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Message de vaiana posté le 31-08-2022 à 18:49:14 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone
Would you mind helping me correct my attempts please? Please be very strict!

This first exercise aims at translating the sentences below into English .

1. Il a dit qu'elle avait eu l'intention de passer discuter la veille.
He said that she had intended/that she was meant to come by and talk the day before.

2. Danny demanda si nous pouvions nous rencontrer la semaine suivante.
Danny asked whether we could meet up the next week.

3. Est-ce que tu aimes être dérangé à l'heure du dîner pour qu'on te dise que tu mourrais de faim si tu étais né en Afrique plutôt qu'en Europe ? Eh bien pas moi.
Would you like being bothered at dinnertime by being told that you would starve to death if you were rather born in Africa than in Europe? Well, not me.

4. Il ordonna aux enfants de rentrer immédiatement.
He demanded the kids to come back at once.

5. À force de faire honte à son mari, Helen l'a contraint à laver ses chemises lui-même.
By dint of making her husband feel ashamed, Helen talked to him into cleaning his shirts on his own.

6. Franchement, croyez-vous que le rétablissement de la peine de mort résoudrait les problèmes de la société actuelle ?
Let's be serious, do you think that the death penalty reestablishment would resolve the current society's trouble?

7. Je préfère les épinards qui nous ont été servis et que nous avons partagés la semaine dernière.
I'd rather eat the spinach (that) we were served and (that) we partook in last week.

8. Nous ne savions pas que nous serions encore en train d'attendre dans trois heures.
Little did we know we would still be waiting in three hours/ three hours later/ in a three-hour time/ in three hours' time.

The instruction of the following exercise is to put the sentences into the passive voice whenever it's possible.

1. Everyone treats her like a real lady.
She is treated like a real lady (by everyone).

2. Journalists are interviewing the Prime Minister about the increase in taxes.
The Prime Minister is being interviewed about the increase in taxes (by the journalists).

3. Someone should have spoken to me before doing that.
I should have been spoken to before doing that.

4. Someone will be bringing it tomorrow, won't they ?
It will be brought tomorrow, won't it?

5. They called the police because of the horrendous din.
The police were called (by them) because of the horrendous din.

6. The village children laughed at him and played tricks on him.
He was laughed at and played tricks on (by the village children)

7. Some people deem it necessary to change clothes for dinner.
Changing of clothes for dinner is deemed necessary by some people.

See you!

Réponse : Exercises/correction de gerondif, postée le 01-09-2022 à 19:48:57 (S | E)
1. Il a dit qu'elle avait eu l'intention de passer discuter la veille.
He said that she had intended (ok)/that she was meant (ne correspond pas à un plus que parfait) to come by and talk the day before.

2. Danny demanda si nous pouvions nous rencontrer la semaine suivante.
Danny asked whether we could meet (up) the next week.( next week devient the following week quand ce n'est plus relié au présent)

3. Est-ce que tu aimes être dérangé à l'heure du dîner pour qu'on te dise que tu mourrais de faim si tu étais né en Afrique plutôt qu'en Europe ? Eh bien pas moi.
Would you like (signifie plutôt aimerais-tu. J'aurais mis to be disturbed et non un ing, puisqu'on n'en fait pas une habitude) being bothered at dinner time by(ne me semble pas neatuel) being told that you would starve to death if you were rather (à mettre devant than) born in Africa than in Europe? Well, not me (Well, I wouldn't serait plus littéraire.)

4. Il ordonna aux enfants de rentrer immédiatement.
He demanded(order fonctionne ainsi mais pas demand) the kids to come back at once.

5. À force de faire honte à son mari, Helen l'a contraint à laver ses chemises lui-même.
By dint of making her husband feel ashamed, Helen talked to him into cleaning his shirts himself (on his own signifie tout seul).

6. Franchement, croyez-vous que le rétablissement de la peine de mort résoudrait les problèmes de la société actuelle ?
Let's be serious / honestly /, do you think that the death penalty reestablishment (re establishing the death penalty) would resolve (solve) the current society's trouble? (je n'aurais pas mis un cas possessif)

7. Je préfère les épinards qui nous ont été servis et que nous avons partagés la semaine dernière.
I'd rather eat (signifie je préférerais) the spinach (that) we were served and (that) we partook in (c'est prendre part à une activité. that we shared) last week.

8. Nous ne savions pas que nous serions encore en train d'attendre dans trois heures.
Little did we know we would still be waiting in three hours/ three hours later/ in a three-hour time/ in three hours' time.

