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Message de cendres posté le 01-02-2009 à 00:00:24 (S | E | F)
J'ai rédigé un texte en anglais et j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à le corriger.
Merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de m'aider.
Voici mon texte :
"Abrams, the historian, works his subject in a chronological and literary way. The changes of America are defined in eight revolutions. He explains these changes by the political action of the liberal coalition. So, he bounds these changes over a restricted period. This period begins in 1941 - when the Americans enter the war - and ends on September 11th 2001, which is a historic date and a turning point for the United States of America.
As for the sociologists, they study the XXth century in the broad sense, and do not care about the chronology. They do not end in the same conclusions. They show the important role of the education as explanatory phenomenon, more than the importance of the actions of politics. They use statistical methods. Consequently, for them, the changes are more variations than revolutions. Their book has no really literary dimension contrary to the book of Abrams."
Modifié par cendres le 01-02-2009 00:00
Modifié par cendres le 25-02-2009 20:42
Message de cendres posté le 01-02-2009 à 00:00:24 (S | E | F)
J'ai rédigé un texte en anglais et j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à le corriger.
Merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de m'aider.
Voici mon texte :
"Abrams, the historian, works his subject in a chronological and literary way. The changes of America are defined in eight revolutions. He explains these changes by the political action of the liberal coalition. So, he bounds these changes over a restricted period. This period begins in 1941 - when the Americans enter the war - and ends on September 11th 2001, which is a historic date and a turning point for the United States of America.
As for the sociologists, they study the XXth century in the broad sense, and do not care about the chronology. They do not end in the same conclusions. They show the important role of the education as explanatory phenomenon, more than the importance of the actions of politics. They use statistical methods. Consequently, for them, the changes are more variations than revolutions. Their book has no really literary dimension contrary to the book of Abrams."
Modifié par cendres le 01-02-2009 00:00

Modifié par cendres le 25-02-2009 20:42
Réponse: Aide pour expression de linsey34, postée le 01-02-2009 à 09:17:50 (S | E)
Dear cendres,
"Albert Schmidt's article is a comparison between two books which come temps à changer out the same year ( 2006 ). The subject of both books is similar: the changes of America in the XXth century.
The one was written by an historian, Abrams, the other one by two sociologists, Fisher and Hout. The author brings to light two different scientific constructions and their consequences on the treatment of their subject.
If these two books have numerous common subjects: the social and racial evolutions, the relationship between men and women, the economic changes, the work... their steps result in different developments. The political history, the American hegemony and the changes implied by September 11th 2001 enter only the work of the historian while the relations between individuals and cultural and social issues are studied by the two sociologists. They are the only ones to approach polemical subjects as the religion or the values questions.
Abrams, the historian, works his subject in a chronological and literary way. The changes of America are defined in eight revolutions. He explains these changes by the political action of the liberal coalition. So, he bounds these changes over a restricted period. This period begins in 1941 - when the Americans enter temps à changer the war - and ends on September 11th 2001, which is a historic date and a turning point for the United States of America.
As for the sociologists, they study the XXth century in the broad sense, and do not care about the chronology. They do not end in the same conclusions. They show the important role of the education as explanatory phenomenon, more than the importance of the actions of politics. They use statistical methods. Consequently, for them, the changes are more variations than revolutions. Their book has no really literary dimension contrary to the book of Abrams."

Réponse: Aide pour expression de cendres, postée le 01-02-2009 à 13:03:21 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide précieuse, je vais corriger toutes ces erreurs.
Bonne journée.