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Description d'une publicité (1)

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Description d'une publicité
Message de fallen posté le 04-11-2008 à 13:25:33

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis en terminal technologique et je dois passer un oral d'anglais jeudi sur une publicité que j'ai choisi préalablement. Cette publicité provient du magasine Newsweek et je fais appel au forum pour pouvoir m'aider quant à la correction de fautes d'orthographe, de syntaxe ou encore de vocabulaire.

Voici le lien de la publicité : Lien Internet

Je vous remercie d'avance !

This picture is an advertising taken from the famous American newspaper magazine Newsweek for the Turkish Airlines company.
In the background, we can see a blue sky with some clouds. This advertising is composed in four parts. In the background, we can see four monuments of four different countries. On the one hand, in the right part of the picture, we can notice the big ben which is the Palace of Westminster and refers to Britain. We can also see a telephone box typically English because it is red. On the other hand, at the left of the Big Ben, we can see the Statue of Liberty which represents the Untied Stated. Behind the Statue, there are a lot of skyscrapers and more specifically the famous Empire State Building. Then, there is the Saint Basil's Cathedral which is in Russia on the Red Square in Moscow. The interior of the cathedral is a collection of separate chapels, each filled with beautiful icons, medieval painted walls, and varying artwork on the top inside of the domes. (Pour le quatrième monument, je n’ai pas su dire grand chose dans le sens ou je ne vois vraiment pas quelle est ce monument ni le pays dont il provient)

At the foreground of the picture, there is an airplane which is divided in four parties according to the countries. As the matter of fact, the aircraft is present on each part of the countries. The title of this advertising is : “more destinations than you expect”.
The artist enhances the fact that Turkish airlines is flying in a lot of destinations like England, United Stated or Russia. Turkish airlines want proof that she is able to answer to the expectations of their customers. Indeed, nowadays, there are more and more people who travel in the whole world for trips or for their work. I find this advertisement attractive because I find it original by the fact that the artist has represents an aircraft divided in four countries. This technical advertising points out that Turkish Airlines is a big firm and show it international dimension of the firm.

Modifié par bridg le 21-05-2009 16:26

Réponse: Description d'une publicité de azer3, postée le 04-11-2008 à 14:47:27
bon jour
This picture is an advertising taken from the famous American newspaper magazine Newsweek about the Turkish Airlines company.
In the background, we can see a blue sky with some clouds. This advertising is composed with four parts. In the background, we can see four monuments of four different countries. On the one hand, in the right part of the picture, we can notice the big ben that is the Palace of the Westminster which refers to Britain. We can also see the red english telephone box./Cette phrase est plus simple et surtout elle indique mieux ce que tu veint de dire/. On the other hand, at the left of the Big Ben, we can see the Statue of Liberty which represents the Untied Stated. Behind the Statue, there are a lot of skyscrapers and/ici je voit qui il est mieux d'utiliser but a la place de and/ more specifically the famous Empire State Building. Then, there/we have the c'mieux/ is the Saint Basil's Cathedral which is in Russia on the Red Square in Moscow. The interior of the cathedral is a collection of separate chapels, each/on peut ne pas utiliser each/ filled with beautiful icons, medieval painted walls, and a varying artwork on the inside top of the domes.

At the foreground of the picture, there is an airplane which is divided in four parts according to the countries. As the matter of fact, the aircraft is present on each part of the countries. The title of this advertising is : “more destinations than you expect”.
The artist enhances the fact that Turkish airlines is flying in/ ou bien for/ a lot of destinations like England, United Stated or Russia. Turkish airlines want to proof that she is able to answer to the questions of their customers. Indeed, nowadays, there are more and more people who travel in the whole world for trips or for their work. I find this advertisement attractive because I find it original/ I can say that this advertisement is very attractive because i found-it original..../ by the fact that the artist has represents an aircraft divided in four countries. This technical advertising points out that Turkish Airlines is a big firm and it show it as a international dimension of the firm.
A part ca, c'est impicable.Bon chance.

Réponse: Description d'une publicité de intrepid34, postée le 04-11-2008 à 17:45:42
Good evening!

Tout d'abord, le mot est "advertisement" et non "advertising" !!
composed of et non composed from
On the right, we can see Big Ben (majescules) and the Houses of Parliament at Westminster which is a well-known landmark and tourist attraction in London.

I shall finish later as I have lots to do.


Réponse: Description d'une publicité de fallen, postée le 04-11-2008 à 22:52:48

J'ai modifié quelques petites choses par rapport à mon texte: qu'en penssez vous?

This picture is an advertisement taken from the famous American newspaper magazine Newsweek for the Turkish Airlines company.
In the background, we can see a blue sky with some clouds. This advertisement is composed of four parts. In the background, we can see four monuments of four different countries. On the one hand, in the right part of the picture, we can notice Big Ben which is the Houses of Parliament at Westminster which is a well-known landmark and tourist attraction in London. We can also see a telephone box typically English because it is red. On the other hand, at the left of the Big Ben, we can see the Statue of Liberty which represents the Untied Stated. Behind the Statue, there are a lot of skyscrapers and more specifically the famous Empire State Building. Then, there is the Saint Basil's Cathedral which is in Russia on the Red Square in Moscow. The interior of the cathedral is a collection of separate chapels, each filled with beautiful icons, medieval painted walls, and varying artwork on the top inside of the domes. (Pour le quatrième monument, je n’ai pas su dire grand chose dans le sens ou je ne vois vraiment pas quelle est ce monument ni le pays dont il provient)

At the foreground of the picture, there is an airplane which is divided in four parties according to the countries. As the matter of fact, the aircraft is present on each part of the countries. The title of this advertisement is : “more destinations than you expect”.
The artist enhances the fact that Turkish airlines is flying in a lot of destinations like England, United Stated or Russia. Turkish airlines want to proof that she is able to answer to the expectations of their customers. Indeed, nowadays, there are more and more people who travel in the whole world for trips or for their work. I find this advertisement attractive because I find it original by the fact that the artist has represents an aircraft divided in four countries. This technical advertisement points out that Turkish Airlines is a big firm and show it international dimension of the firm.

Réponse: Description d'une publicité de fallen, postée le 05-11-2008 à 19:18:47
Quelqu'un pourrait t'il me dire si il y a encore des fautes sur mon texte?
Comme je passe demain, j'aimerais être sur que tout soit bon

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