1. Everyone treats her like a real lady.
She is treated like a real lady (by everyone).

2. Journalists are interviewing the Prime Minister about the increase in taxes.
The Prime Minister is being interviewed about the increase in taxes (by the journalists).

3. Someone should have spoken to me before doing that.
I should have been spoken to before doing that.

4. Someone will be bringing it tomorrow, won't they ?
It will be brought tomorrow, won't it?

5. They called the police because of the horrendous din.
The police were called (by them) because of the horrendous din.

6. The village children laughed at him and played tricks on him.
He was laughed at and played tricks on (by the village children)

7. Some people deem it necessary to change clothes for dinner.
Changing of clothes for dinner is deemed necessary by some people.

Réponse : Exercises/correction de vaiana, postée le 02-09-2022 à 03:38:23 (S | E)

1. Il a dit qu'elle avait eu l'intention de passer discuter la veille.
He said that she had intended/ she had been meant to come by and talk the day before.

2. Danny demanda si nous pouvions nous rencontrer la semaine suivante.
Danny asked whether we could meet (up) the following week. ok thanks

3. Est-ce que tu aimes être dérangé à l'heure du dîner pour qu'on te dise que tu mourrais de faim si tu étais né en Afrique plutôt qu'en Europe ? Eh bien pas moi.
Do you like to be bothered/ disturbed at dinner time for being told that you would starve to death if you were born in Africa rather than in Europe? Well, I wouldn't / not me.
as per the Cambridge Dictionary, "dinnertime" is okay Lien internet

4. Il ordonna aux enfants de rentrer immédiatement.
He ordered the kids to come back at once.
to order/ to demand
ordonner/ exiger
these two verbs are quite synonyms to me ...

5. À force de faire honte à son mari, Helen l'a contraint à laver ses chemises lui-même.
By dint of making her husband feel ashamed, Helen talked him into washing his shirts himself.

6. Franchement, croyez-vous que le rétablissement de la peine de mort résoudrait les problèmes de la société actuelle ?
Let's be serious/ Honestly, do you think that reestablishing the death penalty would (re)solve the trouble/ problems of the current society?

In general statements, do you know why we say "the death penalty" but "climate change" without article?
They both stand for general concepts, they should both take no article to me.
Climate change is increasingly worsening.
The death penalty still remains in some states of the US.

7. Je préfère les épinards qui nous ont été servis et que nous avons partagés la semaine dernière.
I prefer the spinach we were served and (we) partook of last week/ shared last week.

8. Nous ne savions pas que nous serions encore en train d'attendre dans trois heures.
Little did we know we would still be waiting in three hours' time.
Could you explain to me why I can't say "in three hours" or simply "in a three-hour time" please?

2. Journalists are interviewing the Prime Minister about the increase in taxes.
The Prime Minister is being interviewed about the increase in taxes by journalists.

7. Some people deem it necessary to change clothes for dinner.
Changing clothes for dinner is deemed necessary by some people.

Genuine thanks for helping me

Réponse : Exercises/correction de traviskidd, postée le 02-09-2022 à 07:37:48 (S | E)

1) "To mean" and "To be meant" are not the same.
2) "The next week" is OK. I prefer "the following week", but the "the" indicates that it's not the week after now.
3) "By" doesn't translate "pour que".
4) "Demand" doesn't admit the structure "to demand somebody to do something". ("Order" does admit this structure, and is besides a direct translation of "ordonner". Why choose a synonym rather than a direct translation? This also goes for "next/following" in 2).)
5) I don't think anybody says "dint of" anymore.
6) "The death penalty" is a specific kind of action. "Climate change" is an amorphous phenomenon.
To "solve" means to find a solution. To "resolve" a problem means to apply the solution and eliminate the problem. The two words can sometimes be used interchangeably, which is the case here.
7) "Partake" is used only in a religious/ceremonial sense ("to partake of the body and blood of Christ", for example)
8) "In three hours" implies that something will happen then, not that a situation will still be the case.

Passive voice:

3) Your sentence in the passive implies that "I" am the one who would be "doing that", rather than simply the one "spoken to". (Maybe put "do that" in the passive as well.)
4) Technically it should be "will be being brought", but here the future V-ing is used in an expectative sense that doesn't fit well with the passive voice.

See you

Réponse : Exercises/correction de vaiana, postée le 02-09-2022 à 13:45:07 (S | E)
Hello Travis

1. Il a dit qu'elle avait eu l'intention de passer discuter la veille.
He said that she had intended/meant to come by and talk the day before.

3. Est-ce que tu aimes être dérangé à l'heure du dîner pour qu'on te dise que tu mourrais de faim si tu étais né en Afrique plutôt qu'en Europe ? Eh bien pas moi.
Do you like to be bothered/ disturbed at dinner time for being told that you would starve to death if you were born in Africa rather than in Europe? Well, I wouldn't / not me. Does "for" fit best?

