheses emerged from this problem:
- First hypothesis : The distance learning has caused problems in the organization and the management of students’ work
- Second hypothesis : The psychological dimension was a consequence on(ou bien had a consequence on, ou bien was a consequence of, choisissez le sens qui vous convient) the way students worked during the confinement.

2) methodologies employed

- The survey
The survey is a series of questions, designed to be asked of to an individual or a larger panel of individuals, to investigate a particular situation. Its goal is to collect information, of a sometimes different nature, and which must be exploitable during the analysis.
My survey was for 25 students, from different streams, to give each student the opportunity to give their opinion and their feelings.
Documentation found by digital tools has enabled the development of a survey as adapted as possible to the problem.
Questions were developed through weeks of research and reflection.
Finally, for the survey distribution, the use of the google form tool seemed interesting to me, as a whole, in terms of its sharpness and clarity in the visual of the questions. Moreover, the survey could be distributed via social network. My subscription on this Facebook group for students allowed it to be broadcast.

- The interview
The interview is a situation of essentially verbal communication between two or more persons in direct contact with a previously set objective. There’re (pourquoi abréger le verbe ? A l'oral, c'est dur à prononcer et ça va surprendre l'auditoire) verbal interactions that can provide important information for the subject.
An interview guide was determined before the interview and provided information on the selected topics.
The hypotheses determined the development of the interview guide and to focused on two mains themes, that is: the organization et the management of their work and the whole psychological dimension and effects of the confinement in relation with the isolation and the feelings engendered.
After collecting responses from 25 students, for my survey, I found that many more female students took the time to respond(answered me, respond fait plus penser à réagir : celui qui faisait un massage cardiaque à Mickael Jackson tandis qu'ils appelaient les secours disait : We are doing CPR but he's not responding!) to me (21 girls VS 4 boys).
For this reason, the opinion of a male student and his feelings about the confinement seemed to me important and judicious, to provide maybe a response, a broader response to my hypotheses and allow for greater diversity.

3) Reporting and analyses of results

- The survey
Firstly, the sample of people was respected. In fact, the 25 students’ answers came back. However, it must be noted that the gender diversity isn’t respected, because 21 answers are female students vs.(plutôt whereas) 4 answers are male students.
So, I can to(horreur ! Pas de to derrière can, les modaux, les auxiliaires) ask myself whether the answers are really representatives(Quelle horreur ! Les adjectifs sont invariables) of each others’ feelings, because the male students’ answers seem to show that they have lived better (mettez better derrière confinement) the confinement that the female students, who seem to have lived with more stress.
 (manque un mot pour introduire ce complément)The first hypothesis, I see that the answers are clear. In fact, according to the students interviewed, although they aren’t for a continuation of their distance education beyond (after) the crisis (for recall(for information) 36% do not want (maladroit sans complément)), 76% seem to have found an organization of their working time and 56% worked 4 hours or more every day. So, I can say that the distance learning was fairly well lived for a majority.
 The second hypothesis, it(à supprimer) gives more mixed results. I can to(re horreur !) see that 12 students out of 25 didn’t have(Malheur, deux auxiliaires de suite ! soit le prétérit didn't manage...well, soit le present perfect haven't managed...well) well managed learning distance, representing almost half of the students interviewed. Besides, the feelings observed are for the majority negative. But, nevertheless, 56% of students stated not to have been anxious to work alone and 44% of students believed that their distance learning had risen increased their chances of success. Overall, the students have more or less managed their emotions to get a better way of working.

Méfiance : I am anxious to work signifie je suis très désireux de travailler.
Si vous prenez anxious au sens de anxieux, apeuré, mettez plutôt stated not to have been(felt) anxious because they were working alone.

- The interview
Firstly, the interview was successful despite government restrictions related to the health crisis.(Pourquoi passer au présent et au futur alors que le texte était au passé ? Je mettrais du prétérit) We’re able to meet in good conditions and we’re able to do the interview without major problems. This interview will allow to answer the hypotheses.
For my first hypothesis, it appears that the student (il n'y en a plus qu'un ?) has found a balance, to develop a better organization and management of the learning distance of this courses.(this est singulier et courses pluriel, choisissez) Likewise, he focused more on his learnings, giving them more time than before. The confinement,(virgule en trop) motivated the student again. The confinement will have allowed the student to become aware of the importance of the(his) work and (of?)the success of his learning. He says to have developed his working capacity in autonomy and the auto management of his planning which allowed him to succeed in his year.
For the second hypothesis, the student seems to have been very motivated during the confinement. Helping each other with a group of friends has given his him motivation. The teachers’ presence, their reactivity and their understanding kept them (ah, les revoilà au pluriel ?) focused. During exams, the student felt good. It seems that the confinement was beneficial for him. The confinement has increased his capacities for success.
Even so, obviously, the lack of social relationship was difficult to live although he lived with his parents.

