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Rapport de stage en anglais
Message de jer78 posté le 26-03-2008 à 17:35:08
Bonjour , je suis éleve en bts electrotechnique , jai un rapport de stage a rendre pour vendredi (oui c ds deux jours) et jai un niveau d'anglais assez bas , comme vous pourrer le constaté, mon rapport ne doi faire que trois pages et jai mis 5h a en faire 2.5....jai un mal fou a finir ma conclusion quelqun pourrai me donner un exemple que je pourrai faire (jai mis les consignes de ma conclusion tout en bas) , ca serai cool et grace a vous qui sait jaurai peut etre ce foutu BTS...!!!!
To begin with , i would like to thank all persons who help me during my training period as :
-Mr Goussu, electricity technician in charge of cartrac system, who give me all his knowledge of the system , his technics competances and was very present for me during my training period.
-Mr Perrigault, in charge of electricity sector , choose me to execut my training period.
All electricians for the severals advices given.
I chose to do my training period in hospital Victor Jousselin because i have already
done an other training period there and I was very satisfied. I decided to carry out my
formation in electricity sector because it is the closer to what I studies.
Dreux hospital is one of the more renowned of the Eure-et-Loir , it is situated at 50
km in the south-west of Rambouillet , it count 1700 employed with 200 technicians ,
and it has a budget of 113 millions €.
I was appointed to the cartrac system .
A- Presentation of hospital
A1- Activity sector
Dreux hospital ,in result of its great popularity in its department , has to welcome many persons who have differents illness , that's why they have 755 beds in differents services
A2- Electric department:
The technician department is divided in severals parts : electric, painting and mechanic , the electricians are 7 , the tasks in the service are « maintenance » in differents parts of hospital or the management of cartrac system , during my training period i worked on this last.
A3-Functionment of Cartrac system
The cartrac is a system wich permit to give drugs , clothes , food , in differents services . It is a trolley wich is controled by diferents automatic controler.
The first basement is a main level of cartrac , it is where situated pharmacy , self and lingerie.
C-Activities during the technician training period
B1- Missions
At the begining , I worked with technician who repair differents problems in the
severals services , and after I asked to work on the cartrac system because I was
interested to learn how this last functioned.
My principal mission on a cartrac system was the programation to resolv a problem
which concerns the destination of the trolley.
To resolv the problem , I used PL7 micro , a software which permit to program
automat controler . The main dificulties were to learn all functions of the system and
the software , after severals weeks of work I succeeded to add , with the help of
MrGoussu , a programation which permit to send the trolley in differents services
thanks to simple button.
B2- Assess to formation
During this Training period , I developed many competances learned at school in real environment , It give me experience , team spirit and thanks to this trainaing period I am more self-confident about decisions I take.
Ce que je dois faire et ou jai du mal : « La conclusion résume bien sur , ds une premiere partie , les principales conclusion de votre rapport.mais la conclusion permet aussi dans une deuxieme partie de vous interoger sur la suite , sur lavenir de l'entreprise ,sur le service , et de mettre en perspective votre stage dans une formation et dans un projet professionnel. »
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2008 17:42
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Modifié par lucile83 le 08-07-2010 19:29
Message de jer78 posté le 26-03-2008 à 17:35:08
Bonjour , je suis éleve en bts electrotechnique , jai un rapport de stage a rendre pour vendredi (oui c ds deux jours) et jai un niveau d'anglais assez bas , comme vous pourrer le constaté, mon rapport ne doi faire que trois pages et jai mis 5h a en faire 2.5....jai un mal fou a finir ma conclusion quelqun pourrai me donner un exemple que je pourrai faire (jai mis les consignes de ma conclusion tout en bas) , ca serai cool et grace a vous qui sait jaurai peut etre ce foutu BTS...!!!!
To begin with , i would like to thank all persons who help me during my training period as :
-Mr Goussu, electricity technician in charge of cartrac system, who give me all his knowledge of the system , his technics competances and was very present for me during my training period.
-Mr Perrigault, in charge of electricity sector , choose me to execut my training period.
