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Correction WSS/partie 1

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction WSS/partie 1
Message de holaquetal posté le 27-06-2021 à 18:35:20 (S | E | F)
pourriez vous m'aider à corriger mon commentaire s'il vous plaît ?
C'est important je dois bientôt le rendre sans faute. On commence par l'introduction.
Merci d'avance

Wide Sargasso Sea is a modernist work of post-colonial fiction, written in 1966 by Jean Rhys, a Dominican-British author. The novel is a response and a prequel to Charlotte Brontë's “Jane Eyre”. It is considered as an intertextual book because there is an interrelationship between both oeuvres. Thanks to intertextuality, we can have a different point of view of one history. In fact, the author develops Antoinette’s history and the origin of her insanity. Different themes are evoked in the novel, such as women’s status, colonialism, or the ambiguous love. Wide Sargasso Sea is composed of three parts. The text is situated in the part two and it begins with Antoinette's new husband's narration. In this passage, Rochester is married to Antoinette, and he explains that he married her to pay off his debts. The author is giving us an access to Rochester’s thoughts. The character is observing his new environment, he appears as a cold and reserved man. My key question is what the travel reveals about Rochester’s choices and feelings. And, how does the nature helps him introspect himself ?

Réponse : Correction WSS/partie 1 de gerold, postée le 29-06-2021 à 09:25:29 (S | E)
Bonjour holaquetal

Je n'ai pas le temps de relire votre (long) texte de manière approfondie. Juste quelques remarques pour vous aider :

Wide Sargasso Sea is a modernist work of post-colonial fiction, written in 1966 by Jean Rhys, a Dominican-British author. The novel is a response and a prequel to Charlotte Brontë's “Jane Eyre”. It is considered as an intertextual book because there is an interrelationship between both oeuvres. Thanks to intertextuality, we can have a different point of view of one history. In fact, the author develops Antoinette’s history and the origin of her insanity. Different themes are evoked in the novel, such as women’s status, colonialism, or the ambiguous love. Wide Sargasso Sea is composed of three parts. The text is situated in the part two and it begins with Antoinette's new husband's narration the narration of A.'s new husband ( évitez les enchaînements de cas possessifs et pourquoi "new" ? A. a-t-elle déjà été mariée ?. In this passage, Rochester is married to Antoinette, and he explains that he married her to pay off his debts. The author is giving plutôt un simple présent : gives us an access to Rochester’s thoughts. The character is observing his new environment, he appears as a cold and reserved man. My key question is what the travel reveals about Rochester’s choices and feelings. And, how does the nature helps help him introspect himself (pléonasme) ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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