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Vérifier ma traduction (1)

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Vérifier ma traduction
Message de alex59134 posté le 18-10-2008 à 10:29:36 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'ai essayé de traduire un petit article dans le journal mais je ne suis pas sur de ma traduction. voilà le texte à traduire:
"Le 17 octobre à Lille, un début d'incendie s'est déclaré devant la FNAC, il n'y avait pas de flammes mais une odeur de brulé et de la fumée. Par précaution, tout le centre commercial a été évacué par le service de sécurité. Au bout d'une bonne demi-heure, il est de nouveau accessible. Car l'incident, minime, a été vite réglé."
Ma traduction:
"On October 17th in Lille, the beginning of fire declared in front of the FNAC, there were no flames but a smell of burning and no some smoke. By precaution, all the shopping center was evacuated by the security service. At the end of good half an hour, he is again accessible. Because the incident, small, was fast settled."
Pouvez-vous m'aidez svp

Réponse: Vérifier ma traduction de cecilward, postée le 18-10-2008 à 17:55:03 (S | E)
Hi Alex,

"On the 17th of October" - or "on October the 17th" - either is OK.

Sometimes the "-th" is omitted in writing.

In the USA, it may possible to say "on October 17th". You should check this though, as I'm no expert on American English.

"(a) fire broke out" - here "broke out" means "started"
"as a precaution"
"the emergency services" - that is, "the fire brigade" or "the police" etc (if that is what is meant).
"after half an hour"

In English it is possible to say "a good x" meaning "at least x" in for example "I waited a good half/at least an hour for you. Where have you been?" or "He must have been a good/at least six foot four". But I suggest that you can only use these constructions if you you are emphasising the size, quantity or number. Other examples "A good many people have complained about him" (meaning "a large(ish) number"), "A good part of it was damaged."

In your translation
"the incident, small, ..."
using an adjective like this is ungrammatical. You could rescue this by saying "the incident, which was small, ..." but that still seems rather unnatural. It could be that you wish to say "because the incident, which was not serious" (grave).

*"fast settled" - "quickly settled". "fast" is an adjective. You need an adverb here (because you are placing a modifier before the adjective "settled"), and so you need the adverb "quickly". This is a difficult subject; certain words that are also adjectives can be used in positions that require adverbs, and English dialects vary. Certainly you can use "fast" to modify some verbs - example "He drove fast."

*"he is again" - "he" can not be used here - you need to use "it". He and she are used to refer to persons according to natural gender, and for animals if gender is known, but "it" has to be used otherwise; English does not use grammatical gender categories. Occasionally "she" is used for ships, beloved old cars, etc. Sometimes "he" or "she" is used when referring to things affectionately (probably because people are in a sense treating them as human) or jokingly.



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