All electricians for the severals advices given.
I chose to do my training period in hospital Victor Jousselin because i have already
done an other training period there and I was very satisfied. I decided to carry out my
formation in electricity sector because it is the closer to what I studies.
Dreux hospital is one of the more renowned of the Eure-et-Loir , it is situated at 50
km in the south-west of Rambouillet , it count 1700 employed with 200 technicians ,
and it has a budget of 113 millions €.
I was appointed to the cartrac system .
A- Presentation of hospital
A1- Activity sector
Dreux hospital ,in result of its great popularity in its department , has to welcome many persons who have differents illness , that's why they have 755 beds in differents services
A2- Electric department:
The technician department is divided in severals parts : electric, painting and mechanic , the electricians are 7 , the tasks in the service are « maintenance » in differents parts of hospital or the management of cartrac system , during my training period i worked on this last.
A3-Functionment of Cartrac system
The cartrac is a system wich permit to give drugs , clothes , food , in differents services . It is a trolley wich is controled by diferents automatic controler.
The first basement is a main level of cartrac , it is where situated pharmacy , self and lingerie.
C-Activities during the technician training period
B1- Missions
At the begining , I worked with technician who repair differents problems in the
severals services , and after I asked to work on the cartrac system because I was
interested to learn how this last functioned.
My principal mission on a cartrac system was the programation to resolv a problem
which concerns the destination of the trolley.
To resolv the problem , I used PL7 micro , a software which permit to program
automat controler . The main dificulties were to learn all functions of the system and
the software , after severals weeks of work I succeeded to add , with the help of
MrGoussu , a programation which permit to send the trolley in differents services
thanks to simple button.
B2- Assess to formation
During this Training period , I developed many competances learned at school in real environment , It give me experience , team spirit and thanks to this trainaing period I am more self-confident about decisions I take.
Ce que je dois faire et ou jai du mal : « La conclusion résume bien sur , ds une premiere partie , les principales conclusion de votre rapport.mais la conclusion permet aussi dans une deuxieme partie de vous interoger sur la suite , sur lavenir de l'entreprise ,sur le service , et de mettre en perspective votre stage dans une formation et dans un projet professionnel. »
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2008 17:42
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Modifié par lucile83 le 08-07-2010 19:29
Réponse: Rapport de stage en anglais de , postée le 26-03-2008 à 18:05:33
"I'd like to thank THE persons", présence de l'article car tu donnes des noms bien précis par la suite (Mr Goussu, Mr Perrigault).
"who helpED", elles t'ont aidée dans le passé, donc emploi du passé!!
"who GAVE me", passé.
"...in charge of THE electricity sector CHOSE",emploi du passé encore une fois.
"for their piece of advice that they gave me". "Advice" est un indénombrable, donc tu ne peux pas dire "an advice".
"in THE hospital..it is in relation with my studies".
"one of the MOST", ici, il faut employer le superlatif.
"it countS", le "s" est très important, l'oublier est une faute qui coûte de nombreux points!!
"presentation of THE hospital"
"the cartract is a service which permitS"..."this is where the pharmacy is situated"
"to resolve a problem which concernED"
"who repairED"
"to resolvE"...permitS....succeeded IN ADDING...permitS"
"it GAVE me...about decisions I have to take"
en espérant t'avoir aidé, Joey 93.
Réponse: Rapport de stage en anglais de jer78, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:19:04
Merci joey! tu maide beaucoup !!!!!
En ce qui concerne la conclusion ya personne qui pourrai me pondre un truc de 5-6 ligne en expliquant que ca me sera utile pour ma recherche de travail , qu'etant a l'ecole c le seul moyen d'acquerir de l'experience etc...
Réponse: Rapport de stage en anglais de , postée le 27-03-2008 à 09:03:11
En ce qui concerne la conclusion, je pense que tu devrais la faire par toi même,personne d'autre ne peut expliquer à quel point ce stage a été bénéfique, ormis toi. j'essaierai de t'aider s'il y a des fautes et si tu ne l'envoi pas trop tard sur le site