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Translations /Fr into En

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Translations /Fr into En
Message de vaiana posté le 06-07-2022 à 19:46:51 (S | E | F)
Hello teachers!

Would you mind helping me correct my little translations by pinpointing my mistakes, please?

1. Quand veux-tu visiter ce célèbre musée : demain ou seulement dimanche ?
When do you want to visit that famous museum: tomorrow or Sunday only?

2. Aujourd'hui, on constate que beaucoup de gens font de moins en moins confiance aux hommes politiques.
Nowadays, it's observed that a lot of people trust politicians less and less.

3. Nos amis, qui ont passé quatre jours en Autriche, s'intéressent à l'histoire de ce pays.
Our friends, who spent four days in Austria, are interested in the history of that country.

4. Après leur stage, ils ont voulu travailler dans une grande entreprise de Stuttgart.
Right after their internship, they wanted to work in a large company in Stuttgart.

5. Si elle avait eu plus de temps, elle serait restée à la mer tout le week-end.
Had she had more time, she'd stay on the beach all weekend long.

6. Elle regrette que ses amis ne lui aient pas proposé d'aller à New York avec eux.
She regrets her friends didn't offer her to go with them to New York.

7. Plus nous étudierons les effets du changement climatique dans le monde entier, plus nous nous rapprocherons d'une solution acceptable.
The more the effects of the climat change worldwide will be studied, the more we will tend to a sustainable solution.

8. Ils ont fait bâtir une maison au bord de la mer sans penser à la montée du niveau marin.
They had a house built on the seashore without considering the rising of the sea level.

9. Les présidents dont la vie est associée à l'esclavage n'auront plus de statues dans de nombreuses villes américaines.
Presidents whose life is linked with slavery will no longer have statues in a lot of American towns.

10. Toutes ces informations sont sûres : elles ont été vérifiées par une agence de presse de renommée internationale.
All these pieces of information are reliable: they have been checked by a press agency internationally renowned.

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de traviskidd, postée le 07-07-2022 à 07:38:59 (S | E)
Hello, and welcome back!

4. tried to get a job at
5. 'd stay = resterait
6. regrets that (a bit strange to omit "that" after "regret")
offer to let her come
7. climate change (no article)
are (same rule as after "when")
tend toward
9. whose lives are associated
many (a bit more formal than "a lot of", to translate "nombreuses")
10. this information (unless it is important that there are several pieces)
reliable; (a semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses in a single sentence)
ckecked (OK, or "verified")
adjectives (almost always) come before nouns

See you.

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de vaiana, postée le 07-07-2022 à 23:32:20 (S | E)
Hello travis! I'm glad you remember me!
Thanks for your correction!

5. ...she'd have stayed all weekend long on the beach

6. Why isn't my sentence right?

7. Same rule as after "when": I don't understand what you mean.

10. ...they have been checked by an internationally-renowned press agency

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de traviskidd, postée le 08-07-2022 à 01:20:12 (S | E)

6. "to offer sb to do sth" doesn't exist as a construction. Maybe "ask" or "invite" would be a better verb.
"Come" is better than "go" for the idea of accompanying the speaker (even in indirect speech).
7. When you learn which tense to use after "when", you will understand what I mean
10. it (this information) has been checked/verified....
(When you verify something, you check whether it's true and assure yourself that indeed it is.)

See you.

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de gerold, postée le 08-07-2022 à 12:07:48 (S | E)

juste une petite remarque : à la phrase 5, "à la mer" ne signifie pas forcément "on the beach".

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de vaiana, postée le 09-07-2022 à 17:51:43 (S | E)
Hello Travis and Gerold, thanks!

5. Had she had more time, she'd stay at the sea all weekend long.

Here I'm in doubt. I don't know if I should use “at (the) sea” or “by the sea”.

7. The more the effects of climat change worldwide are studied, the more we will tend toward a sustainable solution.

I know you have to use the present tense after “when” when you're referring to the future, but I don't undestand why in this specific case.

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de traviskidd, postée le 10-07-2022 à 06:39:59 (S | E)

"At sea" means on the water (and probably far from land).

"Will" is used to give new information about the future, i.e. to make a prediction. What follows the first "the more" is a condition, not a prediction.

"Climat" is misspelled.

See you.

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de gerold, postée le 10-07-2022 à 09:13:38 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

A la phrase 5, vous avez repris une erreur après l'avoir corrigée ("resterait").

Réponse : Translations /Fr into En de vaiana, postée le 11-07-2022 à 00:53:24 (S | E)
Hello Travis and Gerold. Many thanks for your help.

5. Had she had more time, she would have stayed all weekend long at the sea.

7. The more the effects of climate change worldwide are studied, the more we'll tend towards a sustainable solution.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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