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Révolution industrielle (correction) (1)

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Révolution industrielle (correction)
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 13-12-2008 à 21:35:17 (S | E | F)


j'ai un devoir à rendre sur le thème de la Révolution industrielle en Angleterre dont voici l'introduction :

Between 1750 and 1850, Britain saw big changes happening to its society. This period, called the Industrial Revolution, profoundly affected all aspects of the society : in politics and economics as well as in environment and education, these changes molded the way the British society works today. Even though most of historians agree that the Industrial Revolution was a major historic event, it still remains bones of contention on some aspects. Did the Industrial Revolution change the society only for the better ?

Pouvez-vous me dire s'il y a des choses à corriger ? Merci d'avance.

Modifié par bridg le 13-12-2008 21:43
Titre distinctif

Réponse: Révolution industrielle (correction) de laure95, postée le 14-12-2008 à 16:44:30 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois crorriger:
Between 1750 and 1850, Britain saw (choisis 1 mot plus précis) big changes happening to its society. This (that) period, called the Industrial Revolution, profoundly affected all aspects of the (its) society : in politics and economics as well as in environment and education, these (those) changes molded the way the British society works today. Even though most of historians agree that the Industrial Revolution was a major historic event, it still remains bones of contention on some aspects. Did the Industrial Revolution change the society only for the better (superlatif!) ?

Réponse: Révolution industrielle (correction) de moonlit-sunset, postée le 14-12-2008 à 16:46:17 (S | E)
merci laure95 ça m'aide



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