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correction d'un sujet svp (1)

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correction d'un sujet svp
Message de chaachaa posté le 09-04-2008 à 17:18:43 (S | E | F)


Pouvez-vous me corriger mon sujet : je dois dire pourquoi j'ai choisi le projet de mes camarades.
Ce projet porte sur le nouveau bâtiment construit à la place des deux tours jumelles.
Merci d'avance.

I think that the Alexia, pauline kelly and manon project it is a very good idea for a various reason:
-fisrt their project is practicable and will not cost too expensive has the city of New York.
-second they put a miniature statue which represente twins tower and in this towers there is write the names of people who died of this terrorist attack -third In towers there is restaurant of the whole world (du monde entier) it allows has the city of New York to widen its culture and also to make tourists come.
-Fourthly the subway passes under this tower it facilitates the movement for the employees but also for the tourists.
-To finish the name of the project called « New start » is a good idea for this new names because it allows to leave has zero, to take a good start.

Réponse: correction d'un sujet svp de mayva, postée le 11-04-2008 à 22:54:38 (S | E)
I think that the project of Alexia, pauline kelly and manon is a very good idea for various reasons:
-fisrt their project is practicable and it won't be too expensive for the city of New York.
-second they put a miniature statue which represents the twin towers and on this towers are written the names of the people who died of the terrorist attack
-third In the towers there is a restaurant with food from all over the world (un restaurant du monde entier--> comment ça??) which will allow the city of New York to widen its culture and also to make tourists come.
-Fourth the subway passes under this tower which facilitates the moves of the employees but also of the tourists.
-To finish the name of the project is « New start » which is a good idea because it allows to start anew, to take a good start.

j'espère que je réponds pas trop tard

Réponse: correction d'un sujet svp de chaachaa, postée le 11-04-2008 à 22:57:23 (S | E)
Non, non, ta réponse n'arrive pas trop tard ! je te remercie !

third In the towers there is a restaurant with food from all over the world (un restaurant du monde entier)

Réponse: correction d'un sujet svp de missdeybow, postée le 14-04-2008 à 14:30:54 (S | E)
coucou dsl je ne répondrez pas à ta réponse car je suis hyper nul en anglais j'aurais voulu savoir comment on créer un sujet de forum stp
merci d'avance

Réponse: correction d'un sujet svp de sitelle, postée le 14-04-2008 à 14:46:33 (S | E)
I think that the project of Alexia, Pauline Kelly and Manon it is a very good idea for a various reason:
-fisrt their project is practicable -> easy to achieve and will not cost be too expensive has for the city of New York.
-second they put a miniature statue which represents the twins towers and in thistheses towers there is write the names of people who died of this terrorist attack -third In the towers there is restaurant of the whole world (du monde entier) it allows has the city of New York to widen its culture and also to make tourists come.
-Fourthly the subway passes under this tower it facilitates the movement for the employees but also for the tourists.
-To finish the name of the project called « New start » is a good idea for this new names because it allows to leave has zero, to take a good start

Réponse: correction d'un sujet svp de chaachaa, postée le 14-04-2008 à 20:32:16 (S | E)
pour créé un sujet il faut t'inscrire



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