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Correction/ your diary
Message de alexane01 posté le 18-02-2010 à 12:20:37
j'ai beaucoup de difficultés en anglais et j'aurai besoin que l'on me corrige. Je dois expliquer dans cet extrait de journal intime, un problème que j'ai rencontré. Je dois également me rassurer. Il faut que j'utilise l'obligation au passé (had to) mais je n'y arrive pas. Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de fautes
. Dois-je ajouter plus de détails, des mots de liaisons, un vocabulaire plus approfondi ?
Merci d'avance ! Cordialement.
Extrait :
Ok. Don't panic ! I continue to think that it isn't of my fault. I have never asked to undergo violence on behalf of my companions. Up to here, I said nothing because it was only about kicks, slaps, trips, punches... anything of very serious!
But this time this, things are past at the upper stage! I returned yesterday evening with a beautiful mark on the left hand: one of the girls of my class had decided to test the effects of a lead of pencil on the arm...
She obliged me to return him(her) some money(silver) if I hoped that she stops making me undergo violence. This morning, I gave her £20 that I had found in purse of my parents, but she said to me that it was not enough, that the peace had a price. What I have to make? Can be that she is going to stop if I return her again a little money. I don't believe that I have to speak about it to my parents or to the police because she could take revenge, and that would be the worse. But one needs I have to speak about it, after all she too is only a child and her parents will be certainly very dissatisfied with what she made... I shouldn't worry, that is going to arrange.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2010 12:43
+ titre en minuscules
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2010 12:54
gerondif a raison; topic fermé car nous ne prenons pas ce genre de traduction en compte.
Message de alexane01 posté le 18-02-2010 à 12:20:37
j'ai beaucoup de difficultés en anglais et j'aurai besoin que l'on me corrige. Je dois expliquer dans cet extrait de journal intime, un problème que j'ai rencontré. Je dois également me rassurer. Il faut que j'utilise l'obligation au passé (had to) mais je n'y arrive pas. Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de fautes

Merci d'avance ! Cordialement.
Extrait :
Ok. Don't panic ! I continue to think that it isn't of my fault. I have never asked to undergo violence on behalf of my companions. Up to here, I said nothing because it was only about kicks, slaps, trips, punches... anything of very serious!
But this time this, things are past at the upper stage! I returned yesterday evening with a beautiful mark on the left hand: one of the girls of my class had decided to test the effects of a lead of pencil on the arm...
She obliged me to return him(her) some money(silver) if I hoped that she stops making me undergo violence. This morning, I gave her £20 that I had found in purse of my parents, but she said to me that it was not enough, that the peace had a price. What I have to make? Can be that she is going to stop if I return her again a little money. I don't believe that I have to speak about it to my parents or to the police because she could take revenge, and that would be the worse. But one needs I have to speak about it, after all she too is only a child and her parents will be certainly very dissatisfied with what she made... I shouldn't worry, that is going to arrange.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2010 12:43
+ titre en minuscules
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2010 12:54
gerondif a raison; topic fermé car nous ne prenons pas ce genre de traduction en compte.
Réponse: Correction/ your diary de gerondif, postée le 18-02-2010 à 12:48:09
Je n'avais encore jamais vu "can be that" pour "peut-être que". Vous avez dû le taper sans tirets pour que le traducteur le traduise par des mots séparés.
Faites un travail personnel si vous voulez que les bénévoles du site vous corrigent et comme le dit votre traducteur "that is going to arrange!"
tout va s'arranger = everything is going to be all right !