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Correction/ currency struggle
Message de sushis posté le 18-10-2010 à 23:29:04 (S | E | F)
voici mon essai sur la guerre actuelle des devises .
Le texte est un peu long, mais merci à ceux qui corrigeront quelques fautes.
Bonne journée à tous !
Countries have entered in a currency war. Their weapons are quantitative easing, currency intervention and capital controls. The three mains troubles are the Yuan who is unauthorized by China to rise (America and Europe start fighting back), the rich world’s monetary policy with the Euro which has soared and the Dollar which has fallen and the fact that the rich world doesn't let their exchange rate rise but choose to intervene.
But these troubles are not, for now, dramatics. We are still not in a big currency war, none of the measure taken for now are very aggressive. But with the weak growth in developed countries and the undervalued Yuan, the currency war could worsen.
Global demand needs rebalancing away from indebted rich economies and towards more spending in the emerging world, even if it will be difficult. For example, some little emerging economies will probably have unwilling capital inflows.
One of the solution would be that China lets the Yuan rise. Some developed countries would like to call sanctions against China. But it is a complex issue, the currency war is a world war, we can't blame only China and America.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-10-2010 23:43
Message de sushis posté le 18-10-2010 à 23:29:04 (S | E | F)
voici mon essai sur la guerre actuelle des devises .
Le texte est un peu long, mais merci à ceux qui corrigeront quelques fautes.
Bonne journée à tous !
Countries have entered in a currency war. Their weapons are quantitative easing, currency intervention and capital controls. The three mains troubles are the Yuan who is unauthorized by China to rise (America and Europe start fighting back), the rich world’s monetary policy with the Euro which has soared and the Dollar which has fallen and the fact that the rich world doesn't let their exchange rate rise but choose to intervene.
But these troubles are not, for now, dramatics. We are still not in a big currency war, none of the measure taken for now are very aggressive. But with the weak growth in developed countries and the undervalued Yuan, the currency war could worsen.
Global demand needs rebalancing away from indebted rich economies and towards more spending in the emerging world, even if it will be difficult. For example, some little emerging economies will probably have unwilling capital inflows.
One of the solution would be that China lets the Yuan rise. Some developed countries would like to call sanctions against China. But it is a complex issue, the currency war is a world war, we can't blame only China and America.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-10-2010 23:43
Réponse: Correction/ currency struggle de sushis, postée le 24-10-2010 à 21:49:24 (S | E)
Up !
Le pire c'est que je mets d'autres textes sur d'autres forums à corriger (et j'en ai même encore d'autres que je n'ai mis nulle part). Mais mes textes semblent un peu trop longs pour les traducteurs bénévoles.
A moyen terme je prendrai certainement un professeur particulier (même si c'est cher...) mais en attendant je tente quand même un petit up ^^
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2010 22:06
Réponse: Correction/ currency struggle de notrepere, postée le 25-10-2010 à 02:28:49 (S | E)
Countries have entered in [verbe à particule: Lien Internet
] a currency war. Their weapons are quantitative easing, currency intervention and capital controls [il faut mettre entre "quantitative easing", etc.] . The three mains troubles ["problems" est mieux] are the Yuan who [mauvais pronom rélatif] is unauthorized [permettre?] by China to rise (America and Europe start fighting back), [point-virgule] the rich world’s monetary policy with the Euro which has soared and the Dollar which has fallen[point-virgule] and the fact that the rich world doesn't let their exchange rate rise but choose [accorde: 3rd person singular] to intervene.
But these troubles are not, for now, dramatics. We are still not in a big currency war, [point-virgule] none of the measure [pluriel] taken for now are very aggressive. But with the weak growth in developed countries and the undervalued Yuan, the currency war could worsen.
Global demand needs rebalancing [ponctuation "dash": rebalancing--away] away from indebted[virgule] rich economies and towards more spending in the emerging world, even if it will be difficult. For example, some little (small) emerging economies will probably have unwilling capital inflows [me semble bizarre ; pouvez-vous écrire cette phrase en français?].
One of the solution [pluriel] would be that (for) China lets [verbe en forme d'un infinitif] the Yuan rise. Some developed countries would like to call sanctions against China. [virgule] but it is a complex issue, [point] The currency war is a world war, (so) we can't blame only China and America.
Dans la phrase suivante, la ponctuation est manquante. Considerez:
Global demand needs rebalancing away from ... (non)
Global demand needs rebalancing--away from (oui)
The dash indicates a separation between the ideas "Global demand needs rebalancing" and "away from indebted, rich economies..."
Modifié par notrepere le 30-10-2010 21:17
Réponse: Correction/ currency struggle de sushis, postée le 30-10-2010 à 18:32:39 (S | E)
Merci pour la correction !
>unwilling capital inflows [me semble bizarre ; pouvez-vous écrire cette phrase en français?].
Des flux ce capitaux non désirés. Il me semble avoir lu la phrase tel quel (pas sûr mais il me semble) donc je pense que c'est juste.
>One of the solutions would be that (for) China let the Yuan rise.
Pourquoi le for est-il entre parenthèse ? Car on peut dire soir for soit that ? Ou car for peut optionnellement être rajouté après that ?
>The currency war is a world war, [conjonction: but] we can't blame only China and America.
Pourquoi "but" ? Je voulais plutôt dire que nous ne pouvons pas blamer seulement la Chine et l'Amérique CAR la guerre des dévises est une guerre mondiale.
Merci !
Réponse: Correction/ currency struggle de notrepere, postée le 30-10-2010 à 21:30:05 (S | E)
Vous avez raison, je me suis trompé! Le mot « but » ne conveint pas.
The currency war is a world war, so we can't blame only China and America.
Ou sans « so », il faut mettre un point-virgule entre les deux phrases:
The currency war is a world war; we can't blame only China and America.
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