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We no understand Greek
Message de peyton483 posté le 26-02-2011 à 11:58:17 (S | E | F)
Je dois écrire un dialogue d'anglais: l'histoire est directement liée à un texte que nous avons étudié en classe,
"We no understand Greek" extrait du livre de Gerald Durrel, My Family and Other Animals.
(orig. My Family and Other Animals - Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1956)
En résumé, une famille anglaise débarque en Grèce, la mère étant décidée à acheter une villa "avec une salle de bain". L'extrait raconte leur arrivée en ville, et montre, avec humour, comment les touristes sont pris d'assaut par les conducteurs de taxis grecs et finalement défendus par un "short, barrel-bodied" taxi-driver "with ham-like hands and a great, leathery, scowling face".
Le dialogue se situe après la scène: Larry, qui est l'un des fils de l'Anglaise, se rend avec sa mère à l'Office de tourisme afin de se plaindre de l'attitude des conducteurs de taxi.
Je précise que l'histoire se situe dans les années 1930 ou 1950.
Ainsi, nous avons essayé de jouer sur certains clichés "grecs" et de respecter l'attitude des personnages: nous avons montré un Larry plutôt poli, une mère hystérique et très "British", et un conseiller grec plutôt particulier.
Je ne poste que certains passages du dialogue, pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les fautes et maladresses? Certains passages sont volontairement familiers alors que d'autres sont voulus plus soutenus, pouvez-vous me dire si les expressions employées sont correctes selon l'effet recherché?
Bon, j'arrête de parler, voici le dialogue :
Larry et la mère entre dans la salle.
Larry: Wowowooh! Ok mum I know you are really angry with the Greek but please stay just right here. You wait for me and I will be back in a minute. Ok ?
Regard noir de la mère, bras croisés, lui tourne à moitié le dos, et fait un petit "mpfii"
Larry entre.
Larry [gêné] : Umh, Umh.
Greek [se redresse] : Nikos Rastapopoulos at your service. How could I help you?
Larry: Well sir…
Greek: Nananan call me Nikos please.
Larry: Ok Nikos. So first I would like to present/explain you my situation. I am an English tourist and I am here in Greece for the holidays. Well, before my leaving, I was told about the warm welcome of the Greek and I have finally experienced it.
I meant that I experienced the warm welcome of your taxi-drivers! And Mother and I encountered some problems...
Mother [regarde à travers la porte]: Holly shit! What is he doing? Come on Larry, stand up for ourselves! Do not be so polite! For once, be rude!! Is he getting on well with the enemy?
Larry: … But not of the highest importance, do not worry. I do not want you to waste your time because of me, I think I should go.
Mother [en entrant]: No! Get your butt in gear Larry!
La mère, main sur la bouche, interdite.
Greek: Who the hell is that crone?
Larry: No Mother, it is useless, we’d better go home now.
Mother: What?! What! Have you heard him darling? Your mother, a crone?!
Greek : I don't understand any of it: it's gibberish/ Excuse me, I'm not really getting your gobbledygook.
Mother [s’adresse à Larry]: I will not be pushed around like that/ I'm not gonna let him do it/ I'm not gonna let myself be talked into it! I’ll show the Greek what I’m made of, I’m gonna show them.
[s’adresse au Grec] After having been through the savagery/brutality of the Greek taxi-drivers, the vain visit of the (bathroom less) house in a godforsaken place (and with no bathroom), I should let you insult me? How dare you!? In my day, no one could have behaved in a so rude way! And how do you dare welcoming foreigners in such a country? I have seen the kind of toilets you are using: natural-position toilets, yes you are, well-known as Greek toilets!
Greek: It is Turkish toilets! Ohhh and how dare YOU mistake me with a Turkish? That is insulting/I’m insulted/I feel so insulted! Greek have nothing in common with Turkish! Honestly/Come on! We are infinitely/far more beautiful/good-looking. Greek are tall, slim and slender and our complexion is like the beauty of the sun/sparkles like the sun.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-02-2011 11:59
Message de peyton483 posté le 26-02-2011 à 11:58:17 (S | E | F)
Je dois écrire un dialogue d'anglais: l'histoire est directement liée à un texte que nous avons étudié en classe,
"We no understand Greek" extrait du livre de Gerald Durrel, My Family and Other Animals.
(orig. My Family and Other Animals - Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1956)
En résumé, une famille anglaise débarque en Grèce, la mère étant décidée à acheter une villa "avec une salle de bain". L'extrait raconte leur arrivée en ville, et montre, avec humour, comment les touristes sont pris d'assaut par les conducteurs de taxis grecs et finalement défendus par un "short, barrel-bodied" taxi-driver "with ham-like hands and a great, leathery, scowling face".
Le dialogue se situe après la scène: Larry, qui est l'un des fils de l'Anglaise, se rend avec sa mère à l'Office de tourisme afin de se plaindre de l'attitude des conducteurs de taxi.
Je précise que l'histoire se situe dans les années 1930 ou 1950.
Ainsi, nous avons essayé de jouer sur certains clichés "grecs" et de respecter l'attitude des personnages: nous avons montré un Larry plutôt poli, une mère hystérique et très "British", et un conseiller grec plutôt particulier.
