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Me présenter en Anglais
Message de hitoui posté le 03-12-2008 à 10:46:22 (S | E | F)
bonjour, je dois me présenter en anglais et j'ai un peu de mal
voila le texte que j'ai rédigé, pouvez vous m'aider à corriger les fautes? merci d'avance
I will introduce myself.
My name is (hitoui). I’m French. I’m twenty four years old. I was born on twenty seventh May nineteen eighty four in Paris. I live in the north of france since I was born. I’m married since November two thousand seven (2007) so the last week it was my first marriage birthday.
I live in lille with my husband and my cat. I have got one brother who study geography at the university. He want to be a professeur.
i like swimming, cooking and reading. i love to go to the cinema, i go 4 (fois) by month.
I'm in master of trade for beginning department supervisor. i hope this year is my last study year.
After my degree scientific on high school in roubaix, I study Japanese one year, during this time I began to work in supermarket, fast food, shop, so I discover a passion for trade, so I began to study trade in lille in 2004.
I was accepted here in 2006 for the trade licence and now I’m here.
I’m doing my business internship in the () in the department of fresh products, I learn the job of organizational manager.
merci de votre aide
Message de hitoui posté le 03-12-2008 à 10:46:22 (S | E | F)
bonjour, je dois me présenter en anglais et j'ai un peu de mal
voila le texte que j'ai rédigé, pouvez vous m'aider à corriger les fautes? merci d'avance
I will introduce myself.
My name is (hitoui). I’m French. I’m twenty four years old. I was born on twenty seventh May nineteen eighty four in Paris. I live in the north of france since I was born. I’m married since November two thousand seven (2007) so the last week it was my first marriage birthday.
I live in lille with my husband and my cat. I have got one brother who study geography at the university. He want to be a professeur.
i like swimming, cooking and reading. i love to go to the cinema, i go 4 (fois) by month.
I'm in master of trade for beginning department supervisor. i hope this year is my last study year.
After my degree scientific on high school in roubaix, I study Japanese one year, during this time I began to work in supermarket, fast food, shop, so I discover a passion for trade, so I began to study trade in lille in 2004.
I was accepted here in 2006 for the trade licence and now I’m here.
I’m doing my business internship in the () in the department of fresh products, I learn the job of organizational manager.
merci de votre aide
Réponse: Me présenter en Anglais de linsey34, postée le 03-12-2008 à 13:53:23 (S | E)
Dear hitoui,
en rouge les erreurs à corriger:
I will introduce myself.
My name is (hitoui). I’m French. I’m twenty four years old. I was born on (the) twenty seventh (of) May nineteen eighty four in Paris. I live in the north of France since I was born. I’m married since November two thousand (and) seven (2007) so the last week it was my first marriage birthday.
I live in Lille with my husband and my cat. I have got one brother who study geography at the university. He want to be a professeur.
i like swimming, cooking and reading. i love to go to the cinema, i go 4 (fois) by month.
I'm in master of trade for beginning department supervisor. i hope this year is my last study year.
After my degree scientific on high school in roubaix, I study Japanese one year, during this time I began to work in a supermarket, a fast food, a shop, so I discover a passion for trade, so I began to study trade in lille in 2004.
I was accepted here in 2006 for the trade licence and now I’m here.
I’m doing my business internship in the () in the department of fresh products, I learn the job of organizational manager.