Correction/guerre de sécession
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En basCorrection/guerre de sécession
Message de eperw46 posté le 10-05-2021 à 09:47:04 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous s'il vous plait corriger ce devoir ? C'est une lettre pendant la guerre de sécession.
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.
Dear William,
How are you ? I am so proud that you have become a lieutenant ! Are you still serving in Thomas' Legion ? I hope the Unionists are still staying far enought from Marble. I’ve heard they were at Robinsville. Is there any conflict there ?
Here everything is all right for the moment. I’m very tired of working in the fields, but I have to carry on if we want to have enough food for the winter. Furthermore, we have been lucky so far because soldiers didn’t come here plundering all they found. The poor Mrs. Baker have lost everything. They took all her provisions ! They even took her cows. I am really concerned for her. The Johnsons kindly host her.
But you know how close she lives to us. I’m so afraid that soldiers will come here.
Our little Marie turned 9 last month. She has learned to read and write at school since you left the village. She will soon send you a letter to show you how well she can write.
You have been gone for two years… We miss you so much. I hope you’ll come back to us soon.
Much love as always.
Message de eperw46 posté le 10-05-2021 à 09:47:04 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous s'il vous plait corriger ce devoir ? C'est une lettre pendant la guerre de sécession.
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.
Dear William,
How are you ? I am so proud that you have become a lieutenant ! Are you still serving in Thomas' Legion ? I hope the Unionists are still staying far enought from Marble. I’ve heard they were at Robinsville. Is there any conflict there ?
Here everything is all right for the moment. I’m very tired of working in the fields, but I have to carry on if we want to have enough food for the winter. Furthermore, we have been lucky so far because soldiers didn’t come here plundering all they found. The poor Mrs. Baker have lost everything. They took all her provisions ! They even took her cows. I am really concerned for her. The Johnsons kindly host her.
But you know how close she lives to us. I’m so afraid that soldiers will come here.
Our little Marie turned 9 last month. She has learned to read and write at school since you left the village. She will soon send you a letter to show you how well she can write.
You have been gone for two years… We miss you so much. I hope you’ll come back to us soon.
Much love as always.
Réponse : Correction/guerre de sécession de trams, postée le 10-05-2021 à 10:14:05 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que je corrigerais:
" Dear William,
How are you ? I am so proud that you have become a lieutenant ! Are you still serving in Thomas' Legion ? I hope the Unionists are still staying far enought (ortho) from Marble. I’ve heard they were at ( préposition + nom de ville) Robinsville. Is there any conflict there ?
Here ( Here se place généralement en fin phrase) everything is all right for the moment. I’m very tired of working in the fields, but I have to carry on if we want to have enough food for the ( pas d'article devant une saison)winter. Furthermore, we have been lucky so far because soldiers didn’t come here plundering all they found. The poor Mrs. Baker have (conjugaison) lost everything. They took all her provisions ! They even took her cows. I am really concerned for her. The Johnsons kindly host ( ici, pas une erreur mais on peut penser au Present en Ing) her.
But you know how close she lives to us. I’m so afraid that soldiers will (ici on peut mettre un modal qui exprime l'irréel, la possibilité, le conditionnel)come here.
Our little Marie turned 9 last month. She has learned to read and write at school since you left the village. She will soon send you a letter to show you how well she can write.
You have been gone for two years… We miss you so much. I hope you’ll come back to us soon.
Much love as always."
Et vous pouvez aussi contracter les auxiliaires du present perfect, sauf si votre enseignant l'a demandé!
Bonne journée,
Réponse : Correction/guerre de sécession de eperw46, postée le 10-05-2021 à 18:26:43 (S | E)

Dear William,
How are you ? I am so proud that you've become a lieutenant ! Are you still serving in Thomas' Legion ? I hope the Unionists are still staying far enough from Marble. I’ve heard they were in Robinsville. Is there any conflict there ?
Everything is all right for the moment here. I’m very tired of working in the fields, but I have to carry on if we want to have enough food for winter. Furthermore, we have been lucky so far because soldiers didn’t come here plundering all they found. The poor Mrs. Baker had lost everything. They took all her provisions ! They even took her cows. I'm really concerned for her. The Johnsons are kindly hosting her.
But you know how close she lives to us. I’m so afraid that soldiers may come here.
Our little Marie turned 9 last month. She's learned to read and write at school since you left the village. She'll soon send you a letter to show you how well she can write.
You've been gone for two years… We miss you so much.
I hope you’ll come back to us soon.
Much love as always.
Réponse : Correction/guerre de sécession de gerondif, postée le 10-05-2021 à 18:42:33 (S | E)
Il me semble que, à part les noms grecs (Sophocles'plays), un cas possessif d'un nom singulier terminé par s se fait en 's prononcé [iz].
Jess's cat, Thomas's legion.
l'apostrophe seule est derrière un s de pluriel : My parents'car. The Browns'car.
Pour la logique de concordance des temps, j'aurais mis : The poor Mrs. Baker had has lost everything.
The est à enlever puisqu'il y a le nom propre comme déterminant.
Inspector Columbo is waiting . The inspector is waiting.
The poor woman has lost everything.
Poor Mrs Baker has lost everything.
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