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plaidoyer/correction (1)

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Message de lovelysun posté le 27-11-2008 à 19:23:54 (S | E | F)

Bonjour tout le monde !

J'ai un petit plaidoyer à faire en anglais dans lequel je dois défendre une mère de famille ayant volé des cosmétiques dans un magasin. Je suis son avocat et je dois limiter la sentence à un avertissement et non à six mois de prison comme le demande l'avocat de la défense. J'ai écrit mon texte et j'aimerai que vous y jetiez un oeil histoire de ma corrigez avant mon passage à l'oral.
Merci d'avance

Bonne soirée/journée ^^

Mon texte:
Well, my client effectively stole cosmetics. That’s not as she killed someone or robbed a bank, isn’t it? You talked about her relapse and her clarity of mind, but you didn’t evoke what is wrong in my client’s life. As a matter of fact, she is the mother of two young kids whose father ran away after the second childbirth. This woman brings them up alone for years and thus, she wasn’t able to meet a new companion. In fact, my client has only a part-time job which doesn’t allow her to employ someone to look after her children since she goes out. Moreover, a woman needs to be pretty for a lot of reasons: she has to be nice for her job, gorgeous for men and pretty for herself but how can she do with such a small salary? Yes, you know she can’t buy some perfume, mascara or lipstick. Finally, before the trial, my client said to me the way she sincerely regrets what she did and I am convinced that she said the truth. She gave back to shopping his cosmetics and she promised to stop steeling. She’s good, she’s honest and she’s not an out of law. That’s the reason why I am pleading for a warning and not a prison punishment as my colleague asked for.

Modifié par bridg le 27-11-2008 19:29

Réponse: plaidoyer/correction de hoger, postée le 27-11-2008 à 20:24:23 (S | E)
Well, my client has effectively stolen cosmetics. That’s not as like she killed someone or robbed a bank, isn’t [ si la phrase principale est à l'affirmatif, on utilise la question au négatif et vice versa ] it? You talked about her relapse and her clarity of mind, but you didn’t evoke what is has gone wrong in my client’s life. As a matter of fact, she is the mother of two young kids whose father ran away after the second childbirth. This woman brings has brought them up alone for years and thus, she wasn’t able to meet a new companion. In fact, [ s'utilise moins en anglais qu'en français !] my client has only a part-time job which doesn’t allow her to employ someone to look after her children since she goes out. Moreover, a woman needs to be pretty for a lot of reasons: she has to be nice for her job, gorgeous for men and pretty for herself but how can she do with such a small salary? Yes, you know she can’t buy some perfume, mascara or lipstick. Finally Lastly [ pour mettre au clair que c'est le dernier argument et non la dernière tentative de la dame d'échapper à sa punition ; "finally est ambigu ], before the trial, my client said to told me the way [ ne veut rien dire ] she sincerely regrets what she did and I am convinced that she said told the truth. She gave back to shopping his the cosmetics back to the store and she promised to stop steeling. She’s a good person [ et ne pas bonne = compétente en tant que voleuse …], she’s honest and she’s not an out of law outlaw. That’s the reason why I am pleading for a warning and not a the prison punishment as that my colleague asked for.



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