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Correction/ hooligans

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Correction/ hooligans
Message de lekidolittel posté le 10-01-2010 à 10:04:27 (S | E | F)

Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider sil vous plaît à corriger les fautes, merci d'avance

The hooligans are supporters of football which practices the violence. They belong has a club of football. They fight against suporters of the opposite team, the arbiter, and the policemen for several reasons. But, why are the hooligans violent? Firstly, the origin hooligans. Secondly the reasons, and to finish the consequence.
To begin with, The hooligans exists since the 1960s. Their hatred is translated by a desire to win. According to researchers, The name “hooligans” would result from a family of London known for his wild lifestyle and its violence. But this name also would come from a gang of Islington, called " Hooley ". It is hypotheses. Although we don’t know their exact origin, we know the reasons of this violence.
Sometimes the reasons of the violence are not the football. For example: The teams Scot : Glasgow ranger and Celtic FC. The one defends religions Protestantism the other one the catholic religion. The Glasgow ranger is royalist whereas Celtic FC is for the Irish community. The problems are thus beyond the football. In stadiums, the song “Billy Boys » resounded. The song anti-Catholic. However Fights are more violent.
September 17th, 2009, One supporter of the team of Toulouse was struck by the team partizan. He will die on September 27th. They are fights of extreme violence.
To conclude, we think that fights are stupid. They are opposite has the sportsmanship.
Modifié par bridg le 10-01-2010 10:12

Réponse: Correction/ hooligans de seb06000, postée le 10-01-2010 à 11:19:37 (S | E)


je vous indique ce qui ne va pas

The hooligans are supporters of football which( relatif) practices (conjugaison) the (article inutile) violence. They belong has( construction de to belong à revoir) a club of football. They fight against suporters (orth) of the opposite team, the arbiter, and the policemen for several reasons. But, why are the hooligans violent? Firstly, the origin hooligans. Secondly the reasons, and to finish the consequence( plan mal annoncé) .
To begin with, The hooligans exists (conj) since the 1960s. Their hatred is translated by a desire to win. According to researchers, The name “hooligans” would result from a family of London known for his ( erreur de possessif) wild lifestyle and its violence. But this name also would come from a gang of Islington, called ' Hooley '. It is ( mal dit => these.....) hypotheses. Although we don’t know their exact origin, we know the reasons of this violence.
Sometimes the reasons of the violence are not the football. For example: The teams Scot : Glasgow ranger and Celtic FC. The one defends religions Protestantism (mal dit) the other one the catholic religion. The Glasgow ranger is royalist whereas Celtic FC is for the Irish community. The problems are thus beyond the (article inutile) football. In stadiums, the song “Billy Boys » resounded (calque du français) . The song anti-Catholic. However Fights are more violent.
September 17th, 2009, One supporter of the team of Toulouse was struck by the team partizan (voc) . He will( temps à transposer au passé) die on September 27th. They are fights of extreme violence.
To conclude, we think that fights are stupid. They are opposite has (mal dit) the sportsmanship.
=> conclusion courte!



Modifié par seb06000 le 10-01-2010 11:21


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