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Correction /Oliver Twist
Message de francoisc posté le 24-01-2010 à 12:00:31 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
Pourriez-vous m'aidez à corriger mon devoir (description d'une affiche) s'il vous plait ?
On this poster we can see a boy , who is running in the street . He is wearing poor clothes , wooden shoes , a short , a old pull and a old cap . A man is running after him in this old street made of paving stone . The name of this boy is Oliver Twist . The film is made by Roman Polanski . This story is loads of the novel written by Charles Dickens .
d'avance .
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2010 12:14
Message de francoisc posté le 24-01-2010 à 12:00:31 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
Pourriez-vous m'aidez à corriger mon devoir (description d'une affiche) s'il vous plait ?
On this poster we can see a boy , who is running in the street . He is wearing poor clothes , wooden shoes , a short , a old pull and a old cap . A man is running after him in this old street made of paving stone . The name of this boy is Oliver Twist . The film is made by Roman Polanski . This story is loads of the novel written by Charles Dickens .

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2010 12:14
Réponse: Correction /Oliver Twist de gabi26, postée le 24-01-2010 à 12:26:13 (S | E)
"On this poster we can see a boy , who is running in the street . He is wearing poor clothes , wooden shoes , a short , a old pull and a old cap . A man is running after him in this old street made of paving stone . The name of this boy is Oliver Twist . The film is made by Roman Polanski . This story is loads of the novel written by Charles Dickens ."
Voici quelques pistes et suggestions:
Revoir le règles de l'article indéfini anglais "a/an"
Attention à ne pas oublier les marques du pluriel
et à ne pas mettre de virgules ni de mots en trop...(première phrase)
Côté tenue vestimentaire, attention aux "faux-amis".
Concernant "wooden shoes" et "made by Roman Polanski" tu peux peut-être enrichir ton voca de mot équivalents plus spécifiques.
Quant à "loads of" je ne comprends pas... Un film est une adaptation (cinématographique)d'un roman, récit, nouvelle...On dit aussi un film tiré d'une histoire, d'un roman...
Mais je trouve ça très bien dans l'ensemble. Continue comme ça!
Bon courage à toi.
Réponse: Correction /Oliver Twist de francoisc, postée le 24-01-2010 à 12:58:28 (S | E)

On this poster we can see a boy who is running in the street . He is wearing used clothes , black clogs , a short , an old pull and an old cap . A man is running after him in this old street made of paving stones . The name of this boy is Oliver Twist . The film is directed by Roman Polanski . This story is pulled by the novel written by Charles Dickens .
Réponse: Correction /Oliver Twist de gabi26, postée le 24-01-2010 à 13:32:35 (S | E)
Attention tu as encore un faux ami qui se balade...
Autre piste pour la fin:
The film is based on ...
the film is an adaptation of ...
Et puis poster... > une affiche de cinéma (précise si tu peux en trouvant le bon groupe de mots)
Bye. Gabi.
Réponse: Correction /Oliver Twist de francoisc, postée le 24-01-2010 à 14:05:55 (S | E)
voici ma nouvelle correction :
On this film poster we can see a boy who is running in the street . He is wearing used clothes , black clogs , a short , an old pullover and an old cap . A man is running after him in this old street made of paving stones . The name of this boy is Oliver Twist . The film is directed by Roman Polanski . This film is an adaptation of the novel written by Charles Dickens .

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