Causatives / passif
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Message de jojo7139 posté le 03-09-2023 à 10:48:42 (S | E | F)
hello everyone
I am studying causative forms and I don't understand these sentences.
Thank you very much for your help
in this exercise, Mettre les phrases au passif en gardant le complément d'agent.
She wanted a mechanic to fix her motorcycle.
correction :She wanted her motorcycle fixed by a mechanic.
j'aurais mis :
She wanted her motorcycle to be fixed by a mechanic
j'ai appris qu'avec le verbe to want sa construction est :
Sujet 1 + want + sujet 2 + TO
au passif causatif il semblerait que le TO disparait?
Merci pour vos explications et quelques exemples please
Message de jojo7139 posté le 03-09-2023 à 10:48:42 (S | E | F)
hello everyone
I am studying causative forms and I don't understand these sentences.
Thank you very much for your help
in this exercise, Mettre les phrases au passif en gardant le complément d'agent.
She wanted a mechanic to fix her motorcycle.
correction :She wanted her motorcycle fixed by a mechanic.
j'aurais mis :
She wanted her motorcycle to be fixed by a mechanic
j'ai appris qu'avec le verbe to want sa construction est :
Sujet 1 + want + sujet 2 + TO
au passif causatif il semblerait que le TO disparait?
Merci pour vos explications et quelques exemples please
Réponse : Causatives / passif de gerondif, postée le 03-09-2023 à 12:26:31 (S | E)
C'est la même phrase au départ :
She wanted a mechanic to fix her motorcycle.
She wanted her motorcycle fixed by a mechanic.
She wanted her motorcycle to be fixed by a mechanic.
Il suffit de faire :
She wanted her motorcycle (to be) fixed by a mechanic.
La structure que vous citez, la proposition infinitive, marche avec des verbe d'action, l'action étant faite par le sujet 2 :
I want her to work.
I expect him to obey.
I would like you to listen.
I ordered them to wait.
Mais si le sujet 2 subit l'action avec to be + participe passé, une voix passive donc, on a cette structure causative.
I want her (to be) dead.
He shouted himself (until he was)hoarse.
She lulled her baby (until he was asleep) to sleep.
I want my opponent (to be) killed.
Comparez :
I want him to kill her. Il fait l'action.
I want him killed. Il subit l'action.
Réponse : Causatives / passif de jojo7139, postée le 03-09-2023 à 16:06:02 (S | E)
thank you very much Gerondif
I think I have understood but until when?

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