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Message de vaiana posté le 19-07-2022 à 02:02:19 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well

Could you help me with these translations please? Thanks.
1. Je devais aller chez mon médecin généraliste hier, mais malheureusement j’ai dû annuler mon rendez-vous.
I was meant to go to my doctor's yesterday but, unfortunately, I had to call my appointment off.
2. Je regrette de ne pas être resté vivre aux États-Unis... j’aurais pu y faire fortune. Quel dommage !
I regret that I didn't stay and live in the United States... I could have made a fortune there. What a shame!
3. Je n’ai pas l’intention de faire repeindre la maison cette année : je vais épargner encore un peu.
I don't intend to get the house repainted this year: I'm going to save up a little more.
4. Mes amis ont visité plusieurs pays anglophones, dont l’un a aussi le français comme langue officielle.
My friends have visited several English-speaking countries, one of whose official languages is also French.
In the last sentence, I'm not sure about the use of the construction 'one of whose', which is a tricky construction... need to be enlightened
Message de vaiana posté le 19-07-2022 à 02:02:19 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well

Could you help me with these translations please? Thanks.

1. Je devais aller chez mon médecin généraliste hier, mais malheureusement j’ai dû annuler mon rendez-vous.
I was meant to go to my doctor's yesterday but, unfortunately, I had to call my appointment off.
2. Je regrette de ne pas être resté vivre aux États-Unis... j’aurais pu y faire fortune. Quel dommage !
I regret that I didn't stay and live in the United States... I could have made a fortune there. What a shame!
3. Je n’ai pas l’intention de faire repeindre la maison cette année : je vais épargner encore un peu.
I don't intend to get the house repainted this year: I'm going to save up a little more.
4. Mes amis ont visité plusieurs pays anglophones, dont l’un a aussi le français comme langue officielle.
My friends have visited several English-speaking countries, one of whose official languages is also French.
In the last sentence, I'm not sure about the use of the construction 'one of whose', which is a tricky construction... need to be enlightened

Réponse : Thème/aide de lucile83, postée le 19-07-2022 à 15:15:14 (S | E)
'I'm not sure about the use of the construction 'one of whose.'...whose is not correct here.
You have to find another word expressing what choice you have to do.

Réponse : Thème/aide de vaiana, postée le 21-07-2022 à 03:39:19 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Why can't I use 'one of whose' in this case?

Réponse : Thème/aide de lucile83, postée le 21-07-2022 à 08:46:43 (S | E)
You have to find another word expressing what choice you have to do, and modify your sentence.
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais