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Correction WSS/partie 3

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction WSS/partie 3
Message de holaquetal posté le 27-06-2021 à 18:38:26 (S | E | F)
pourriez vous m'aider à corriger ma deuxième partie de mon commentaire s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance.

Secondly, throughout this introspection, Rochester tries to decipher his thought thanks to nature. We can see a form of nature sublime.
In fact, Rochester’s feelings and landscape are connected. He depicted his feelings throughout nature. In other words, nature reflects his feelings. It can help him to describe his perception of the situation. He describes the atmosphere as a strange tropical climate which reflects his relationship with Antoinette:” And the woman is a stranger. » Rochester seems sensitive to nature because he remarks details of an unknown environment. He observes the colours “red”, “blue”, “green”, and the presence of animals: “bird», «horse”. The lexical field of nature is present, for example: “wall of green”, “ravine”, “the hills, the mountains”, “blue green sea”, warm wind”, “wall of trees”, “earth” …. In addition, we can compare “the very lonely sound” of the bird to Rochester’s feelings. He feels alone in a different environment.

So Rochester feels uncomfortable with the new environment. Both landscape and the character seem exceeded of the circumstances.

We can quote the lexical field of excess, for example: "too much", "extreme", “too red”. The repetition of the adverb “too” reinforces the excess. In addition, we can see a form of anaphora which creates again the effect of excess, of succession and surplus: “Too much blue, too much purple, too much green. The flowers too red, the mountains too high, the hills too near". This repetition creates an impression of chorus, it does not stop, and it is not enjoyable for Rochester. The last sentence underlines this chorus and appears as an echo: "Oh England, England she called back mockingly, and the sound went on and on like a warning I did not choose to hear”.
Moreover, we can observe the omnipresence of the green colour: « the wall of green”, “an extreme green”, “too much green”, “the thick green leaf”. The green is a colour which represent nature and used to symbolize rebirth or immortality. Rochester remarks the colour, and he hates it; he appears against the renewal. The green is not a suitable colour for him and for his natural environment.

Then, the savagery of the nature can be translated as the warning voice of nature. In fact, there are signs emitted by nature that can be considered as a warning. For example, it can be represented by the wild: “it a wild place”, “Not only wild », the coldness: “cold in my sweat-soaked shirt », “It was cold ». The sentence: “I understood why the porter had called it a wild place. Not only wild but menacing.”, confirms that he perceived the message. The nature announces a bad omen about his future and Rochester feels the threat.

Réponse : Correction WSS/partie 3 de gerold, postée le 29-06-2021 à 11:05:54 (S | E)
Secondly, throughout this introspection, Rochester tries to decipher his thought thanks to nature. We can see a form of nature sublime est-ce du français ?.
In fact, Rochester’s feelings and landscape are connected. He depicted présent his feelings throughout through nature. In other words, nature reflects his feelings. It can help him to describe his perception of the situation. He describes the atmosphere as a strange tropical climate which reflects his relationship with Antoinette:” And the woman is a stranger. » Rochester seems sensitive to nature because he remarks details of an unknown environment. He observes the colours “red”, “blue”, “green”, and the presence of animals: “bird», «horse”. The lexical field of nature is present, for example: “wall of green”, “ravine”, “the hills, the mountains”, “blue green sea”, warm wind”, “wall of trees”, “earth” …. In addition, we can compare “the very lonely sound” of the bird to Rochester’s feelings. He feels alone in a different environment.

So Rochester feels uncomfortable with the new environment. Both landscape and the character seem exceeded of the circumstances overtaken by the circumstances ?.

We can quote the lexical field of excess, for example: "too much", "extreme", “too red”. The repetition of the adverb “too” reinforces the excess. In addition, we can see a form of anaphora which creates again the effect of excess, of succession reiteration and surplus: “Too much blue, too much purple, too much green. The flowers too red, the mountains too high, the hills too near". This repetition creates an impression of chorus, it does not stop, and it is not enjoyable for Rochester. The last sentence underlines this chorus and appears as an echo: "Oh England, England she called back mockingly, and the sound went on and on like a warning I did not choose to hear”.
Moreover, we can observe the omnipresence of the green colour: « the wall of green”, “an extreme green”, “too much green”, “the thick green leaf”. The green is a colour which represents nature and is used to symbolize rebirth or immortality. Rochester remarks the colour, and he hates it; he appears to be against the renewal. The green is not a suitable colour for him and for his natural environment.

Then, the savagery of the nature can be translated as the warning voice of nature. In fact, there are signs emitted by nature that can be considered as a warning. For example, it can be represented by the wild: “it a wild place”, “Not only wild », the coldness: “cold in my sweat-soaked shirt », “It was cold ». The sentence: “I understood why the porter had called it a wild place. Not only wild but menacing.”, confirms that he perceived the message. The nature announces a bad omen about his future and Rochester feels the threat.


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