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Correction Oral
Message de elodiiee posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:08:16 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir si quelqu'un pouvait y jeter un petit coup d'oeil & me dire mes fautes.. Merci Bcp
“Fake Fins, Plastic Paws”
Motala had her foot blown off by a land mine, Fuji lost most of her tail to a mysterious disease. A few years ago, the elephant and the dolphin would not have had much hope. They would have died of infection or famine. Now with the new prostheses, they can find an almost normal life. This projection in the animal world has repercussions in the medical environment. Indeed, before 2020 there will be 2,7 million amputees in the USA because of the wounded soldiers of Iraq and because of the diabetes.
The human and animal prostheses are used in the restoration of a damaged member. The member is simply inserted in the top of the prosthesis and is attached with a socket and the straps around the animal. But with time, the rubbing can lead to an infection of the skin.
The doctor Denis Marcellin proposes to integrate the prosthesis directly into the bone. The principle is that at the end of a few months the bone develops around the implant providing a point of strong inking on which the prosthesis can be attached. What decreases the risks of infection.
The fixing of a leg to a kangaroo is different from a leg of elephant. Indeed, the elephant needs his leg to walk and the kangaroo to jump. The kangaroo will receive a prosthesis manufactured in carbon fibre.
This type of prosthesis was used by the double-amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius.
In conclusion, the installation of a prosthesis allows the man and the animal to find a certain image of him without for that having to recover to 100% his skills.
Message de elodiiee posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:08:16 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir si quelqu'un pouvait y jeter un petit coup d'oeil & me dire mes fautes.. Merci Bcp
“Fake Fins, Plastic Paws”
Motala had her foot blown off by a land mine, Fuji lost most of her tail to a mysterious disease. A few years ago, the elephant and the dolphin would not have had much hope. They would have died of infection or famine. Now with the new prostheses, they can find an almost normal life. This projection in the animal world has repercussions in the medical environment. Indeed, before 2020 there will be 2,7 million amputees in the USA because of the wounded soldiers of Iraq and because of the diabetes.
The human and animal prostheses are used in the restoration of a damaged member. The member is simply inserted in the top of the prosthesis and is attached with a socket and the straps around the animal. But with time, the rubbing can lead to an infection of the skin.
The doctor Denis Marcellin proposes to integrate the prosthesis directly into the bone. The principle is that at the end of a few months the bone develops around the implant providing a point of strong inking on which the prosthesis can be attached. What decreases the risks of infection.
The fixing of a leg to a kangaroo is different from a leg of elephant. Indeed, the elephant needs his leg to walk and the kangaroo to jump. The kangaroo will receive a prosthesis manufactured in carbon fibre.
This type of prosthesis was used by the double-amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius.
In conclusion, the installation of a prosthesis allows the man and the animal to find a certain image of him without for that having to recover to 100% his skills.
Réponse: Correction Oral de laure95, postée le 19-11-2008 à 11:03:15 (S | E)
Bonjour; voici ce que tu dois corriger:
Motala had her foot blown off by a land mine, Fuji lost most of her tail to (because of ou due to) a mysterious disease. A few years ago, the elephant and the dolphin would not have had much hope (pourquoi le conditionnel passé?). They would have died of infection or famine (même remarque). Now with the new prostheses, they can find an almost normal life. This projection in the animal world has repercussions in the medical environment. Indeed, before 2020 there will be 2,7 million amputees in the USA because of the wounded soldiers of Iraq and because of the diabetes.
The human and animal prostheses are used in the restoration of a damaged member. The member is simply inserted in (at) the top of the prosthesis and is attached with a socket and the straps around the animal. But with time, the rubbing can lead to an infection of the skin.
The doctor Denis Marcellin proposes to integrate the prosthesis directly into the bone. The principle is that at the end of a few months the bone develops around the implant providing a point of strong inking on which the prosthesis can be attached. What decreases the risks of infection.
The fixing of a leg to a kangaroo is different from a leg of (il faut un article) elephant. Indeed, the elephant needs his leg to walk and the kangaroo to jump. The kangaroo will receive a prosthesis manufactured in carbon fibre.
This type of prosthesis was used by the double-amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius.
In conclusion, the installation of a prosthesis allows the man and the animal to find a certain image of him (himself) without for (pas 2 prépositions à la suite) that having to recover (but ou cause?) to 100% his skills.
Réponse: Correction Oral de elodiiee, postée le 19-11-2008 à 14:04:11 (S | E)
Merci pour la réponse
Il me reste encore 2petites questions =$
A few years ago, the elephant and the dolphin would not have had much hope (pourquoi le conditionnel passé?). They would have died of infection or famine (même remarque).
Je veux dire : Il y a quelques années, l’éléphant & le dauphin n’auraient pas eu d’espoir. Ils seraient morts d’infection ou de Famine
to find a certain image of himself without for (pas 2 prépositions à la suite) that having to find to 100% his skills. (sans pour cela avoir retrouvé 100% de ses capacités)