4) The general finding (une seule découverte ?)
The majority of students managed to find a balance in their management of learning distance.
Besides, they learned to make planning for a better organization of their work, showing a strong commitment to success and motivation.
The psychological dimension hasn’t been positive in the way to work for almost half of the students.
Overall, they felt stress and loneliness at work. The lack of information about their future and the lack of educational support from their teachers have been sources of anxiety.
Be that as it may, more than half of the students believe that containment has increased their abilities and their chances to succeed.
They seem to have approached them (que représente ce them ?)rather serenely, whereas (impossible d'isoler ce whereas entre deux virgules), (Où est le sujet de ce verbe ?)seemed to them difficult at the beginning of the health crisis.

Réponse : Correction/ résumé de ganoute27, postée le 24-04-2021 à 17:49:20 (S | E)

Merci infiniment pour votre retour et votre aide pour la correction de ce résumé d'anglais.

j'ai quelques questions concernant certains point que vous avez abordé:

en rouge mes interrogations et mes suggestions de correction à ce que vous me proposez.

1) Introduction

By March 2020, the whole of France was confined for the first time. This large-scale health crisis has resulted in (action datée, prétérit) the closure of educational institutions and the changeover of distance learning.
Young people, anxious but apparently motivated, answered a survey and an interview, transparently, on their feelings and the experience of the health crisis on their studies.
I felt it was important to for me to choose the new bachelor (choisir le nouveau bachelier ? le nouveau célibataire ? ici je voudrais dire les néo bacheliers mais je n’ai pas trouvé d’autres termes que « new bachelor »)
because leaving a supervised school setting, I found it interesting to see how they managed their distance learnings.
Their educational continuity was introduced quickly their university. Nevertheless, the difficulties of distance learning have been felt.
So, How did they manage this first confinement? How did they live their distance learning with the closing of the university?
I wondered what repercussions this unprecedented event had on their way of working.
The main theme being “success school and confinement”, I chose this problem: “How did the March 2020 confinement impact the way students’ work ofin their first year of at the University of Rouen?”
Two hypotheses emerged from this problem:
- First hypothesis : The distance learning has caused problems in the organization and the management of students’ work
- Second hypothesis : The psychological dimension was a consequence on(ou bien had a consequence on, ou bien was a consequence of, choisissez le sens qui vous convient) the way students

3) Reporting and analyses of results

- The survey
Firstly, the sample of people was respected. In fact, the 25 students’ answers came back. However, it must be noted that the gender diversity isn’t respected, because 21 answers are female students vs.(plutôt whereas) 4 answers are male students.
So, I can to(horreur ! Pas de to derrière can, les modaux, les auxiliaires) ask myself whether the answers are really representatives(Quelle horreur ! Les adjectifs sont invariables) of each others’ feelings, because the male students’ answers seem to show that they have lived better (mettez better derrière confinement) the confinement that the female students, who seem to have lived with more stress.
 (manque un mot pour introduire ce complément puis je mettre plutôt « For this first hypothesis » ?
)The first hypothesis, I see that the answers are clear. In fact, according to the students interviewed, although they aren’t for a continuation of their distance education beyond (after) the crisis (for recall(for information) 36% do not want (maladroit sans complément puis je écrire 36% do not want to continu ?)
)), 76% seem to have found an organization of their working time and 56% worked 4 hours or more every day. So, I can say that the distance learning was fairly well lived for a majority.

- The interview
(Pourquoi passer au présent et au futur alors que le texte était au passé ? Je mettrais du prétérit) This interview will allow to answer the hypotheses.
Remplacé par This interview allowed me to answer my hypotheses (est ce possible? )
For my first hypothesis, it appears that the student (il n'y en a plus qu'un ?) Oui un seul étudiant interrogé pour l’entretien

4) The general finding (une seule découverte ?) Je voulais dire conclusion générale puis je mettre the general conclusion ??

They seem to have approached them (que représente ce them ?)rather serenely ce “them” représente les étudiants je voulais dire Ils semblent les avoir abordés

whereas (impossible d'isoler ce whereas entre deux virgules), ici je voulais écrire « tandis que » puis je le laisser sans la virgule ?

