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Biographie (1)

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Message de nuyoricaine posté le 15-11-2008 à 15:28:19 (S | E | F)

bonjour, je dois écrire pour la première fois une biographie et j'aimerais savoir si ce que j'ai fait est juste merci

To him, the aesthetes and decadents were in favour of the enjoyment of beauty as the only aim in life.They emphasied art & sensibility rather than morality & duty.
He was rich but totally against the Victorian society and couldn't bear the hypocrisy.

Oscar first attended Trinity College in Dublin from 1871 to 1874 then at Magdalene College, Oxford from 1874 to 1878 where he was persecuted and even thrown into the Cherwell (River)
While at Magdalen College, Wilde became particularly well known for his role in the aesthetic and decadent movements, he was supporter of the "Art for art's sake movement" for him "no artist desires to prove anything'. 'The artist is the creator of beautiful things,nothing else" it's what he said in his only one novel The Portrait of Dorian Gray, 1891.
In 1878 he got his Bachelor Of Arts and won the 1878 Newdigate Prize for his poem Ravenna.
Thereafter, he spent the next six years in London and Paris, and in the United States(1882), where he traveled to deliver lectures, it's like that who became an international celebrity.

In 1884 In London, he met Constance Lloyd, daughter of wealthy Queen's Counsel Horace Lloyd and married her on May 29, 1884 in Paddington, London. The couple had two sons, Cyril (1885) and Vivian (1886).Subsequently he had a love affair with Alfred Douglas in 1895. One day, the marquis of queensbury insulted Oscar (He had left a card at a hotel addressed to Oscar 'posing sodomite') so Oscar decided to bring a libel action against him but lost (homosexuality was forbiden) and went 2 years in prison (1895-1897). This caused the end of his public life and his poverty.After his liberation he spent his last three years penniless exile in france under the name of Sebastien Melmoth.
He spent the rest of his life in lonelyness.Wilde died of cerebral meningitis on November 30, 1900, at the age of 46. He was buried in "Le Père Lachaise" Cemetry in Paris.



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