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Translation/ 2 proverbs
Message de touraco-7 posté le 15-06-2010 à 20:37:14 (S | E | F)
Hi everybody,
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer ce qu'est un "policy wonk" et un "oxcart"?
Le contexte parle de proverbe:
could someone explain to me what means "policy wonk" and "oxcart" mean? The context deals with proverbs:
""As the proverb goes (it is a favourite amongst policy wonks)
"To find your way in the fog, follow the tracks of the oxcart ahead".""
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-06-2010 20:44
Message de touraco-7 posté le 15-06-2010 à 20:37:14 (S | E | F)
Hi everybody,
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer ce qu'est un "policy wonk" et un "oxcart"?
Le contexte parle de proverbe:
could someone explain to me what
""As the proverb goes (it is a favourite amongst policy wonks)
"To find your way in the fog, follow the tracks of the oxcart ahead".""
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-06-2010 20:44
Réponse: Translation/ 2 proverbs de gerondif, postée le 15-06-2010 à 22:36:26 (S | E)
le proverbe signifie:
Pour trouver ton chemin (ta route) dans le brouillard, suis les traces du char à boeufs devant (ox-cart: char à boeufs.)
un double click sur wonk donne : un bûcheur, un bosseur.
Réponse: Translation/ 2 proverbs de notrepere, postée le 16-06-2010 à 05:37:20 (S | E)
policy wonk: Lien Internet
Réponse: Translation/ 2 proverbs de touraco-7, postée le 16-06-2010 à 11:12:57 (S | E)
Thanks guys! (lucile83, this quote was written in American English so as you probably know they write "favorite" instead of "favourite" :-)
Modifié par lucile83 le 16-06-2010 16:39
Is it an American English proverb or a British English one?
Réponse: Translation/ 2 proverbs de notrepere, postée le 16-06-2010 à 19:45:12 (S | E)
Hello Lucile! It appears to be used on both sides of the ocean. I found references in both UK and non-UK sources (such as Time magazine). But it's not a common term. By definition (in one source), it is comparable to the word "nerd". There are over 25 million hits on the word "nerd" but only 1 million hits on the word "wonk". I had never personally heard of it. As far as alternate spellings go, I think it's always a good idea to let English learners know that variations exist and not to favor one over another. After all, there really aren't that many variations. But if we want to "play favorites" , statistically, the American spelling wins
favorite: 742 million hits
favourite: 134 million hits
Modifié par notrepere le 16-06-2010 19:46
But when you are the moderator, you can do as you please. Have a nice day!
Réponse: Translation/ 2 proverbs de lucile83, postée le 16-06-2010 à 19:51:36 (S | E)
Thanks notrepere,
Then touraco-7 we can write 'favourite' or 'favorite'; I chose The B.E. spelling, that's all
Best wishes.
Réponse: Translation/ 2 proverbs de lucile83, postée le 16-06-2010 à 22:14:00 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,
As you wrote:
"it's always a good idea to let English learners know that variations exist and not to favor one over another".
I don't change 'favor' into 'favour' as you chose that spelling and I'm quoting you.
I agree with you because that behaviour may be useful when speaking English.
But I was always told at the university not to mix American English and British English and thus to choose between the two spellings,pronunciations,accents and so on.May I remind you that this site is to learn English? B.E. I mean.
When you write "But when you are the moderator, you can do as you please" you forget you can post many American words or phrases; I'm not narrow-minded and I appreciate your messages with the American flag at the beginning.
We already had that sort of discussion and I thought it was closed.
Best wishes.
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