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Exercise on the cloning
Message de bully5 posté le 15-11-2008 à 23:47:40 (S | E | F)
I have an exercise and I would like if you can read and tell me that do you think please, there is an artical with questions
How likely is mammoth cloning?
There’s a child-like glee in knowing that off the back of recent experiments, scientists may try to « resurrect » long dead Woolly Mammoths that keeled over in Siberian permafrost 11,000 years ago.
The flurry of excitement follows an announcement from Japanese researchers who created healthy mouse pups by cloning cells from adult mice that had been languishing in the deep freeze for more than a year.
It wouldn’t be the first time scientists have tried to use cloning to bring back an extinct species. In 2001, Bessie the cow gave birth to Noah, an endangered wild ox that had been cloned by scientists in America.
That animal died two days later, but the scientists are not giving up. At Oxford’s Museum of Natural History, the left foot of a dodo is a perennial temptation.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s one thing to recreate a recently deceased species, another completely to bring back an animal that hasn’t walked the Earth for thousands of years.
« You have to think about why you would do it and where you would put it », says Bill Holt, head of reproductive biology at the Zoological Society of London. « Let’s suppose we create a mammoth and put it in a zoo. Then what. Do we want a hers? »
There a other practical obstacles. The Woolly Mammoth carcasses from Siberia have been frozen for 11.000years, so may be far more degraded than a mouse that is flash frozen for 16 months.
And species preserved in other ways usually have suffered such major fragmentation of their DNA that scientists don’t even know how to piece their genome back together .
Australian scientists are trying to bring back the extinct Tasmanian Tiger by stitching together tiny pieces of DNA, but the difficulty in doing so is formidable.
An elephant could act as surrogate mother for a mammoth, other on the wish list- the sabre-toothed tiger, even the Neanderthal man- might prove more tricky.
There is reason to be hopeful though. The ZSL’s Frozen Ark project stores cells from extinct and endangered animals, including the western lowland gorilla, the Sumatratiger and Socorro dove, primarily for evolutionary work, but in 100 years time, these could become a lifeline for species that will go extinct in our lifetimes.
1. Present the document. What does it refer to?
The document id an article from the Science Magazine of September 2008. The document speak about the scientists who making the experiences with cloning. To keep an extinct animals or recreate an other.
2. Using your own words, describe the point view of the text.
The Japanese , Australian and American scientists doing so many difficult experiments with the alive mousses or frozen, the cow, and the frozen Molly Mammoth ( frozen for 11.000 years) .They want to cloning with animal’s cells to recreate the species extinct or news.
3. Translate the last paragraph (from « there is reason » to « our lifetimes »)
C’est pourtant la raison d’avoir beaucoup d’espoirs. Le ZSL Frozen Ark a pour projet de stocker les cellules des animaux disparus et dangerous dont le gorille des plaines de l’ouest , le Sumatratiger et la colombe Soccoro, principalement par le travail d’évolution mais dans 100 ans , ce pourrait devenir un lien pour les espèces qui disparaitront dans nos vies.
Modifié par bridg le 16-11-2008 00:34
forum principal
Message de bully5 posté le 15-11-2008 à 23:47:40 (S | E | F)
I have an exercise and I would like if you can read and tell me that do you think please, there is an artical with questions
How likely is mammoth cloning?
There’s a child-like glee in knowing that off the back of recent experiments, scientists may try to « resurrect » long dead Woolly Mammoths that keeled over in Siberian permafrost 11,000 years ago.
The flurry of excitement follows an announcement from Japanese researchers who created healthy mouse pups by cloning cells from adult mice that had been languishing in the deep freeze for more than a year.
It wouldn’t be the first time scientists have tried to use cloning to bring back an extinct species. In 2001, Bessie the cow gave birth to Noah, an endangered wild ox that had been cloned by scientists in America.
That animal died two days later, but the scientists are not giving up. At Oxford’s Museum of Natural History, the left foot of a dodo is a perennial temptation.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s one thing to recreate a recently deceased species, another completely to bring back an animal that hasn’t walked the Earth for thousands of years.