Réponse : Correction/ résumé de gerondif, postée le 24-04-2021 à 18:24:21 (S | E)
ajouts en vert.
j'ai quelques questions concernant certains points que vous avez abordés(accord avec le que placé avant):
1) Introduction

By March 2020, the whole of France was confined for the first time. This large-scale health crisis resulted in (action datée, prétérit) the closure of educational institutions and the changeover of distance learning.
Young people, anxious but apparently motivated, answered a survey and an interview, transparently, on their feelings and the experience of the health crisis on their studies.
I felt it was important to for me to choose pupils about to take their school leaving diploma (ou their A'levels /ou their baccalauréat, the French school-leaving diploma)
because leaving a supervised school setting, I found it interesting to see how they managed their distance learnings.
Their educational continuity was introduced quickly by their university. Nevertheless, the difficulties of due to distance learning have been felt.
So, How did they manage this first confinement? How did they live their distance learning with the closing of the university?
I wondered what repercussions this unprecedented event had on their way of working.
The main theme being “success school and confinement”, I chose this problem: “How did the March 2020 confinement impact the way students worked during (le verbe est plus facile à utilser que votre nom work) their first year at the University of Rouen?”
Two hypotheses emerged from this problem:
- First hypothesis : Distance learning has caused problems in the organization and the management of students’ work
- Second hypothesis : The psychological dimension was a consequence on(ou bien had a consequence on, ou bien was a consequence of, choisissez le sens qui vous convient) the way students(je pense que le bon choix est en vert)

3) Reporting and analyses of results

- The survey
Firstly, the sample of people was respected. In fact, the 25 students’ answers came back. However, it must be noted that the gender diversity isn’t wasn't respected, because 21 answers are were female students whereas) 4 answers are were male students.
So, I can to(horreur ! Pas de to derrière can, les modaux, les auxiliaires)(pourquoi recopier mes corrections sans corriger ?) ask myself whether the answers are really representatives(Quelle horreur ! Les adjectifs sont invariables) of each others’ feelings, because the male students’ answers seem to show that they have lived better (mettez better derrière confinement) the confinement that the female students, who seem to have lived with more stress.
 (manque un mot pour introduire ce complément puis je mettre plutôt « For this first hypothesis » ? Oui
)The first hypothesis, I see that the answers are clear. In fact, according to the students interviewed, although they aren’t for a continuation of their distance education beyond (after) the crisis (for recall(for information) 36% do not want (maladroit sans complément puis je écrire 36% do not want to continue ?)
36% of them do not wish to resume (reprendre)/to go on with (continuer) distant teaching)
)), 76% seem to have found an organization of their working time and 56% worked 4 hours or more every day. So, I can say that the distance learning was fairly well lived for a majority.

- The interview
(Pourquoi passer au présent et au futur alors que le texte était au passé ? Je mettrais du prétérit) This interview will allow to answer the hypotheses.
Remplacé par This interview allowed me to answer my hypotheses (est ce possible? ) Oui
For my first hypothesis, it appears that the student (il n'y en a plus qu'un ?) Oui un seul étudiant interrogé pour l’entretien

4) The general finding (une seule découverte ?) Je voulais dire conclusion générale puis je mettre the general conclusion ?? Oui

They seem to have approached them (que représente ce them ?)rather serenely ce “them” représente les étudiants je voulais dire Ils semblent les avoir abordés

whereas (impossible d'isoler ce whereas entre deux virgules), ici je voulais écrire « tandis que » puis je le laisser sans la virgule ?

Non, pour moi, them représente les difficultés du confinement, cette période du confinement et j'écrirais :
They seem to have approached that period rather serenely, whereas(mauvais choix de "alors que") although it seemed difficult to them at the beginning of the health crisis.

Attention aux deux "alors que".
J'aime le rouge alors que ma femme aime le vert: I like red whereas my wife likes green alors que signifie mais au contraire. Opposition.
Il est resté calme alors que la situation était difficile. He remained calm although the situation was difficult. Alors que signifie bien que. Concession.

Réponse : Correction/ résumé de ganoute27, postée le 24-04-2021 à 19:39:39 (S | E)

Les corrections ont été apportées sur mon sujet au propre
Je vous ai posté ces passages afin que vous puissiez vous repérer lors des éventuelles corrections à m'apporter.

Merci pour votre aide, je regarde tout ça et reviens vers vous.

Merci encore


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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