4. Il ordonna aux enfants de rentrer immédiatement.
He ordered the kids to come back immediately.
Does this mean that I can't specify the person to whom I'm talking whenever I use the verb "to demand"?

5. I don't think anybody says "dint of" anymore.
By making her husband feel ashamed over and over, Helen talked him into washing his shirts himself.

6. "The death penalty" is a specific kind of action. "Climate change" is an amorphous phenomenon.
To me, climate change is also a specific kind of phenomenon

7. "Partake" is used only in a religious/ceremonial sense ("to partake of the body and blood of Christ", for example)
I prefer the spinach we were served and (we) shared last week.

Passive voice:

3. Someone should have spoken to me before that to be done.
I should have been spoken to before this was done.

Many thanks!

Réponse : Exercises/correction de traviskidd, postée le 02-09-2022 à 18:41:36 (S | E)
Hello again

3) I think the infinitive works best here, perhaps preceded by "just" ("rien que").
"Would you/I wouldn't" or "Do you/I don't".
4) You can use "demand", but you need a different structure (as with "insist").
5) OK, or "By constantly shaming..."
6) Do you know when (the) climate change started, and when it will end? If not, then it's not very specific, is it?

3) Someone should have spoken to me before doing that. (This is OK because here it is clear that "someone" (not "me") would be "doing that".)

See you.

Réponse : Exercises/correction de gerondif, postée le 02-09-2022 à 19:44:27 (S | E)
3. Est-ce que tu aimes être dérangé à l'heure du dîner pour qu'on te dise que tu mourrais de faim si tu étais né en Afrique plutôt qu'en Europe ? Eh bien pas moi.
J'aurais dit.
Do you like to be bothered/ disturbed at dinner time just to be told that you would starve to death if you were born in Africa rather than in Europe? Well, I don't.

Pour moi, next week se raccroche à l'instant présent.
I will see you next week.
Si je dis :
He said that he will see you next week, nous sommes toujours aujourd'hui, ou la semaine précédant la date du rendez-vous.

Je n'ai jamais lu "the next week" comme complément de temps.
Au passé, avec un rapport de postériorité raccroché à une date du passé, on dira.
He was seriously wounded and ended up in hospital where he died the following week. Je ne dirais pas "the next week."

Réponse : Exercises/correction de traviskidd, postée le 02-09-2022 à 20:33:20 (S | E)
Hello gerondif.

As I said, I prefer "the following week" (not least because it directly translates "la semaine suivante"), but "the next week" is also possible. (I would post a link, but I'm sure your Google skills are as good as mine.)

See you.

Réponse : Exercises/correction de vaiana, postée le 05-09-2022 à 19:05:00 (S | E)
Hello, thanks to both of you for your inputs

3. I think the infinitive works best here, perhaps preceded by "just" ("rien que").
Do you like to be disturbed at dinner time just to be told that you would starve to death if you were born in Africa rather than in Europe? Well, I wouldn't.

6. Do you know when (the) climate change started, and when it will end? If not, then it's not very specific, is it?
What about "capital punishment," which has the same meaning as "the death penalty" but doesn't need the definite article ... quite muddling

Réponse : Exercises/correction de gerondif, postée le 05-09-2022 à 23:44:58 (S | E)
Votre Well, I wouldn't ! ne reprend pas l'auxiliaire de Do you like ?

Réponse : Exercises/correction de vaiana, postée le 06-09-2022 à 04:59:44 (S | E)
Of course Thanks!

Réponse : Exercises/correction de traviskidd, postée le 06-09-2022 à 21:44:09 (S | E)
3. I would say "rather than Europe" (no need to repeat the "in").

6. "What about 'capital punishment'?"

Hmm... now I'm scratching my head! I "feel" the difference, but how to put it into words? I think "capital punishment" sees it as more of an abstract idea, the idea of giving someone the maximum possible punishment. "The death penalty" is more concrete, in the sense that it imagines how the punishment will be administered (hanging? the electric chair? firing squad?).

But I must admit your question is a very good one. Hopefully the above explanation will satisfy you Otherwise, you'll just have to accept that languages aren't always logical, and don't always obey (even their own) rules.

See you!

Réponse : Exercises/correction de vaiana, postée le 08-09-2022 à 04:06:42 (S | E)
Hello Thanks for the attempt to enlighten me

However, it still remains unclear to me I think that I will hang in and learn all of this subtlety by heart in the detail, I'm not offered any other choice

See you!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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