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Correction /éducation (1)

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Correction /éducation
Message de linux42120 posté le 07-01-2009 à 17:25:37 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous et à toutes, j'ai réaliser un petit texte en anglais (qui est demandé en classe) sur un remerciement d'éducation entre une fille et ces parents et comme mon niveau d'anglais est assez médiocre (J'essaye de m'améliorer en revoyant mes bases sur le site mais sa fait que quelques semaines donc bon), j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour m'aider à le corriger.

Je vous met le texte ci-dessous: Merci d'avance.

Habbi’s parents have just read her letter. They decide then to speak her in turn to thank her.
Come to sit down next to us habbi, it is our turn to thank you.
First of all, if you are also happy of your education, you must to say to yourself that all this arrived thanks to you. Indeed, it is you who guided for to educate you. In front of you who grew day after day and who won in autonomy we got decisions (by consulting it your father and I indeed on).
As a child at need to be guided, we practiced our authority on you by looking your personality and we helped you to trust you. All that you were able to learn afterward, all this comes mainly from you.
We just wanted to say to you it and to thank you for this letter which when we read it, put us the tear in the eye. (Ici, j'ai voulu mettre 'nous a mis la larme à l'oeil').

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par linux42120 le 07-01-2009 17:26

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-01-2009 13:50

Réponse: Correction /éducation de jean31, postée le 07-01-2009 à 18:33:43 (S | E)

Habbi’s parents have just read her letter. They decide then to speak to her in their turn to thank her.
Come to sit down next to us Habbi, it is our turn to thank you.
First of all, if you are also happy of about your education, you must to(1) say to yourself that all this arrived happened thanks to you. Indeed, it is you who let yourself be guided for(2) to educate you. In front of you who grew day after day and who won in autonomy, we got took decisions (by consulting it your father and I indeed on) after discussing.
As a child at who is in need to of being guided, we practised our authority on you by looking taking your personality into account and we helped you to trust yourself. All that you were able to learn afterward, all that mainly comes from you.
We just wanted to say to(3) tell you it and (to) thank you for this letter which brought tears to our eyes when we read it. put us the tear in the eye. (Ici, j'ai voulu mettre 'nous a mis la larme à l'oeil').

(1)- Un modal doit toujours être suivi d'un infinitif sans to ou Base Verbale.
(2) Pour/dans le but de/afin de + infinitif = to + V. Jamais for devant un infinitif.
(3) Dire/réciter = to say. S'emploie aussi dans le discours indirect.
Dire qqch à qqn = to tell sb sth.
Conseil : à l'avenir, n'écris jamais ton texte d'abord en français pour le "traduire" ensuite en anglais.
Au brouillon, n'écris que les idées principales, les mots clés sans faire de phrases.
Puis rédige DIRECTEMENT en anglais, en t'efforçant de penser en anglais.
Bonne continuation.

Réponse: Correction /éducation de azer3, postée le 07-01-2009 à 18:47:00 (S | E)
Habbi’s parents have just read her letter. They decide then to speak her in turn to thank her.
Come to sit down next to us habbi, it is our turn to thank you.
First of all, if you are also happy of your education, you must to say to yourself that all this arrived thanks to you. Indeed, it is you who guided for to educate you. In front of you who grew day after day and who won in autonomy we got decisions (by consulting it your father and I indeed on).
As a child at need to be guided, we practiced our authority on you by looking your personality and we helped you to trust you. All that you were able to learn afterward, all this comes mainly from you.
We just wanted to say to you it and to thank you for this letter which when we read it, put us the tear in the eye. (Ici, j'ai voulu mettre 'nous a mis la larme à l'oeil').
to speak to
have a sit near us
by/with our education...
you must knew that all this...
change le verbe et le temps de conjugaison.
guided us
for: enlève cette proposition
je n'ai pas bien compris cette phrase
at enleve cette proposition
need vérifier le temps de verbe
looking for somebody
on dit self-confidence
By all that...
you became c'est mieux
thinks to you
to confess to you c'est mieux
it enlève ça
we had tears in the eyes

Voilà, je vois que tu dois refaire ton devoir a la lumière de cette correction et je tu signale aussi que ta redaction est mal formée de nouveau structural car on ne sent jamais qu'il s'agit d'un dialogue ce dernier qui demande une ponctuation ainsi que des formules précises.

Réponse: Correction /éducation de linux42120, postée le 07-01-2009 à 20:16:47 (S | E)
Merci de m'avoir répondu aussi vite
Juste une question: c'est quoi penser en Anglais?
Parce que à chaque fois on me dit sa mais bon est ce que c'est penser aux structures grammaticales anglaise pendant que j'écris?
Merci mille fois tout de même. :-)

Réponse: Correction /éducation de azer3, postée le 07-01-2009 à 20:32:47 (S | E)
Penser:To think
Là tu dois penser, réfléchir, vérifier, réviser, et surtout consulter un dictionnaire pour ne pas faire des fautes de toutes sortes: orthographe, conjugaison, structuration...
Bonne chance.

Réponse: Correction /éducation de linux42120, postée le 08-01-2009 à 13:19:32 (S | E)



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