« You have to think about why you would do it and where you would put it », says Bill Holt, head of reproductive biology at the Zoological Society of London. « Let’s suppose we create a mammoth and put it in a zoo. Then what. Do we want a hers? »
There a other practical obstacles. The Woolly Mammoth carcasses from Siberia have been frozen for 11.000years, so may be far more degraded than a mouse that is flash frozen for 16 months.
And species preserved in other ways usually have suffered such major fragmentation of their DNA that scientists don’t even know how to piece their genome back together .
Australian scientists are trying to bring back the extinct Tasmanian Tiger by stitching together tiny pieces of DNA, but the difficulty in doing so is formidable.
An elephant could act as surrogate mother for a mammoth, other on the wish list- the sabre-toothed tiger, even the Neanderthal man- might prove more tricky.
There is reason to be hopeful though. The ZSL’s Frozen Ark project stores cells from extinct and endangered animals, including the western lowland gorilla, the Sumatratiger and Socorro dove, primarily for evolutionary work, but in 100 years time, these could become a lifeline for species that will go extinct in our lifetimes.
1. Present the document. What does it refer to?
The document id an article from the Science Magazine of September 2008. The document speak about the scientists who making the experiences with cloning. To keep an extinct animals or recreate an other.
2. Using your own words, describe the point view of the text.
The Japanese , Australian and American scientists doing so many difficult experiments with the alive mousses or frozen, the cow, and the frozen Molly Mammoth ( frozen for 11.000 years) .They want to cloning with animal’s cells to recreate the species extinct or news.
3. Translate the last paragraph (from « there is reason » to « our lifetimes »)
C’est pourtant la raison d’avoir beaucoup d’espoirs. Le ZSL Frozen Ark a pour projet de stocker les cellules des animaux disparus et dangerous dont le gorille des plaines de l’ouest , le Sumatratiger et la colombe Soccoro, principalement par le travail d’évolution mais dans 100 ans , ce pourrait devenir un lien pour les espèces qui disparaitront dans nos vies.
Modifié par bridg le 16-11-2008 00:34
forum principal
Réponse: Exercise on the cloning de bully5, postée le 15-11-2008 à 23:49:17 (S | E)
the last question is :
6. Imagine one day you are told by a friend of yours that you actually have been cloned. How would you react? Would it change your way of life?
Hey Mary! Do you know what? Actually I have been cloned!! That is very great! My cloned and I are the first experience! I have been accepted because I am so interested by this. The scientists would like that I Am the cow bay because I know a little thing with cloning and they find I am the potential model . In start that was very strange because I didn’t have the habitude to see me !! And now that fun because we are two! We can change the role . She can go in the school in place of me by example and now I have « a sister », « a twin » , that is very fantastic , That have been my dreamt!! And for the future, can be a advantage by if I am hill and I need a graft ,she can treat me !! But that a experimentation I don’t now if my cloning can live so long!
Réponse: Exercise on the cloning de linsey34, postée le 16-11-2008 à 10:53:45 (S | E)
Dear bully5,
en rouge: à supprimer, en bleu: une correction
The document id is an article from the Science Magazine of dated September 2008. The document speak about deals with the scientists who making do the experiences experiments with cloning. To keep an extinct animals or recreate an other. others.
The Japanese , Australian and American scientists doing do so many difficult experiments with the alive or frozen mousses mice or frozen, the cows, and the frozen Molly Woolly Mammoth ( frozen for 11.000 years) .They want to cloning clone with animal’s animals' cells to recreate the species extinct or news. extinct species and create new ones.
Modifié par linsey34 le 16-11-2008 10:55
Modifié par linsey34 le 16-11-2008 10:57
Modifié par linsey34 le 16-11-2008 10:59
Réponse: Exercise on the cloning de bully5, postée le 16-11-2008 à 12:22:29 (S | E)
thanks that's nice!

And what do you think of my translation, please?