Je ne poste que certains passages du dialogue, pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les fautes et maladresses? Certains passages sont volontairement familiers alors que d'autres sont voulus plus soutenus, pouvez-vous me dire si les expressions employées sont correctes selon l'effet recherché?
Bon, j'arrête de parler, voici le dialogue :
Larry et la mère entre dans la salle.
Larry: Wowowooh! Ok mum I know you are really angry with the Greek but please stay just right here. You wait for me and I will be back in a minute. Ok ?
Regard noir de la mère, bras croisés, lui tourne à moitié le dos, et fait un petit "mpfii"
Larry entre.
Larry [gêné] : Umh, Umh.
Greek [se redresse] : Nikos Rastapopoulos at your service. How could I help you?
Larry: Well sir…
Greek: Nananan call me Nikos please.
Larry: Ok Nikos. So first I would like to present/explain you my situation. I am an English tourist and I am here in Greece for the holidays. Well, before my leaving, I was told about the warm welcome of the Greek and I have finally experienced it.
I meant that I experienced the warm welcome of your taxi-drivers! And Mother and I encountered some problems...
Mother [regarde à travers la porte]: Holly shit! What is he doing? Come on Larry, stand up for ourselves! Do not be so polite! For once, be rude!! Is he getting on well with the enemy?
Larry: … But not of the highest importance, do not worry. I do not want you to waste your time because of me, I think I should go.
Mother [en entrant]: No! Get your butt in gear Larry!
La mère, main sur la bouche, interdite.
Greek: Who the hell is that crone?
Larry: No Mother, it is useless, we’d better go home now.
Mother: What?! What! Have you heard him darling? Your mother, a crone?!
Greek : I don't understand any of it: it's gibberish/ Excuse me, I'm not really getting your gobbledygook.
Mother [s’adresse à Larry]: I will not be pushed around like that/ I'm not gonna let him do it/ I'm not gonna let myself be talked into it! I’ll show the Greek what I’m made of, I’m gonna show them.
[s’adresse au Grec] After having been through the savagery/brutality of the Greek taxi-drivers, the vain visit of the (bathroom less) house in a godforsaken place (and with no bathroom), I should let you insult me? How dare you!? In my day, no one could have behaved in a so rude way! And how do you dare welcoming foreigners in such a country? I have seen the kind of toilets you are using: natural-position toilets, yes you are, well-known as Greek toilets!
Greek: It is Turkish toilets! Ohhh and how dare YOU mistake me with a Turkish? That is insulting/I’m insulted/I feel so insulted! Greek have nothing in common with Turkish! Honestly/Come on! We are infinitely/far more beautiful/good-looking. Greek are tall, slim and slender and our complexion is like the beauty of the sun/sparkles like the sun.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-02-2011 11:59
Réponse: We no understand Greek de peyton483, postée le 26-02-2011 à 12:01:38 (S | E)
[air inspiré, lève une main vers le ciel, avec limite des étoiles dans les yeux. La mère a un air dubitatif]
Okay ! We are tanned. Then, our language is so gentle, melodious, clear as crystal and fluid like a peaceful flowing river.
[air dubitatif de Larry et de sa mère]
Umffh [bruit hautain] you definitely don’t respond to poetry.
Greek guy facial features are fine and sensitive, their nose is majestic, their mouth is smooth and their eyes reflect their bravery and of course... their sensual beauty [papillonne des yeux]. To sum up, Turkish guy will never equal Greek, who let me say in passing, are built like a statue, a Greek statue! Ahahahah!
Mother : But who do you think you are ? An Apollo? No ! Honestly, you have a bit of a belly.
Greek: What? A bit of a belly ? Look at you first with your huge belly of American hamburger lover!
Mother: What? An American? How can you imagine a second that I am an American? I have nothing in common with an American! We are as different as … the rose and the thistle (as you seem to be an expert on poetry, flowers and divine inspiration). Because I am an English woman sir, which means that I (usually?) radiate grace and elegance in every single gesture. Class holds no secrets for me, it’s as natural as breathing ! The way I pronounce English, this so noble accent, is the indisputable evidence that I come from England, the birthplace of this so beautiful language. And YOU, you dare think I may be American! What a shame !! Comparing me to an AMERICAN WOMAN ! Come on, come on Larry, we’re off !!
Greek : Ooooh, he’s mummy’s !
Larry : [to the Greek] Shut up, you ! [to his mother] You, you wasted my time !!You (have) spoiled my holidays with your whims of English bourgeois/middle-class person. Her Royal Highness can't rent a villa without a luxurious bathroom. Who do you think you are? Maybe the Queen of England?! Oh, no! You are an old bag face to her. You know what, I'm clearing off! Oh and I almost forgot Mother: God save the Queen!
[Les 2 autres restent pétrifiés de surprise pendant une min]
Mother : “What ???? Must I remind you that you have to respect your mother who gave you LIFE !!!!”
[Les 2 se jettent sur Larry, qui s’enfuit, poursuivi par les 2 autres]
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