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Writing Time
Message de giovaninho972 posté le 24-01-2009 à 20:05:33 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais quelqu'un corrige mon devoir pour voir si il y a des fautes de
grammaire ou d'orthographe.Merci par avance
Le voici ci dessous:
Today, this day was rich in emotions. Because, it’s the first time for 30 years which he snowed as much in Nasville. It closed the shop and it protected our products so that they didn’t rot with the assistance of Washington and Ephraim of course.
Moreover while speaking about them, I’m sure that Ephraim perceives Washington as being his father. Because the feelings of kindness and love which Washington gave him were marked by affection effect’s which felt at Ephraim when he beamed. Washington sympathized with Ephraim as being a fatherly. Thus Ephraim, recognizing love but also the Washinghton sympathy’s felt freer and saw by Washington not only like a fatherly but like a guard, always there at the time of the difficult moments.
Me, I regret having been not sympathizing with Ephraim compared in Washington. But this day is rich in emotion because indeed I was sorry Ephraim. Thus Washington saw of good eye and said to me that I had made the good choice. Then Ephraim told me an expression which marked me it’s “I love you and which you are like a family for me”. Consequently I was burst into tears. Finally I’m very happy and proud.
Message de giovaninho972 posté le 24-01-2009 à 20:05:33 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais quelqu'un corrige mon devoir pour voir si il y a des fautes de
grammaire ou d'orthographe.Merci par avance

Le voici ci dessous:
Today, this day was rich in emotions. Because, it’s the first time for 30 years which he snowed as much in Nasville. It closed the shop and it protected our products so that they didn’t rot with the assistance of Washington and Ephraim of course.
Moreover while speaking about them, I’m sure that Ephraim perceives Washington as being his father. Because the feelings of kindness and love which Washington gave him were marked by affection effect’s which felt at Ephraim when he beamed. Washington sympathized with Ephraim as being a fatherly. Thus Ephraim, recognizing love but also the Washinghton sympathy’s felt freer and saw by Washington not only like a fatherly but like a guard, always there at the time of the difficult moments.
Me, I regret having been not sympathizing with Ephraim compared in Washington. But this day is rich in emotion because indeed I was sorry Ephraim. Thus Washington saw of good eye and said to me that I had made the good choice. Then Ephraim told me an expression which marked me it’s “I love you and which you are like a family for me”. Consequently I was burst into tears. Finally I’m very happy and proud.
Réponse: Writing Time de linsey34, postée le 25-01-2009 à 09:57:22 (S | E)
Dear giovaninho972,
beaucoup d'erreurs relevées ci-dessous en rouge:
Today, this day was rich in emotions. Because, it’s the first time for 30 years which he snowed as much in Nasville. It closed the shop and it protected our products so that they didn’t rot with the assistance of Washington and Ephraim of course.
Moreover while speaking about them, I’m sure that Ephraim perceives Washington as being his father. Because the feelings of kindness and love which Washington gave him were marked by affection effect’s which felt at Ephraim when he beamed. Washington sympathized with Ephraim as being a fatherly. Thus Ephraim, recognizing love but also the Washinghton sympathy’s felt freer and saw by Washington not only like a fatherly but like a guard, always there at the time of the difficult moments.
Me, I regret having been not sympathizing with Ephraim compared in Washington. But this day is rich in emotion because indeed I was sorry Ephraim.
Thus Washington saw of good eye and said to me that I had made the good choice. Then Ephraim told me an expression which marked me it’s “I love you and which you are like a family for me”. Consequently I was burst into tears. Finally I’m very happy and proud.
Réponse: Writing Time de giovaninho972, postée le 25-01-2009 à 17:36:23 (S | E)
Comment je corrige ces fautes parce que il me semble que la tradiction est bonne non?
Bon voici le texte en français ci-dessous:
Aujourd’hui, cette journée a été une journée riche en émotions. D’un e part, c’est la première fois depuis 30 ans qu’il a neigé autant à Nasville. On a fermé la boutique et on a protégé nos produits afin qu’ils ne pourrissent pas avec l’aide de Washington et d’Ephraim bien sûr.
D’ailleurs en parlant d’eux, Je suppose qu’Ephraim perçoit Washington comme étant son père. Parce les sentiments de tendresse et d’amour que lui donne Washington était marqué par un effet d’affection qui s’est ressenti chez Ephraim quand il a sourit. Washington compatit avec Ephraim comme étant un paternel. Ainsi Ephraim, reconnaissant de l’amour mais aussi la gentillesse de Washinghton se sent plus libre et a vu chez Washington non seulement comme un paternel mais comme un protecteur, toujours là lors des moments difficiles.
Moi, je regrette de n’avoir pas été compatissant avec Ephraim comparé à Washington. Mais cette journée est une journée riche en émotion car en effet j’ai demandé pardon à Ephraim. Ainsi Washington l’a vu de bon œil et m’a dit que j’avais fait le bon choix. Puis Ephraim m’a dit une expression qui m’a marqué c’est « Je vous aime et que vous êtes comme une famille pour moi ». Par conséquent je suis content et heureux de cette journée