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Travel in Washington (correction) (1)

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Travel in Washington (correction)
Message de mafalda85 posté le 23-11-2008 à 15:44:16 (S | E | F)

s'il vous plait je cherche une correction de mon text en aglais !!


I passed my most beautiful holidays in the United States, exactly in Washington DC. From the last year I saved 4000 US dollar, I have to begin by reserving the tickets of the plane, it cost me return 1766£, I took my plane from Casablanca to the USA, I was moved during my arrived in the airport of Washington Dulles International; there is of what to satisfy the curiosity of a visitor, thereafter I took a taxi to go to "Sofitel Washington DC" where I have make a reservation of 3 days, which cost me 800 dollar US, I deposited my business on place and I began my visit.
Firstly I took a taxi to see "National Museum of American History" which contains a various collection of American objects which stretches of inauguration dresses carried by every spouse of president since the epoch of the foundation of the republic in slippers jewel ranges by Judy Garland in the magician d' Oz, I crossed half a day there and I would have been able to cross a day. After this nice visit in the museum which cost me 100 dollars US, I searched the closest restaurant for diner and I chose "Citizen" where the service was good quality. The leader cook was rather nice and I found delightful meals; therefore it deserves the 200 dollars US that I spent. My second day in Washington DC began with a visit in Washington Monument; tickets are free, but I reserved tickets on Internet for only $1.75 / each and it has me allows to choose my time to penetrate into the monument and not to have to make the queu early in the morning for tickets. It was magnificent!
I took after the metro to go to see "Washington National Cathedral", it is really unique and extraordinary, I took a sandwich in passage because I have not time to reserve, but, I took the diner in Makoto Restaurant specialized in the Japanese kitchen. It props too good!
My second day ends and costs me about 300 dollars. For last day I dedicate it to see the «white home », and to make of the shopping à "Union Station", it was superb I took presents for everybody and I benefit to take lunch there!
All in all it cost me 1000 dollars. I was too much satisfied of this trip and I succeeded at the end to keep 300 dollars that I am going to economize trip for next!
Modifié par bridg le 23-11-2008 15:44

Réponse: Travel in Washington (correction) de michel69, postée le 23-11-2008 à 18:04:04 (S | E)
I have opted, without conviction, for the simple past.
I'm not certain for all of my suggestions, and I'm waiting for the corrections of mine.
Best regards

I spend my most beautiful holidays in the United States, precisly in Washington DC. on the last year I saved 4000 US dollar, I began by reserving the return tickets for the plane, it cost me 1766£, I flew from Casablanca to the USA, ?I was moved during my arrived in the airport of Washington Dulles International?; there are a lot of things to satisfy the curiosity of visitors. Then I get in a taxi to go to "Sofitel Washington DC" where I reserved a room for 3 days, it costs me 800 dollar US, I deposited my luggage there and I began the visit.
First I went by taxi to see the "National Museum of American History" where a collection of American objects is exibited which stretches of inauguration dresses worn by every spouse of president since the epoch of the foundation of the republic in slippers jewel ranges by Judy Garland in the magician d' Oz, I crossed half a day there but I would have been able to cross all the day. After this nice visit in the museum which cost me 100 dollars US, I searched the closest restaurant for diner and I chose "Citizen" where the service was of good quality. The leader cook was rather nice and I had delightful meals; therefore it deserves the 200 dollars US that I spent. My second day in Washington DC began by a visit at Washington Monument; tickets are free, but I reserved tickets by Internet for only $1.75 / each in order to to choose the hour to get into the monument and not queue early in the morning for buying tickets. It was magnificent!
I get in the metro to go to see "Washington National Cathedral", it is really unique and extraordinary, I had a sandwich in passage because I had not enough time to reserve, but, I had the diner in Makoto Restaurant specialized in the Japanese cook. It props too much good!
the second day ends and costs me about 300 dollars. For last day I dedicate it to see the «white house », and to do shopping at "Union Station", it was superb I bought presents for my relatives and I took advantage to be there to had lunch !
All in all it cost me 1000 dollars. I was very satisfied of this trip and finely I succeeded in saving 300 dollars for an other trip !



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