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Besoin Correction Description (1)

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Besoin Correction Description
Message de collegien13 posté le 22-01-2009 à 22:17:37 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir à tout le monde, et Bonne année à toutes et tous.

J'ai besoin d'aide pour terminer mon devoir d'anglais, je l'ai fait le plus sérieusement possible mais malheureusement je ne suis pas trés fort dans les langues. Quelqu'un veut-il bien m'aider en me corrigeant le texte qui suis.

Je remercie par avance toutes celles et tous ceux qui voudront m'aider.

Voilà mon texte :

This document is a poster. We can be found it, in the magazine ONE number 386. We can see the tittle "The lord of the Rings" who are the name of the trilogy. There is too a subtitle "The two towers" who are the name of the second volume of the trilogy.
This poster have for gol shows three characters importants of the story.
In the top right-hand corner, we can see the first character. He is Gimly, a dwarf. We can see, in his look and in his posture that he want to fight with his ax.
In the foreground, in the middle, we can see Legolas. He is an elf who he fight with a bow contrary with Gimly.
And the third character the one who occupy almost the half of poster is Aragon. I think that he is anger.
Legolas doesn't have beard whereas Gimly who have a long beard and Aragon who have a short beard. Legolas has got long straight blond hair. Gimly has got curly brown hair. Aragon has got dark brown hair. Legolas has got pointed ears because he is an elf.
This poster is destined for the teenagers and the young adults.
The background is black and dark. The characters are bright, it makes them stand out.
I like this poster because, ...............

Plus du tout d'inspiration pour la suite donc pour l'instant je m'arrête là. Je ferai la suite demain soir.

EN TOUT CAS MERCI MERCI MERCI à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui voudront bien m'apporter leur aide pour ce devoir.

Réponse: Besoin Correction Description de ariette, postée le 23-01-2009 à 09:38:31 (S | E)

let's try
This document is a poster. this is poster
We can be found it, in the magazine It is taken from the magazine ...(name)
We can see the tittle the title is "...", which is also the title of...
This poster have for golthe poster shows the three main (adj invariable), characters...
...He is Gimly, a dwarf his name is ...
We can see éviter la répétition
in his look he looks aggressive, he's prepared to fight with an axe...
we can see Legolas ...stands Legolas who fights...
contrary with Gimlyinutile
And the third character ... Aragon the third character takes up half the poster...
he is angerhe looks angry
Gimly who have a long beardGimly is wearing a long ... whereas Aragon's beard is short
Legolas has long straight blond hair Gimly is curly brown- haired and Aragon (is) dark brown-haired
destined for meant for
The background ... the characters are bright, which makes them stand out against the black and dark background

bon courage pour la suite

Modifié par ariette le 23-01-2009 11:37

Réponse: Besoin Correction Description de collegien13, postée le 23-01-2009 à 17:44:29 (S | E)






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