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Day on the beach
Message de amandine15 posté le 09-01-2010 à 15:43:50 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire un texte en anglais pour lundi en disant comment je vais m'habiller pour une journée à la mer, un mariage,etc mais je ne vois pas trop comment faire j'ai copié mon texte ci-dessous;
pouvez vous s'il vous plaîtme corriger pour que je m'améliore?
Merci pour vos réponses.
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfust and I have a shower. Op 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually (porter = hit?) trousers,top and shoes. In the summer I like a dress (ou) a skirt, tights and shoes(porter).I usually get dress confortable.Op 10.00 I go to the beach bij car for a day.
For a wedding I get up as late as possibly can and I have breakfust and shower. I get dress a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I go to the wedding usually with my parents and my boyfrend.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-01-2010 16:02
Message de amandine15 posté le 09-01-2010 à 15:43:50 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire un texte en anglais pour lundi en disant comment je vais m'habiller pour une journée à la mer, un mariage,etc mais je ne vois pas trop comment faire j'ai copié mon texte ci-dessous;
pouvez vous s'il vous plaît
Merci pour vos réponses.
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfust and I have a shower. Op 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually (porter = hit?) trousers,top and shoes. In the summer I like a dress (ou) a skirt, tights and shoes(porter).I usually get dress confortable.Op 10.00 I go to the beach bij car for a day.
For a wedding I get up as late as possibly can and I have breakfust and shower. I get dress a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I go to the wedding usually with my parents and my boyfrend.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-01-2010 16:02

Réponse: Day on the beach de dolfine56, postée le 09-01-2010 à 16:00:58 (S | E)
Bonjour Amandine,
Comme déja dit par Lucile, nous ne sommes pas des robots....
avec un petit "bonjour" et autres.."s'il vous plait" et "merci", ce serait tellement plus agréable pour tout le monde...

Réponse: Day on the beach de gerondif, postée le 09-01-2010 à 16:25:34 (S | E)
si votre sujet est de dire: pour un marriage, je vais porter ceci ou celà, le présent d'habitude que vous employez ( I usually wear trousers..) ne va pas.
il faudrait parler au futur proche ou au futur.
je vais vous aider:I am going to help you.
Je vous aiderai: I will help you.
Ou alors, il faut commencer votre texte autrement: Quand je vais à un mariage, je porte habituellement..... et alors là les présents simples iront bien.
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfust and I have a shower. Op 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually (hit = frapper quelqu'un) trousers,top and shoes. In the summer I like ( j'aime porter ira mieux)a dress (ou: chercher dans un dictionnaire ou double clickez sur le mot pour avoir sa traduction)) a skirt, tights and shoes("porter" serait rejeté en fin de phrase uniquement en construction allemande

For a wedding I get up as late as possibly can and I have breakfust and shower. I get dress a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I go to the wedding usually with my parents and my boyfrend.
vérifiez vos verbes porter et s'habiller:
Quand on utilise "to get dressed", on ne dit pas ce qu'on porte.
Je m'habille à 7 heures: I get dressed at seven. donc pas de c.o.d. derrière get dressed.
le verbe porter + vêtement apparait discrètement dans un exemple cité plus haut.
autre structure utile: J'aime parler: I like speaking. Faites pareil avec le verbe porter.
Parlez vous aussi flamand ? Ce op devant les heures fait penser à une autre langue.
Réponse: Day on the beach de amandine15, postée le 09-01-2010 à 16:52:35 (S | E)
Merci pour les correction, j'ai essayé de corriger:
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfast and I have a shower. At 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually dres trousers,top and shoes. In the summer I like dresing a dress or a skirt, tights and shoes.I usually dress confortable clothes0.At 10.00 I go to the beach bij car for a day.
For a wedding I get up as late as possibly can and I have breakfast and shower. I get dress a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I go to the wedding usually with my parents and my boyfriend.
Oui je parle aussi flamand je commence seulement l'anglais
Modifié par amandine15 le 09-01-2010 16:55
Réponse: Day on the beach de gerondif, postée le 09-01-2010 à 17:12:53 (S | E)
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfast and I have a shower. At 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually dres trousers, a top and shoes. In the summer I like dresing a dress or a skirt, tights and shoes.I usually dress confortable clothes.At 10.00 I go to the beach bij car for the day.(pour la journée sera mieux)
For a wedding I get up as late as I possibly can and I have breakfast and a shower. I get dress a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I go to the wedding usually (sera mieux devant le verbe) with my parents and my boyfriend.
C'est déjà bien pour quelqu'un qui débute !
to dress: habiller quelqu'un d'autre. Lacoste dresses the top stars in tennnis.
to wear: porter des vêtements. Donc corrigez avec ce verbe.
"as late as possible" était ce que je cherchais à vous faire deviner.
"as late as I possibly can" est plus lourd mais correct. N'oubliez pas les sujets des verbes.
Réponse: Day on the beach de amandine15, postée le 09-01-2010 à 17:21:05 (S | E)
Merci, J'essaie de corriger:
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfast and I have a shower. At 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually wear trousers, a top and shoes. In the summer I like wear a dress or a skirt, tights and shoes.I usually wear confortable clothes.At 10.00 I go to the beach bij the car for the day.
For a wedding I get up as late as I possibly can and I have breakfast and a shower. I wear a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I usually go to the wedding with my parents and my boyfriend.
Réponse: Day on the beach de gerondif, postée le 09-01-2010 à 17:32:31 (S | E)
finissons !
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfast and I have a shower. At 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually wear trousers, a top and shoes. In the summer I like wear a dress or a skirt, tights and shoes.I usually wear confortable clothes.At 10.00 I go to the beach bij the car for the day.
For a wedding I get up as late as I possibly can and I have breakfast and a shower. I wear a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I usually go to the wedding with my parents and my boyfriend.
le modèle était: I like speaking, donc ......
Do you go to school by bus or by car ?
Réponse: Day on the beach de amandine15, postée le 09-01-2010 à 17:35:45 (S | E)
Je corrige:
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfast and I have a shower. At 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually wear trousers, a top and shoes. In the summer I like wearing a dress or a skirt, tights and shoes.I usually wear confortable clothes.At 10.00 I go to the beach by the car for the day.
For a wedding I get up as late as I possibly can and I have breakfast and a shower. I wear a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I usually go to the wedding with my parents and my boyfriend.
I usually wear confortable clothes devient aussi I usually wearing confortable clothes?
Réponse: Day on the beach de gerondif, postée le 09-01-2010 à 17:47:17 (S | E)
I usually wear confortable clothes devient aussi I usually wearing confortable clothes? bien sûr que non !!
by the car n'existe pas ! Si vous vous trompez même quand on vous donne la réponse ....
Réponse: Day on the beach de amandine15, postée le 09-01-2010 à 18:37:15 (S | E)
For a day on the beach I get up early in the morning. I have breakfast and I have a shower. At 9.30 I put on my clothes.
I usually wear trousers, a top and shoes. In the summer I like wearing a dress or a skirt, tights and shoes.I usually wear confortable clothes.At 10.00 I go to the beach by car for the day.
For a wedding I get up as late as I possibly can and I have breakfast and a shower. I wear a beautiful dress, tights and shoes.I usually go to the wedding with my parents and my boyfriend.
Réponse: Day on the beach de gerondif, postée le 10-01-2010 à 12:31:54 (S | E)
je ne vois plus rien à souligner

Réponse: Day on the beach de amandine15, postée le 10-01-2010 à 16:18:50 (S | E)
ok encore un grand merci
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